I'm Not Sure About This, But This Is How I Truly Feel.


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I love how you dodged my questions by posting a obviously wrong picture.

How 6% of the population can take over a whole continent with its 200billion military budgets, how Christians are as bad as Muslims when it comes to homophobia and how 7 of the 10 biggest economies in the world are run by nations with large immigrant populations is such an obvious questions, that fallacious response you gave was so on point.

It's as almost as they are outsourcing for cheap capital so you could live off the social programs and their hard work.
Problem is when they live off your work and have 5 children who exponentially breed and live off welfare.
Then you have wars and famine.


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Women hanged ? Are you serious dude ? No one whine here more than women and Egyptian feminists. And i'm sorry for the pieces of shits who harassed you and your mother, some Egyptians are just pieces of sh*t unfortunately.

It's because egypt isn't even that much islamic compared to other countries they are importing.
Egypt was scary as it was back then, I can't even imagine what are those who are coming from other countries like.
I say scary for a woman, I as a kid, if stuck to the main streets was safe, but I feared as well for my safety not to get abducted and sold as child sex slave.


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but I feared as well for my safety not to get abducted and sold as child sex slave.
LMAO. A child sex slave ? Dude come to Egypt for a week and i shall be your host and will show you how you flawed your perspective and claims are.


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Whose keeping you from having 5 children? I always hear this argument against Muslims but as far as I know I'm a Catholic and nobody is stopping me from having as many children as I want, maybe hairloss is putting a wrench in the works, but definitely not the government.

Also more children means a larger workforce meaning more money in the economy. If what youre saying is true than Serbia and Russia would be the most powerful economies and America and Germany would be a third world country by now.
Serbia and Russia are almost like America and Russia. You are delusional or an Albanian if you think Serbs are allied to Russians.
Serbia has deficit of population, almost -3% every year.

"more children means a larger workforce meaning more money in the economy."

It doesn't. If you are a neet like half of incels you sure as f*** aren't.
And what's stopping me from having 5 children?
Let's see.

-Marriage laws
- Inflation
- Women who don't want children
- Economy which will tax me 50%+ if I start making more money to pay for Ahmeds 5 children who immigrated and his wife
While I will be classed as middle class and have to work to death if I take a debt with +99999% interest rate.

And yeah, I'm a millenial as well.


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To end the homosexuals thing. Almost all abrahmic religions hate homosexuals and anyone who's religious telling you otherwise is lying. The Torah, Talmud, Bible, Quran, Hadith, etc. All of them encourage their followers to hate homosexuals.


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To end the homosexuals thing. Almost all abrahmic religions hate homosexuals and anyone who's religious telling you otherwise is lying. The Torah, Talmud, Bible, Quran, Hadith, etc. All of them encourage their followers to hate homosexuals.

How much of them start acting that way and driving planes into buildings?

inb4 Crusade


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How much of them start acting that way and driving planes into buildings?

inb4 Crusade
Yeah, but the USA killing millions of Muslims and Japanese/veitnamese is okay. They're inferior to the fellow American kings. And lol if you still think at 2018 that Muslims did 9/11. You're truly brainwashed and ignorant.


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Sorry guys, but i can't continue this discussion because i have to study hard to contribute to this world which is being destroyed by Muslims. BTW, i'm not running away from the discussion, but i have other important things to do.


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Serbia and Russia are almost like America and Russia (I think you mean Germany not Russia)
Well America and Germany are 1st and 4th in the world largest economies, Serbia and Russia are nowhere near that, proof that globalization, immigration and capitalism makes countries great, the right wing models you want give us poor, unsafe countries like Serbia and most of Eastern Europe.

It doesn't. If you are a neet like half of incels you sure as f*** aren't.
I don't understand what youre saying, I don't know what a neet is and am not into incel culture.

And what's stopping me from having 5 children?
There are no marriage laws stopping you from having 5 kids.
Youll have to work more yes because of inflation but that is the same for immigrants
There are women who want children, even if there aren't how is that a Muslims fault?

