
I'm too young to lose my hair!


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Admin said:

Hi, I'm new here and am having problems wif hair loss. I'm 27 yrs this year, single and my hair is thinning till scalp is clearly visible. This is affecting me badly and am seeking help and advices. I'm currently using spray cover ups to hide the hollowness. What is the best remedy? Help help....


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Sneaky said:
Hi, I'm new here and am having problems wif hair loss. I'm 27 yrs this year, single and my hair is thinning till scalp is clearly visible. This is affecting me badly and am seeking help and advices. I'm currently using spray cover ups to hide the hollowness. What is the best remedy? Help help....

Please read our comprehensive guide on women's hair loss located on our site, and then let us know if you have any further questions:
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perms and straightners??.....

im 17, and i went and had a perm put in my hair back in March 2002. well i didnt like the
results, so i decided to straighten it with a black persons the same day! i know i suppose i should've known better. but also i had had blonde before the perm too, and now the blonde pieces have broken off at the root! i had to get like 7 deep conditioning treatments done and like about 7 inches of my hair cut off (it's really short).
i cried and cried for days. but i was wondering if anyone knew a way i could grow out my broken off roots faster? and is it safe to dye my hair red with a semi or demi permanent hair color? thanks alot

-dee :oops: [/b]


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Beatrice how are you ever going to remember that username when you log in? :lol:

I guess we'll see, if you come back!

What's a black person's relaxer? :)

In any case, if you have $48 a month, you can use Tricomin Therapy spray which may assist in speeding up the growth of your existing hair. This is what it was primarily made to do.

Good Luck


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is it safe to dye my hair red with a semi or demi permanent hair color?
I want to know this too beatrice!! i hate my hair color so bad!


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hair dyes

Hi Beatrice & Jennie,

Regarding your question about whether to use semi/demi permanent color or not: you can. I am a licensed stylist in NY and have used semi/demi perm color on hair that's been way overprocessed. Unlike permanent color, semi and demi are "deposit only" which means that the color sits right on top of your hair cuticle (the outer microscopic covering for the hair shaft) - that's why semi/demi perm color washes out of the hair relatively quicker than permanent. Permanent color is much more traumatic for your hair since it has a chemical that lifts the hair cuticle so that the color can penetrate the entire shaft all the way through.

Hope that helps : )


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I am doing a report for school :( on Hair loss. What can you all tell me about it? Do U know of any websites I can go 2 for info other than this one?

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Sneaky said:
Admin said:

Hi, I'm new here and am having problems wif hair loss. I'm 27 yrs this year, single and my hair is thinning till scalp is clearly visible. This is affecting me badly and am seeking help and advices. I'm currently using spray cover ups to hide the hollowness. What is the best remedy? Help help....

Hi Sneaky - I will be turning 27 this year as well and just realized myhair has drammatically thinned out as well...let me know if you've had any tests done to find out why your thinning. I'm going to the doctors tomorrow to try to have tests done....I feel like crying or screaming or running....I don't know what to do but I don't want to lose one more strand of hair.


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I really sympathize with all of you under 40 who are experiencing hair thinning/hair loss. It really sucks!!!

But, as far as I'm concerned, any age a woman loses her hair is too young. Women just shouldn't have to deal with this, too!!!!


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Sneaky and Too Young,

I'm also 27 and experiencing a large amount of hairloss in the past six months. I noticed that my hair has gradually gotten thinner since I started BCP about six years ago, but it was never anything so drastic as it has been in the past six months. I used to have tons of hair and I am now freaked everytime I wash my hair because I shed so much. I went to the derm yesterday and he pretty much assumed it was my BCP (since I switched to a different type in January). I got my bloodwork done yesterday and am just waiting it out. In the meanwhile, the derm gave me Rogaine 2% to use. SO I definitely know what you guys are going through.

Does anybody have any suggestions about what to use to decrease the shedding? I know Rogaine makes it worse in the beginning and I was already shedding a lot to begin with.


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Sounds like you've picked up a correlation between your bcp and hairloss. Hormone tests while you're on the pill will only be a reflection of the hormone levels from your pill. So, it's a good start to see where you're at and you can go from there. But, if you're assuming that the test reflect the activities from your body, it doesn't (mistake that I made). BCPs suppress your body's own ability to produce natural hormones, and imposes a regulated cycle onto your own using synthetic hormones. Thus, when doctors say that they "can't really determine much from the hormone tests" when you're on BCP, it's because the tests are picking up the pill levels; not your own levels of hormone production.

