

Senior Member
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Bryan is very correct on this one. IGF-1 is necessary for proper follicular proliferation and differentiation. As a molecule, it is 99% protein bound. What makes reducing it rather futile is the fact that it's made by not only the liver, but also in an autocrine/paracrine fashion within peripheral tissues such as bone. The peripherally synthesized molecule often "leaks" into the systemic circulation, as well.

Autocrine/paracrine IGF-1 can stimulate local, unbalanced growth independent independent of systemic growth hormone levels. This is made obvious during wound healing.

More importantly, GH, IGFBP-3 and ALS form a ternary complex. Reduce one and you'll reduce IGF-1. What's more important to note is that if IGF-1 levels are increased and associated with hair loss, then it would lend one to believe that all individuals with acromegaly will have hair loss. This is not the case. Another important point is that IGF-1 is required for muscle maintenacne. Lastly, it's very, very important that everyone here understand that propecia raises IGF-1 levels in the scalp, which is quite likely a measure of the effectiveness of treatment at the follicular level.


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docj077 said:
Lastly, it's very, very important that everyone here understand that propecia raises IGF-1 levels in the scalp, which is quite likely a measure of the effectiveness of treatment at the follicular level.

In fact, there's a study that was making the rounds on the hairloss sites a few years ago that found that success at growing hair with finasteride was strongly correlated to the degree with which it raised IGF-1 levels in the scalp. That right there oughtta tell these anti-IGF-1 people something! :)


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According to the book: Hair & It's Disorders: Biology, Pathology & Management by Francisco M. Camacho, Valerie A. Randall, Vera H. Price....

IGF-1 Inhibits catagen and telogen phases of the hair growth cycle, and promotes the phase switch back to anagen again. According to Francisco M. Camacho, Valerie A. Randall, Vera H. Price: "telogen is best viewed as the pre-regeneration state of the hair follicle, that is, whenever a hair follicle seeks to regenerate itself following severe damage, it enters catagen in order to deconstruct itself and become and telogen follicle again. In fact, rapid catagen introduction is the most effective way to return to the telogen state and to reconstruct a new fiber factory. In addition, the return to telogen by partial organ suicide at the extended period of hair growth may also be associated with the inherent risk of hair shaft production going awry. Thus re-entering the telogen state during cycling may be a crucial for the prevention of malignant degeneration. The proposed telogen default sate, therefore, is more than a 'mere' resting state, and is clinically important, since it may be pharmaceutically targeted, for example by hair drugs that prolong anagen for the treatment of alopecia".

http://books.google.com/books?id=iCqCdO ... en&f=false


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MisterE, congratulations on consulting material from actual medical textbooks (or medical journals)! I strongly urge you to continue doing so.


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I suggest that you read up on a disorder known as Laron Syndrome. A disease characterized by insensitivity of the Growth Hormone receptor and severely diminished IGF-1 production. Examine the effects that it has on the hair of these individuals. Then, I think that your conclusions about IGF-1 reduction being necessary for hair growth will change as deficiency of IGF-1 causes impaired hair production, structural hair defects, and hair thinning.


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In summary, IGF-1 is good or bad for hair ? What levels it is good for the hair ?


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dpdr said:
In summary, IGF-1 is good or bad for hair ? What levels it is good for the hair ?

I believe that IGF-1 is bad for the hairs because it promotes the synthesis of sex hormones and inhibits the synthesis of Sex Hormone Binding Globulin, which regulates the bio-availability of circulating sex hormones to tissues (Kaaks and Lukanova, 2001; Cordain et al 2003).


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Personally, I believe that it's good for hair just as it's good for the health of numerous tissues. It's required for proper growth and maintenance of muscle, nerve, skin, etc.

It's mitogenic, pro-proliferative, and encourages tissue differentiation.

Regardless of the opinion of what it does to hair, it's obviously needed for overall hormonal and structural health. Plus, it's painfully obvious that those with IGF-1 deficiency have impaired how growth.

