I’m single again, getting a girl is one thing, keeping them is another


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common sense... of course you need to get to know each other, but its either you hit it off, or you dont...
if you hit it off, then there shouldnt be anything to complain about...
if you there are issues in the beginning where there should be something like a honeymoon phase, then guess how it turns out once that phase is over^^

I just think things were totally blown out of proportion

the bird was going mental from me not getting back to her quickly, and becoming jealous whenever I asked questions / comments about other women

I just didn’t get why, given I was spending my time with her


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I just think things were totally blown out of proportion

the bird was going mental from me not getting back to her quickly, and becoming jealous whenever I asked questions / comments about other women

I just didn’t get why, given I was spending my time with her
yeah sounds like someone you dont want to date unless you are willing to never see anyone else again...
no idea what you asked, but i also dont understand how you ask your date about other women^^


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yeah sounds like someone you dont want to date unless you are willing to never see anyone else again...
no idea what you asked, but i also dont understand how you ask your date about other women^^

so to give an example, we were talking about pot and if she’s ever done it, she was telling me that her and her sister tried it in Amsterdam

I then asked ‘what was your sister like when she was high?’

as soon as I asked, she was upset, I asked her why she goes ‘why did you ask about my sister and not me?’ then accused me of wanting to date her and how I had a type and endless bullshit


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Do you have examples where body and beard hair, blended with scalp hair, doesn't look good? Seems like I'd need at least 5k grafts. But actually some specialists did say that they could work with me and give me just those 2-3k grafts in the front area.
Ok, but what coverage and density are we talking about? Enough for a buzzcut? I can totally understand high norwoods looking for hairline temples, front forelock, and midscalp recovery and just ignoring the crown area and buzzing it. It's a much more presentable appearance face to face.

This is what I think would work best (I'm not a surgeon). Your best donor hair grafts in the form of single hairs go in the front and you want solid density of 40 to 60 grafts per cm squared. Behind that you can go 30 to 40 grafts per cm square and cover hair up to around where your ears are, which covers the midscalp area. If by some miracle you have more donor hair after that, cover the rest of the crown area and combine that with beard hair.

I always wondered why not just remove donor hair and replace missing donor hair spots with the beard hair instead and get more donor hair grafts. If you keep sides short it should work well. Idk why that isn't a thing.

Would you rather have 3500 scalp hairs moved and 500 beard hairs moved to the sides or have 3000 scalp hairs mixed with 500 beard hairs. I'd rather the former since I do a fade anyway.


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Ok, but what coverage and density are we talking about? Enough for a buzzcut? I can totally understand high norwoods looking for hairline temples, front forelock, and midscalp recovery and just ignoring the crown area and buzzing it. It's a much more presentable appearance face to face.

This is what I think would work best (I'm not a surgeon). Your best donor hair grafts in the form of single hairs go in the front and you want solid density of 40 to 60 grafts per cm squared. Behind that you can go 30 to 40 grafts per cm square and cover hair up to around where your ears are, which covers the midscalp area. If by some miracle you have more donor hair after that, cover the rest of the crown area and combine that with beard hair.

I always wondered why not just remove donor hair and replace missing donor hair spots with the beard hair instead and get more donor hair grafts. If you keep sides short it should work well. Idk why that isn't a thing.

Would you rather have 3500 scalp hairs moved and 500 beard hairs moved to the sides or have 3000 scalp hairs mixed with 500 beard hairs. I'd rather the former since I do a fade anyway.
What is a fade anyway...? I haven't had a proper haircut in more than 5 years. I am fine whatever I can get. At the moment I feel like I missed out because back when I wore a combover I didn't even enhance it with fibres or concealers. I'd love to even have the opportunity to do that. As for that question, I really need to see what beard hair grafts look like on the head after a FUE. And how does the body hair come into this? The density will be enough for reasonable coverage or the surgeon wouldn't be offering it. The reason why I was turned down by so many who do only scalp FUE is because they wouldn't be able to cover the frontal area with sufficient density for them to put their seal of approval on the work.


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What is a fade anyway...? I haven't had a proper haircut in more than 5 years. I am fine whatever I can get. At the moment I feel like I missed out because back when I wore a combover I didn't even enhance it with fibres or concealers. I'd love to even have the opportunity to do that. As for that question, I really need to see what beard hair grafts look like on the head after a FUE. And how does the body hair come into this? The density will be enough for reasonable coverage or the surgeon wouldn't be offering it. The reason why I was turned down by so many who do only scalp FUE is because they wouldn't be able to cover the frontal area with sufficient density for them to put their seal of approval on the work.
Yeah thats my fear too as Is with all norwood 7 people. I just look at my dad's hair, even if they did strip method they would get maybe 1 inch from a conservative hairline to midscalp at best. You wouldn't have enough grafts to cover the midscalp with good density. It is crucial to get both hairline and midscalp because just a hairline would look very unnatural, but a midscalp and hairline with a large bald spot at the crown would, although still not very attractive. But buzzing it could work out ok. I think it's better to have the "I'm balding and accepted it and buzzed my head" instead of slick bald. But I will warn you about getting a hair transplant. You will need to pay for a really good one. The fact that you got rejected means that you are high risk for a bad outcome. Especially since you won't try finasteride.


