For the most part, arranged marriages follow your first definition.
I am not sure if that is true. Do you have any data that suggests' that “most” arranged marriages are consensual? If you have the data, can you affirm that the sampling that was done was truly randomized and conservatives, liberals and moderate sections of population all had even representation? However, even if that is true, it is safe to say that in many instances women especially are pressured into marriages for things such as caste, religion, etc. So you can’t make a general statement that “arranged marriage is better than love marriage.” You will have to be very specific about how you are defining arranged marriages.
“In fact, I encourage marrying those of your own kind (not incels lol). But people should stay in their own race instead of diversifying.”
I fundamentally disagree with that statement. However, like you said, thats’ a different discussion altogether.
“But yes, I think religion, culture, upbringing, money, education, etc should play a role, and elders are great in deciding what's best for their child.”
Yes, being from the same culture does make things easier when it comes to dating. But it doesn’t mean that being from different cultures is an insurmountable problem. I am not merely saying that. I am a man of Indian origin and I have dated quite a few American and East European women without issues. Also, your statement that “elders are great in deciding whats’ best for their child” doesn’t apply to everyone. I know whats’ best for me. I know what I truly want and desire. In fact my father completely disagrees with my vision of life. However, that’s just me. Not everyone is like me. People are different. So your statement may be applicable to others. But it is not some general truth.
“Obviously the caste system is very outdated, as are many traditions in India. It's why they are a sh*thole at the moment. But at the same time, they've preserved values that are no where to be found in western culture.”
What are those values? Honestly, every society has some good values and some bad ones. So yes, Indian society may have some good values, but that doesn’t make it better than the west.
“But all in all, arranged marriages have been proven to be more successful than love. Divorce rate is a HUGE thing. Just look up the psychological impact a divorce can have on children.”
To say that arranged marriages have been proven to be more successful than love, you will have to run experiments in similar conditions. It appears that arranged marriages are more of a norm in societies that are extremely traditional or religious. In many such societies divorce is seen as an anathema for religious and other reasons. It is also thought to bring immense dishonor to the family. In such societies, many will never consider divorce no matter how miserable they are in the marriage. When love marriage do happen, it is often done by more liberal people who are more likely to divorce in the first place as they don’t have many constraints such as religion. So the game is rigged in favor of arranged marriages to begin with. So how do we accurately compare love and arranged marriages? One way to do that will be to look at the divorce rate of love marriages in the extremely traditional families. Is it similar to arranged marriages? Or you can look at the divorce rate of arranged marriages in comparatively liberal societies such as the US.
“. I got nothing against love, that's even better if you have great family values. But western societies for the most part dont. I just don't know how you can be against arranged marriages.”
What family values do you speak of? Do you think people in the west don’t care about their spouses or children? I can assure you that they most certainly do. A big difference between west and societies such as India is that women here are a lot more independent. They don’t have to rely on their husband or parents for their livelihood. They can divorce their husbands and still raise their children just fine. That is not an option for a significant section of Indian women. They are pretty much enslaved by the circumstances. Also, the societal consequences of divorce is nowhere near as serious for women in the west as it is in India. One very important factor behind the high divorce rate in the west is that women are more independent and free. Do you agree with that statement? You asked me why do I seem so much against arranged marriages? I am not against every arranged marriage. However, far too many times I have seen men and women forced into a marriage because of religious or caste reasons. Also, I personally believe that widespread arranged marriages are actually result of societies being extremely traditional/religious and women not being independent and viewed as chattels.