Based upon previous studies with propecia and its ability to upregulae IGF-1 when treatment is effective, it is even more likely that proper treatment with any hair growth regimen means an increase in IGF-1 production in balding scalp follicles.


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This is an article, by hero Dr. John McDougall.

******* When Friends Ask: “Why Don’t You Drink Milk?†*******

Nutritionally speaking, dairy foods are essentially “liquid meatsâ€â€”but worse, because people drink milk, and eat cheese, guiltlessly—often thinking “milk makes my bones unbreakable, helps me lose weight, and makes my skin as soft and beautiful as a baby's tush.†In their haste to sell products, the dairy industry has created an obsession over calcium that has become, in effect, a major contributor to the suffering and death of more than one billion people annually on Planet Earth from diseases of overnutrition—obesity, heart disease, stroke, arthritis, and diabetes.

In the late 1970s when I was developing the McDougall Diet—after reading the bulk of the nutritional science published since the early 1900s—I came to the conclusion that starches, vegetables and fruits were ideal for human nutrition. I then asked myself, what would be gained and lost by adding other food categories (dairy, meats, poultry, fish, free-oils, sugars, etc.) to this elemental foundation? In the case of dairy foods, I quickly eliminated the “calcium advantage†because Nature packaged her foods so efficiently that developing a disease due to calcium deficiency is nearly impossible on a diet of plant foods (See last month’s newsletter—February 2007).

After almost three years of exhaustive research I concluded: adding dairy foods to my original plant-food-based diet would only supply more calories, fat, animal protein, cholesterol, sodium, microbes, and chemical contamination—ingredients that were making most of my patients ill in the first place. In the final analysis, I found myself unable to discover any reasons to add dairy into the McDougall Diet—the hazards weighed heavily and any benefits were overstated, or blatantly falsified. Yet the drone from the dairy industry’s propaganda continues three decades later. I am the uncommon voice out there in the wilderness; people tired of listening without questioning will find my analysis of some of the dairy industry’s most familiar messages refreshing.

Dairy Products Taste Delicious—Actually the Additives Do

The National Dairy Council refers to their products as “Nutritious and Delicious.†Undoubtedly, consumers love ice cream, cheese, yogurt, and butter. But the reason is, they are loaded with sugar and salt; otherwise no one would eat them. The National Dairy Council knows the importance of adding sugar and other flavorings, reporting, “Studies show that elementary school kids drink 28 percent more milk when offered in “cool†flavors and packages.â€1 When I was a child, my school required all students to drink milk daily. A small carton of white milk was 2 cents and chocolate was 3 cents. I always splurged, because I gagged from the taste of white milk. The reason plain milk is at all palatable is because it naturally contains about 30% of its calories as sugar (lactose). Chocolate, strawberry, and other flavored milks contain additional sugar. The more sugar, the greater the attraction to dairy; witness ice cream with 52% of the calories as sugar.

My patients taught me how really disgusting basic dairy foods taste. During my residence training in the mid-1970s, I cared for people with kidney failure, who were required to be on very salt-restricted diets. One of my duties was to recommend they eat salt-less butter and salt-less cheese. Their response was, “Doc, I can’t eat a glob of greasy lard.†Without the salt, these yellow blocks of fat are unpalatable.

Sodium:mg/100 calories_______________Sugar:grams/100 calories
Whole milk 80------------------------ 8
Chocolate milk 72------------------------ 12
Yogurt (plain) 76------------------------ 8
Yogurt (fruit flavor) 53------------------------ 17
Chocolate ice cream 35------------------------ 13

Cheese (American) 383----------------------- 1
Cheese (cheddar) 144----------------------- 0
Cottage cheese (1%) 560----------------------- 4

Butter (regular) 114----------------------- 0
Unsalted butter 0-------------------------- 0

Adding salt and/or sugar to enhance the taste of potatoes, beans, rice, vegetables and fruits would be a much healthier and tastier choice, rather than mixing it with all that fat found in dairy products.