I know what I wanted to say. Serbia and Russia aren't as big of allies someone might think. And Serbia is a lot different than Russia. I traveled to both countries. Serbs have a culture really similar to Germans in early 2000s and late 90s.
Serbia is not right wing country and is working and cooperating with Germany far more than with Russia. Their government is pretty much centric and EU oriented. They have a lesbian prime minister lmao. Imagine that sh*t slipping in Russia. No way.

You're claiming you are a millenial, have been roaming on this forum and can't google what is a neet. Just kill me already.

There are no marriage laws stopping you from having 5 kids.
-Except alimony and nofault divorce rape.
Youll have to work more yes because of inflation but that is the same for immigrants
- Immigrants will have more social help from welfare than I will have.
There are women who want children, even if there aren't how is that a Muslims fault?
- Majority of white women don't want children. Majority of islamic women are culturally brainwashed and have to do what their husband says. Or you get free acid in your face. All while you get taxed 50% for equality.


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Well that's more proof that there is nothing to be afraid of as the authorities are capable of bringing the bad ones to justice. But because there are some bad ones does not mean we have to get them all out, stopping something because of a few is such a defeatist mentality and unsustainable, why all decent governments don't think this way. But hey places like South Carolina and Easter Europe with their amazing GDP are think like you so you might be on to something knowing those superpowers are on your side.

Eastern Europe got raped by communistic invasion and has been plundered to death. Guess what, they were also all about giving free welfare just like liberals today. Just a lot open. And everyone who was racist, sexist, ableist was sent to Gulag.


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Well that's more proof that there is nothing to be afraid of as the authorities are capable of bringing the bad ones to justice. But because there are some bad ones does not mean we have to get them all out, stopping something because of a few is such a defeatist mentality and unsustainable, why all decent governments don't think this way. But hey places like South Carolina and Easter Europe with their amazing GDP are think like you so you might be on to something knowing those superpowers are on your side.


Muh justice



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Like I said in a previous post, because there are some bad ones does not mean we have to get them all out, stopping something because of a few is unsustainable, why all decent governments don't think this way. But hey places like South Carolina and Easter Europe with their amazing GDP are think like you so you might be on to something knowing those superpowers are on your side.

I have just said the reason why is Eastern Europe poor as f***. Do you think Western Europe has gotten their money out of their thin air or was it because of conquest and inovation and work? Do you think they had uneducated immigrants then?

> not all meme

Keep repeating that. One hair falling off your head doesn't make you bald. Neither does another one. Until one day it does.


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> not all meme
I don't get what you mean by the meme, I'm not into incel and meme culture so I'm not sure what your getting at.
- You are comical. Claiming you are a millenial yet out of the loop of memes and whole millenial woes.
You are using not all argument, which was debunked by PolarBear with numbers meme, which you ignored. Just like you ignored statistics from wikipedia with " not all'.

Ask yourself, if you said " Not all Nazis " in your Commie heaven, where would that land you?

The problem is not only in eastern Europe, look at the US, the states that accept immigrants and don't discriminate like California, Washington, NY, Oregon are the richest and most prosperous states while states that are not immigrant friendly like South Carolina, North Carolina, Mississippi are the poorest, must be a coincidence huh?
- By that logic I can draw conclusions that Detroit is poor because of black people and or correlate IQ with economic wealth which would give me leverage to claim immigration is bad.

Keep repeating that. One hair falling off your head doesn't make you bald. Neither does another one. Until one day it does.
I repeat, because there are some bad ones does not mean we have to get them all out, stopping something because of a few is unsustainable, why all decent governments don't think this way. Some import drugs from other countries, that is wrong, so should we stop all imports? Tourists commit crimes, that means tourism has to stop too I guess. Man you should be president we'll be like Moldova in no time.

-You failed at math in elementary school, didn't you ?

Also tell me why is South Italy far worse than North Italy?


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> The statistics are false because my cherry picked statistics aren't.

