imagine not heaving enough money and time to even COPE?


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How much you make? And no shitty retail and desk jobs are both hard in different ways. The latter is a lot more responsibility and mentally harder. But yea ofc low wage jobs are physically fuckin slavery lol

more than double my country's average. but that's not really important. I got lucky mostly; nice inheritance and invested some just at the right time. plus I also inherited a nice house so no putting money in some landlords pockets

right both are hard. but I'd take stress and responsibility over no authority, zero upward mobiliy. that's stressful in itself, but it's a matter of preference


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plus it's not all about money either way. if you find a true passion to dedicate your life to, but that's exceedingly rare. being passionate is almost a talent in itself. it exists tho. sometimes I visit my old campus to check on one of my friends doing research there. dude's slaving away in academia while he could be making bank in the industry. yet he's infinitely more happy than I will ever be


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plus it's not all about money either way. if you find a true passion to dedicate your life to, but that's exceedingly rare. being passionate is almost a talent in itself. it exists tho. sometimes I visit my old campus to check on one of my friends doing research there. dude's slaving away in academia while he could be making bank in the industry. yet he's infinitely more happy than I will ever be
Happyness = sex and love. = validation = dopamine and motivation.


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Happyness = sex and love. = validation = dopamine and motivation.

the equation is not that simple, happiness can consist of more than sex and love. look at artists and scientists living for their craft, living for knowledge. but I agree in the sense that those are still necessities for the vast majority of people

moreover I have all the sex and love in the world and I'm deeply unhappy and lonely still

probably because I had a shitty youth. good formative years are so underrated and important when it comes to long-term happiness. almost impossible to compensate for a horrible youth later in life I think

Isaac Newton

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more than double my country's average. but that's not really important. I got lucky mostly; nice inheritance and invested some just at the right time. plus I also inherited a nice house so no putting money in some landlords pockets

right both are hard. but I'd take stress and responsibility over no authority, zero upward mobiliy. that's stressful in itself, but it's a matter of preference
Lol no offense but ofc someone privileged like you goes to art school and casually blows off having enough money as something you "climatize" yourself to

Isaac Newton

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money is overrated. I didn't have it for a while, now I do, not much has changed. I buy nice headphones/IEMs and upgrade my pc from time to time. sometimes go on a date and eat expensive food. but I mostly still eat cheap shitty takeaway. don't care for cars and I already have a home paid off. not much else to do

it's only worth it you're raking in millions and don't have to work. or if you come from an old, wealthy family and were born into a privileged/prestigious lifestyle
Rereading this, "didn't have money" is absolutely nothing lol. To white people this means not having enough for an iPhone 23. To 90% of the world this man's starving, electricity cutting out, and living in neighborhoods with weekly shootings lol. This absolutely f*****g screams privilege lol

I still like you but this casual dismissal of your privilege is f*****g disgusting tbh

Tbh kinda makes me wanna go full @Caillou and become anothr anti white ethnic lol