Dairy Products Build Bones - Actually They Damage Them, Too

The National Dairy Council writes, “A large body of scientific research collected in recent decades demonstrates that an adequate intake of nutrients (e.g., calcium) from dairy foods such as milk, cheese, or yogurt positively affects bone health by increasing bone acquisition during growth, slowing age-related bone loss, and reducing osteoporotic fragility fractures.â€2 The truth is dairy products can have bone-growth-stimulating effects.

The primary biologic purpose of cow’s milk is to cause growth—from a 60 pound calf to a 600 pound cow in less than 8 months. This “miracle-grow†fluid has several qualities that help accomplish this feat. Cow’s milk is 50% fat, providing 600 “growth-supporting†calories per quart.3 Cow’s milk also has high concentrations of protein, potassium, sodium, calcium, and other nutrients to sustain rapid growth. (In comparison, these nutrients are at a three to four times lower concentration in human milk than cow’s milk.3)

Dairy foods increase growth hormones: In addition to calories and nutrients to support growth, cow’s milk increases hormones that directly stimulate the growth of the calf. The most powerful of these hormones is called insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1). When cow’s milk is fed to people, IGF-1 levels also increase. Studies funded by the dairy industry show a 10% increase in IGF-1 levels in adolescent girls from one pint daily and the same 10% increase for postmenopausal women from 3 servings per day of nonfat milk or 1% milk.4,5 This rise in IGF-1 level is an important reason for the “bone-building†effects of cow’s milk.
IGF-1 promotes undesirable growth too—like cancer growth and accelerated aging. IGF-1 is one of the most powerful promoters of cancer growth ever discovered for cancers of the breast, prostate, lung, and colon.6 Overstimulation of growth by IGF-1 leads to premature aging too—and reducing IGF-1 levels is “anti-aging.â€7

Dairy Foods Raise Estrogen: The message that estrogen builds fracture-resistant bones (prevents osteoporosis) has been hammered into women’s minds over the past 4 decades by the pharmaceutical industry, selling HRT formulas, such as Premarin and Prempro. Food also raises estrogen levels in a person’s body—and dairy foods account for about 60 to 70% of the estrogen that comes from food.8 The main source of this estrogen is the modern factory farming practice of continuously milking cows throughout pregnancy.8,9 As gestation progresses the estrogen content of milk increases from 15 pg/ml to 1000 pg/ml.

Estrogen (estrone) production
Non-pregnant: 15 pg/ml
First half of pregnancy: 151 pg/ml
Last days of pregnancy: 1000 pg/ml

Well-recognized consequences of excess estrogen are cancers of the breast, uterus, and prostate.
The overall effect of the Western diet is bone damage: The National Dairy Council would like you to believe, “There is no evidence that protein-rich foods such as dairy foods adversely impact calcium balance or bone health.â€10 But these same dairy people know this is untrue and they state elsewhere, “Excess dietary protein, particularly purified proteins, increases urinary calcium excretion. This calcium loss could potentially cause negative calcium balance, leading to bone loss and osteoporosis. These effects have been attributed to an increased endogenous acid load created by the metabolism of protein, which requires neutralization by alkaline salts of calcium from bone.â€11
Thus, dairy products have bone-building effects—IGF-1 and estrogen; and bone-destroying effects—dietary acid and protein. The net result depends upon the final balance of these accumulative effects. (Note that calcium consumed results in little of either a positive or a negative change for the health of the bones. See the February 2007 McDougall Newsletter for details). A common practice of researchers designing studies to show dairy is beneficial to bone health is to first neutralize the dietary acids with lots of fruits and vegetables or add antacids (like Citracal) to the experiment.12 By this means, the positive effects, like bone growth stimulation from IGF-1, will dominate.

Compare the acid load of various foods:3,13 (Renal Acid Load per 100 calories)

Cheddar Cheese 10.0
Fish (Cod) 9.3
Chicken 7.0
Beef 6.3

Peas -1.0
Wheat flour -1.0
Potato -5.0
Apples -5.0
Banana -6.0
Tomatoes -18.0
Spinach -56.0
(A positive value indicates acidic, whereas a negative value indicates alkaline.)