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so to give an example, we were talking about pot and if she’s ever done it, she was telling me that her and her sister tried it in Amsterdam

I then asked ‘what was your sister like when she was high?’

as soon as I asked, she was upset, I asked her why she goes ‘why did you ask about my sister and not me?’ then accused me of wanting to date her and how I had a type and endless bullshit
ah alright... that is nonsense of course...


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Ok, but what coverage and density are we talking about? Enough for a buzzcut? I can totally understand high norwoods looking for hairline temples, front forelock, and midscalp recovery and just ignoring the crown area and buzzing it. It's a much more presentable appearance face to face.

This is what I think would work best (I'm not a surgeon). Your best donor hair grafts in the form of single hairs go in the front and you want solid density of 40 to 60 grafts per cm squared. Behind that you can go 30 to 40 grafts per cm square and cover hair up to around where your ears are, which covers the midscalp area. If by some miracle you have more donor hair after that, cover the rest of the crown area and combine that with beard hair.

I always wondered why not just remove donor hair and replace missing donor hair spots with the beard hair instead and get more donor hair grafts. If you keep sides short it should work well. Idk why that isn't a thing.

Would you rather have 3500 scalp hairs moved and 500 beard hairs moved to the sides or have 3000 scalp hairs mixed with 500 beard hairs. I'd rather the former since I do a fade anyway.
i can imagine why that might not be thing: sounds a) expensive and b) a pain in the *** for any doctor when he has to shuffle around hair from all parts of your body for something that isnt necessary and not even guaranteed to work...


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Yeah thats my fear too as Is with all norwood 7 people. I just look at my dad's hair, even if they did strip method they would get maybe 1 inch from a conservative hairline to midscalp at best. You wouldn't have enough grafts to cover the midscalp with good density. It is crucial to get both hairline and midscalp because just a hairline would look very unnatural, but a midscalp and hairline with a large bald spot at the crown would, although still not very attractive. But buzzing it could work out ok. I think it's better to have the "I'm balding and accepted it and buzzed my head" instead of slick bald. But I will warn you about getting a hair transplant. You will need to pay for a really good one. The fact that you got rejected means that you are high risk for a bad outcome. Especially since you won't try finasteride.

I know that it won't be cheap because I wanntt peace of mind that not a single graft will go to waste. But what I am worried about is what the donor area (esp. beard area) will look like afterwards, and how it will look overall. I still do not know how a normal hairline and frontal density will look like in front of a NW7 horseshoe.


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Yeah thats my fear too as Is with all norwood 7 people. I just look at my dad's hair, even if they did strip method they would get maybe 1 inch from a conservative hairline to midscalp at best. You wouldn't have enough grafts to cover the midscalp with good density. It is crucial to get both hairline and midscalp because just a hairline would look very unnatural, but a midscalp and hairline with a large bald spot at the crown would, although still not very attractive. But buzzing it could work out ok. I think it's better to have the "I'm balding and accepted it and buzzed my head" instead of slick bald. But I will warn you about getting a hair transplant. You will need to pay for a really good one. The fact that you got rejected means that you are high risk for a bad outcome. Especially since you won't try finasteride.

not taking finasteride might have brought him where he is, so he might reconsider...
i honestly dont even understand why, i would take anything to not loose my hair (anything that doesnt give me titz)... would honestly be using estradiol already if that wouldnt sound so risky...

i disagree with the “you need hairline” theory... i would do that naturally and have everything covered as good as possible, even if that means a higher hairline... if you do that for women (and be honest, that is peoples main concern here), you can transplant yourself nw0 and they still dont care if you got a nice
shiny spot on top...
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I know that it won't be cheap because I wanntt peace of mind that not a single graft will go to waste. But what I am worried about is what the donor area (esp. beard area) will look like afterwards, and how it will look overall. I still do not know how a normal hairline and frontal density will look like in front of a NW7 horseshoe.
I guarantee you some grafts won't grow. Even the best surgeons have failed grafts. If you can get 95% or higher you probably went to a top surgeon.

There are other factors too. Hair transplant surgery isn't just any surgery. It's an artistic craft. It has to look natural too. The best surgeon for you is going to have efficiency in graft yield and have the hairs pointing in a natural direction. This is very hard in your predicament and thats why you get rejected.