- By that logic I can draw conclusions that Detroit is poor because of black people and or correlate IQ with economic wealth which would give me leverage to claim immigration is bad.
Detroit is so poor because all the industry left from there, when there was the automotive industry there immigrants made it a prosperous city. Even if immigrants did make it poor that still leave Cali, Washington, NY, Oregon etc as greatly superior to immigrant unfriendly states, unless of course for you the reason poor states and few immigrant rights in the US and the world are unrelated.

This surely has nothing to do with Civil War and later communities forming, right? It's cause of immigration. Also California has nothing to do with Sillicon Valley being the epicenter of inovation which was largely populated by nerds.

Nice fallacious argument though, very philosophical.

Implying one needs degree in philosophy to debate.
Try harder.



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> The statistics are false because my cherry picked statistics aren't.
There is no point in debating statistics, if you don't believe objective data than there is no point debating.

This surely has nothing to do with Civil War and later communities forming, right? It's cause of immigration. Also California has nothing to do with Sillicon Valley being the epicenter of inovation which was largely populated by nerds.
The CEO of Microsoft and Google are immigrants, Steve jobs father was a Syrian immigrants, Silicone valley is proof of the great impact immigrants have on society.

-No they don't. CEO is nothing without top engineers. Lots of these positions today achieved are because of politics.

So according to you there is no correlation with the most economically powerful states and immigration, its just a coincidence, guess the Governors of New York and California signing bills to protect immigrants because of their economic importance is a coincidence too. The 2011 Alabama field crisis because they didn't allow immigrant workers was a coincidence too I guess.
- It's almost a coincidence just like with immigration of certain culture and terrorist attacks.

Implying one needs degree in philosophy to debate. Try harder.
Your argument was fallacious, so it was in its nature, unphilosophical. Saying an argument is fallacious is not implying you need a degree in philosophy to debate its just stating the facts.
- Your facts are as strong as your hair strands. Sorry but I can't argue with someone who simply will ignore 90% of arguments thrown at him and go for strawmans and anecdotal evidence with no backed statistics, if any.
Not to mention common sense. Enjoy your detonations.


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-No they don't. CEO is nothing without top engineers. Lots of these positions today achieved are because of politics.

Those immigrant CEOs I mentioned were all top engineers, hence why they became CEO. I hope you know you don't graduate as CEO but you work your way up the corporate ladder to get there.

Steve Jobs was never an engineer. I can never take you seriously anymore.

Pichao has degree in Metallurgy and has an MBA.

Only Satya Nadella is el engineer related to his field.

You are talking out of your ***. End of convo.

Before it actually ends.

What is stopping people in their native countries of simply having more children and thus more workers ?
Think really hard before answering this one, please.


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Just because Steve jobs didn't graduate does not mean that he was not a computer engineer. He helped develop the Mac, iTunes etc, that makes him a computer/software engineer

Sundar Pichai has a Msc. in Material Sciences and Engineering, meaning he too worked as a mechanical/software engineer.

Mandella has a Msc in Computer Science and once again worked as a software engineer.

All 3 men got the job of CEO because they deserved it and were all immigrants or 2nd generation descendants of immigrants proving the point that not only do immigrants give a lot to the economy but states like California are so economically well off because of the influence of immigrants, the governor of California and major of San Francisco said this themselves. These guys have the pulse on what's going on in their state more than we ever could, they pass bills to pass immigrants, they know that immigrants bring economic growth and far outweigh the risks they bring.

> names 3 succesfull CEO's who were children of rich families and mixed with natives
> this is the reason why we need to import half of africa and is proof they will deliver the same results

> He helped develop Macintosh and iTunes
> Never wrote a line of code in his life
> This makes him a software engineer
> Never used electrical tools to modify hardware
> He managed Wozniak and others to do his "visions" from LSD
> This makes him a computer engineer

Me shitposting on hair loss forum makes me a doctor because I dermaroll my scalp and I'm also a philosopher because I ponder on the existence of life.

I'm out m8.