Consistently, when populations of people who eat different diets are compared, rates of hip fractures increase with increasing animal protein consumption (including dairy products). For example, people from the USA, Canada, Norway, Sweden, Australia, and New Zealand have the highest rates of osteoporosis.14,15 The lowest rates are among people who eat the fewest animal-derived foods (these people are also on lower calcium diets)—like the people from rural Asia and rural Africa. 14,15 Dietary protein correlates directly with the dietary acids consumed.

Dairy Products Make People Trim—That’s Not What They Tell Each Other

The National Dairy Council writes, “A growing body of research indicates that enjoying 3-A-Day of Dairy as part of a reduced calorie diet can give adults better results when it comes to trimming the waistline than cutting calories alone.â€16
The dairy industry promotes dairy consumption for weight loss, even though they know their campaign is false. Consider the conclusion of a review article they funded that was published in a 2003 issue of the Journal of Nutrition, “Nine studies of dairy product supplementation were located: In seven, no significant differences in the change in body weight or composition were detected between treatment and control groups. However, two studies conducted in older adults observed significantly greater weight gain in the dairy product groups.â€17 At the Dairy Product Components and Weight Regulation Symposium held on April 21, 2002 in New Orleans, LA. Dr. Susan Barr (who frequently works for the dairy industry), said “In conclusion, the data available from randomized trials of dairy product or calcium supplementation provide little support for an effect in reducing body weight or fat mass.â€17 See, they know the truth, but fail to share it with the customers. Research published since this review has been supported largely by the dairy industry and fabricated to support their profitable weight loss campaign.

Recommending Dairy is Racist

The National Dairy Council says, “Minorities who have experienced gastrointestinal problems consuming milk are learning new strategies to enjoy milk and other dairy foods. This means that minorities (and non-minorities) with lactose intolerance no longer need to miss out on essential nutrients provided by dairy foods. The health consequences of avoiding dairy foods, the major source of dietary calcium, may be especially serious for African Americans, Hispanics, Asians, and Native American Indians. Many minorities are at high risk of hypertension, stroke, colon cancer, and osteoporosis – diseases in which a low calcium intake can be a contributing factor.â€18 This is fear-mongering at its worst.

White people have a high tolerance for the sugar found in milk, known as lactose. Non-whites commonly have a normal, natural “intolerance†to milk sugars, and such sugars consumed after the weaning-time cause them intestinal distress with flatulence, cramps and diarrhea. Milk makes 60 to 90 percent of these people sick.

An editorial from the October 2006 issue of the British Medical Journal addresses this, “Furthermore, we need to ask the question of whether we are doing children a disservice by encouraging them to meet recommendations. Childhood obesity is on the rise in westernized countries, and dairy products—the main source of calcium recommended by nutrition guidelines—contribute greatly to the intake of fat and sugar in children. Nearly three quarters of the world's population are estimated to be lactose intolerant after the age of weaning and therefore do not tolerate the consumption of milk and other dairy products well. In addition, some studies suggest that the consumption of cow's milk increases the risk of some types of cancer.â€19 Diary products do essentially nothing to help prevent or treat hypertension either—at best, a review funded by the dairy industry showed a reduction of 1.44 mmHg systolic and 0.84 mmHg diastolic.20 (By comparison, our results from the McDougall residential center show a 23/14 mmHg decrease in blood pressure in people with high blood pressure (150/90 mmHg or greater) in less than 10 days; and almost all of these people were taken off all of their blood pressure medication during the 10 days.)