Remove the cause, remove the hairloss. If you don't resolve the problem that caused your hairloss in the first place, then as soon as you stop Rogaine, it'll all fall out again. If your bcp is causing an imbalance, you still need to figure out how to correct it. Either it's switching BCPs or going off of them and finding an alternative method.

I went for going off of them altogether. After researching it like crazy, I decided that it just wasn't worth putting my body through such drastic things just because I liked the convenience of it. I wish I had stopped the pill a lot sooner.


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I have definitely been considering it. I have also thought about switching to a different type, but my only fear is that since I have changed about twice within this year then my body would become even more confused. I am going to wait until the blood results come back in order to rule out other causes as I do have a family history of anemia and was borderline myself the last time I was tested. If that comes out clear then I will have to make a decisions. My only fear is to go off them and the problem not go away. 8O

I also feel that the Rogaine is pointless. It's a no win situation as your hair growth and keeping the growth is dependent on the medication. Dont want to be on it for the rest of my life. But I will try it in order to deal with the loss until I we can rule out things.

How long have you been off the BCP and have you noticed anything (physically, emotionally, and hair-wise)?


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My only fear is to go off them and the problem not go away.

So, what's the best thing that could happen for you if you went off them? What's the worst thing that could happen for you if you went off them? In comparing the two scenarios, which one offers you more potential for a solution?

I've been off bcp for 1.5 cycles. It's the best thing I could ever have done for myself. After reading about how the pill actually suppresses your ovaries and hormonal systems, and all the negatives with synthetic hormones, I am so glad to be getting it out of my system. I only wish I had done it sooner.

I'm noticing that my shedding is slowing down (with the addition of zinc supplements as well). It accelerated the first month being off the pill, but now my body definitely feels like it's balancing out. And just knowing that I'm getting my estrogen/progesterone levels back up naturally makes me feel better.


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Hairloss and the pill

Hi everyone....
I've been gone a few weeks and I hope everyone is doing well. My hairloss has slowed down now that I've stopped the pill. I wish I would have done it sooner because I went on the pill to control my androgen production thinking that was the cause of my hairloss. I'm still using the Rogain bid and taking iron we'll see. I'm interested to see how much my hair is going to grow if I get pregnant this year....(also it will fall out again post partum....) Anyways, I'm back on again....I hope all is well....keep me posted on all the gossip.....

Love Rozzy


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hi too young & vanessa

wow...this thread has become slightly more active already....i've not done anything till today except for application of tonics and massaging...and cover usual

my wedding date is too close for any major therapy (june 2004). i was thinking of hair transplant...any comments about it???

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Sneaky said:
hi too young & vanessa

wow...this thread has become slightly more active already....i've not done anything till today except for application of tonics and massaging...and cover usual

my wedding date is too close for any major therapy (june 2004). i was thinking of hair transplant...any comments about it???


Haven't heard anything about transplants but from what I've read that should be your last resort. I started minoxidil about 6 days ago and haven't had any of the ill side effects that people talk about....I use Nizoral twice a week. I don't know if its all in my head but I see little black specs on my scalp now - this could possibly be hair.......


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i've read about rogaine for women and have asked my colleague to get for me in a foreign pharmacy....hope he gets it...

has anyone used this product and is successful? any comments about it?


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SOrry. It's been a while since I've posted. Just got my bloodwork results back and surprise! everything is within normal limits excepts for my TIBC, which is high. The dermatologist said it is probably Telogen Effluvium, but I dont think he really knows. Plus I just realized he did not test my hormones! Frustrating to spend all this money on no real answer. SHould I go back to him and ask him to test my hormones? Should I go to someone else, like my gyno?

I have been using Tricomin w/o the Rogaine. I'm still a bit suspicious about it.


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Gyno is a good option, they "know" about estro/progesterone/testost. and where you should be in terms of levels, and how they affect you when the levels are off. Be forewarned, gynos may not know much about hairloss, but at least they can catch anything that doesn't look right in terms of your hormonal balance.

Good luck!