Dairy foods are high in calories, fat and cholesterol; contributing to the cause of heart disease, strokes, type-2 diabetes, and obesity. They are high on the food chain so they accumulate, in sometimes dangerous amounts, environmental chemicals. Dairy protein is the number one cause of food allergies and can cause more serious forms of “food allergy†called autoimmune diseases. Dairy products are also known to be infected with life-threatening microbes, including E. Coli, listeria, salmonella, staphylococci, tuberculosis, bovine leukemia viruses, and bovine AIDS viruses. A more complete discussion of the hazards of cow’s milk is found in my May 2003 newsletter article, “Marketing Milk and Disease.â€

The Dairy Industry Remains Unaccountable

Because of their financial power and political connections, the people in the dairy industry can say whatever they want and no one can stop them. Questioning consumers, however, might ask themselves, “Why are humans the only animals that drink milk of another species, and continue to drink it after normal weaning-time?†And “Why would Nature (or our Creator) design us so that in order to get a necessary nutrient, calcium, we must risk our lives?
With a $206.5 million annual budget dedicated to confusing people and covering up the truth for the sake of profits, and with the current political climate, there is no hope of regulating the dairy industry—or more appropriately for such a hazardous substance, outlawing these cow products for human consumption.21 Fortunately, thinking people are freeing themselves and their families from sickness and obesity by learning that human nutritional needs are far removed from those of baby cows.


1) Add flavorings to milk: http://www.nationaldairycouncil.org/nat ... _Bones.pdf
2) Dairy positively affects bone health by: http://www.nationaldairycouncil.org/Nat ... 3Page1.htm
3) J Pennington. Bowes & Church’s Food Values of Portions Commonly Used. 17th Ed. Lippincott. Philadelphia- New York. 1998.
4 Cadogan J, Eastell R, Jones N, Barker ME. Milk intake and bone mineral acquisition in adolescent girls: randomised, controlled intervention trial. BMJ. 1997 Nov 15;315(7118):1255-60.
5) Heaney RP, McCarron DA, Dawson-Hughes B, Oparil S, Berga SL, Stern JS, Barr SI, Rosen CJ. Dietary changes favorably affect bone remodeling in older adults. J Am Diet Assoc. 1999 Oct;99(10):1228-33.
6) Moschos SJ, Mantzoros CS. The role of the IGF system in cancer: from basic to clinical studies and clinical applications. Oncology. 2002;63(4):317-32.
7) Rincon M, Rudin E, Barzilai N. The insulin/IGF-1 signaling in mammals and its relevance to human longevity. Exp Gerontol. 2005 Nov;40(11):873-7.
8) Sharpe R. Are oestrogens involved in falling sperm counts and disorders of the male reproductive tract? Lancet 341:1392, 1993.
9) Janowski T. Mammary secretion of oestrogens in the cow. Domest Anim Endocrinol. 2002 Jul;23(1-2):125-37.
10) No evidence dairy foods adversely impact calcium balance or bone health: http://www.nationaldairycouncil.org/Nat ... 1Page1.htm
11) Excess dietary protein, particularly purified proteins: http://www.nationaldairycouncil.org/Nat ... 5Page1.htm
12) New SA. Calcium, protein, and fruit and vegetables as dietary determinants of bone health. Am J Clin Nutr. 2003 May;77(5):1340-1.
13) ) Remer T. Potential renal acid load of foods and its influence on urine pH. J Am Diet Assoc. 1995 Jul;95(7):791-7.
14) Abelow B. Cross-cultural association between dietary animal protein and hip fracture: a hypothesis. Calcific Tissue Int 50:14-8, 1992.
15) Frassetto LA . Worldwide incidence of hip fracture in elderly women: relation to consumption of animal and vegetable foods. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2000 Oct;55(10):M585-92.
16) 3-A-Day of Dairy as part of a reduced calorie diet: http://www.nationaldairycouncil.org/nat ... lthyweight
17) Barr SI. Increased dairy product or calcium intake: is body weight or composition affected in humans? J Nutr. 2003 Jan;133(1):245S-248S.
18) Minorities who have experienced gastrointestinal problems: http://www.nationaldairycouncil.org/nat ... erance.pdf
19) Lanou AJ. Bone health in children. BMJ. 2006 Oct 14;333(7572):763-4.
20) Griffith LE, Guyatt GH, Cook RJ, Bucher HC, Cook DJ. The influence of dietary and nondietary calcium supplementation on blood pressure: an updated metaanalysis of randomized controlled trials. Am J Hypertens. 1999 Jan;12(1 Pt 1):84-92.
21) Dairy Industry Spends 206.5 million: http://www.dairycheckoff.com/NR/rdonlyres/


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Re: Endogenous Sex Hormones and Prostate Cancer: A Collaborative Analysis of 18 Prospective Studies
F. William Danby
Affiliation of author: Adjunct Assistant Professor of Medicine (Dermatology), Dartmouth Medical School, Hanover, NH

Correspondence to: F. William Danby, MD, FRCPC, 721 Chestnut Street, Manchester, Hanover, NH 03104-3002 (e-mail: fwdljm@tds.net).

Steroid hormone concentrations do not appear to be associated with the risk of prostate cancer (1). A parallel disconnect between the laboratory and the disorder itself exists for acne, and a further parallel may extend to etiology. The link between dairy foods and acne, which was made originally by Bulkley in 1885 in 1500 patients, was confirmed by Fisher (2) in his 1965 study of 1000 patients. Recent work (3,4) links acne with diet in two ways—through its association with skim milk and dairy products (presumably by supplying exogenous androgen precursors) and through high glycemic load diets (presumably by inducing supra-physiological levels of insulin-like growth factor 1 and thus raising testosterone availability). Darling et al. (5) identified testosterone, progesterone, and two 5-reduced dihydrotestosterone precursors (5-androstanedione and 5-pregnanedione) in cow milk. Associations between prostate cancer and dairy have been reported (6), but what thread links all four—that is, prostate cancer, acne, dairy, and exogenous precursors and stimulators of androgen?

The enzymes that convert dairy precursors to dihydrotestosterone are located in both the pilosebaceous unit and prostate gland. Dihydrotestosterone appears to be the principal androgen responsible for both prostate and pilosebaceous growth. Some experts, however, consider that an age-related decline in the production of testosterone is responsible for loss of prostate homeostasis, which allows dihydrotestosterone to act as a carcinogen. I suggest that the chronic stimulation by dihydrotestosterone further destabilizes prostate homeostasis and thus increases the risk of prostate cancer.

Dietary androgens may have two roles. The first is as pathogens. The human prostate evolved in the absence of exogenous dairy androgens, and the negative feedback loop that controls endogenous glucocorticoids has no parallel inhibitory feedback loop for ingested 5-reduced hormones and precursors (Figure 1). Their unopposed impact on pilosebaceous and prostate glands may explain the epidemiological associations of dairy with acne, prostate cancer, and even breast cancer. Androgens’ second role may be to effect the persistence or recurrence of prostate cancer. The hypothesis of androgen-driven prostate cancer has led to use of specific strategies and medications to lower androgen levels, including orchi(d)ectomy and treatment with finasteride and dutasteride. However, metastatic prostate tumor cells contain enzymes that mediate intracrine production of dihydrotestosterone from precursors derived from dairy products; this dihydrotestosterone may support the survival of the tumor. Patients with metastatic prostate cancer often consume dairy products as an increasing percentage of the diet, and this practice may thus be more detrimental than beneficial.


1. Roddam AW, Allen NE, Appleby P, Key TJ. Endogenous sex hormones and prostate cancer: a collaborative analysis of 18 prospective studies. J Natl Cancer Inst (2008) 100(3):170–183.[Abstract/Free Full Text]

2. Fisher JK. Acne Vulgaris; A Study of One Thousand Cases (1966) Available from: http://www.acnemilk.com/fisher_s_original_paper.

3. Adebamowo CA, Spiegelman D, Danby FW, Frazier AL, Willett WC, Holmes MD. High school dietary dairy intake and teenage acne. J Am Acad Dermatol (2005) 52(2):207–214.[CrossRef][Web of Science][Medline]

4. Smith RN, Mann NJ, Braue A, Makelainen H, Varigos GA. The effect of a high-protein, low glycemic-load diet versus a conventional, high glycemic-load diet on biochemical parameters associated with acne vulgaris: a randomized, investigator-masked, controlled trial. J Am Acad Dermatol (2007) 57(2):247–256.[CrossRef][Web of Science][Medline]

5. Darling JA, Laing AH, Harkness RA. A survey of the steroids in cows’ milk. J Endocrinol (1974) 62(2):291–297.[Abstract/Free Full Text]

6. Kurahashi N, Inoue M, Iwasaki M, Sasazuki S, Tsugane AS. Dairy product, saturated fatty acid, and calcium intake and prostate cancer in a prospective cohort of Japanese men. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev (2008) 17(4):930–937.[Abstract/Free Full Text]

7. Carpenter WR, Robinson WR, Godley PA. Getting over testosterone: postulating a fresh start for etiologic studies of prostate cancer. J Natl Cancer Inst (2008) 100(3):158–159.[Free Full Text]


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misterE said:
Drum-Role Please!!!....................Yes! I am completely convinced that dairy is bad for you.

I certainly think the vast majority of people eat way too much dairy. It is easily possible to include dairy in virtually every meal of the day, which many people in fact do.

I've always believed in the idea that your diet should reflect the energy intensiveness of the food. For example, meats and dairy require massive amounts of vegetation to be produced. Therefore, they should consumed the least and vice-versa for fruits and vegetables.

Wouldn't it make sense evolutionary sense that nature would want to rid the planet of someone/something over-consuming by eating the most energy intensive food?


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Bryan said:
In fact, there's a study that was making the rounds on the hairloss sites a few years ago that found that success at growing hair with finasteride was strongly correlated to the degree with which it raised IGF-1 levels in the scalp. That right there oughtta tell these anti-IGF-1 people something! :)

Exactly...Here is an excerpt from either that study or one similar.

  • Results: IGF-1 was up-regulated by finasteride treatment in 4 of 9 patients. Among the patients with increased IGF-1 expression, 3 of them showed moderate clinical improvement after 12 months of treatment and another patient remained unchanged. In contrast, 3 patients with decreased IGF-1 expression in the balding scalp showed clinical worsening after 12 months. The other 2 patients without noticeable change in IGF-1 expression showed either slight improvement or no change in their hair condition

Long story short: If IGF-1 is increased, you will most likely grow hair. If it is decreased, you will lose hair.

IGF-1 is a potent hair regrowth agent. The most impressive hair growth photos I've ever seen were from the capsaicin/soy study, which raises IGF-1 levels, and DHT levels weren't even altered. DHT undoubtedly causes hairloss, but IGF-1 may be even more of an important factor in keeping your hair.


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BoilerRoom said:
Bryan said:
In fact, there's a study that was making the rounds on the hairloss sites a few years ago that found that success at growing hair with finasteride was strongly correlated to the degree with which it raised IGF-1 levels in the scalp. That right there oughtta tell these anti-IGF-1 people something! :)

Exactly...Here is an excerpt from either that study or one similar.

  • Results: IGF-1 was up-regulated by finasteride treatment in 4 of 9 patients. Among the patients with increased IGF-1 expression, 3 of them showed moderate clinical improvement after 12 months of treatment and another patient remained unchanged. In contrast, 3 patients with decreased IGF-1 expression in the balding scalp showed clinical worsening after 12 months. The other 2 patients without noticeable change in IGF-1 expression showed either slight improvement or no change in their hair condition

Long story short: If IGF-1 is increased, you will most likely grow hair. If it is decreased, you will lose hair.

IGF-1 is a potent hair regrowth agent. The most impressive hair growth photos I've ever seen were from the capsaicin/soy study, which raises IGF-1 levels, and DHT levels weren't even altered. DHT undoubtedly causes hairloss, but IGF-1 may be even more of an important factor in keeping your hair.

Well, maybe D.H.T. blocks IGF-1 from the scalp, leaving it to float around as "free IGF-1" promoting body hair growth, instead of scalp hair growth. If this were true, would it mean that your scalp is insulin resistant, considering that IGF-1 is very similar to insulin?


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misterE said:
Well, maybe D.H.T. blocks IGF-1 from the scalp

I don't think so. IGF-1 didn't increase in some of the people on propecia, which undoubtedly lowered DHT levels by bout 80%. I doubt there is a correlation between IGF-1 and DHT. Propecia probably increases IGF-1 via another pathway.


Stop posting contradictory studies on milk. Although I think dairy is way overconsumed, you have already posted some questionable information. You posted a study that showed milk consumption caused a rise in estrogen then followed that up a study that states milk has testosterone precursors in it. What gives?

People really need to stop worrying about testosterone and hair loss. It's a sad state of affairs when people are actually worried what lifting weights will do to their hair.


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misterE said:
Well, maybe D.H.T. blocks IGF-1 from the scalp, leaving it to float around as "free IGF-1" promoting body hair growth, instead of scalp hair growth.

I don't think so. Capsaicin increases IGF-1 and (scalp) hair growth.

Insulin-like growth-factor 1 (IGF-1) is involved in promoting hair growth in humans and animals. Indeed, mice that have been genetically modified to overexpress IGF-1 develop hair follicles earlier than controls, and humans with an IGF-1 deficiency have sparse hair growth. One explanation is that IGF-1 produced by dermal papilla cells might promote hair growth through stimulation of keratinocyte proliferation in hair follicles.


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JLL said:
misterE said:
Well, maybe D.H.T. blocks IGF-1 from the scalp, leaving it to float around as "free IGF-1" promoting body hair growth, instead of scalp hair growth.

I don't think so. Capsaicin increases IGF-1 and (scalp) hair growth.

Insulin-like growth-factor 1 (IGF-1) is involved in promoting hair growth in humans and animals. Indeed, mice that have been genetically modified to overexpress IGF-1 develop hair follicles earlier than controls, and humans with an IGF-1 deficiency have sparse hair growth. One explanation is that IGF-1 produced by dermal papilla cells might promote hair growth through stimulation of keratinocyte proliferation in hair follicles.

Then maybe IGF-1 is high is the body (think prostate growth, body hair growth, acne), is because it is low in the scalp, due to something blocking it at the receptors...I'm thinking it's estrogen! If you look at the picture I posted above, you can see that estradiol has an arrow pointed at the IGF-1R (receptor).


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We all know that M.P.B. is assoicated with B.P.H.; also known as prostate englargment. Well here is "evidence" that estrogen does contribute to B.P.H.

Prostate. 2008 Apr 1;68(5):508-16.
The proliferative effect of estradiol on human prostate stromal cells is mediated through activation of ERK.

Zhang Z, Duan L, Du X, Ma H, Park I, Lee C, Zhang J, Shi J.
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, College of Life Sciences, Nankai University, Tianjin, China.

BACKGROUND: Estrogen is involved in the development and progression of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). It can stimulate proliferation of prostate stromal cells (PrSCs). However, the exact mechanism remains unclear. METHODS: We used the primary cultured human PrSCs and a prostate stromal cell line, WPMY-1, to examine the signaling pathways involved in estrogen-mediated proliferation of PrSCs. Cells were treated with 17beta-estradiol (E(2)) or BSA-E(2). Cell proliferation was assessed by the MTT assay and by cell counting. Western blot analysis was used to determine the status of activation of ERK1/2. RESULTS: Results indicated that both E(2) and BSA-E(2) stimulated proliferation of primary PrSCs and WPMY-1 cells. ERK was rapidly activated by E(2) and BSA-E(2). PD98059, which is a selective ERK inhibitor, significantly inhibited estrogen-induced cell proliferation. PrSCs expressed estrogen receptor alpha (ERalpha) and GPR30 but not ERbeta. Small hairpin RNA (shRNA) to ERalpha, but not to GPR30, blocked estrogen-mediated ERK activation and cell proliferation. CONCLUSIONS: The results indicated that estrogen could activate ERK pathway through the non-genomic ERalpha pathway, leading to proliferation of PrSCs. Prostate 68: 508-516, 2008. (c) 2008 Wiley-Liss, Inc.