Incel goes on the rampage in Plymouth


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If you are leadership at a brand name firm then why do you still live at home (you said this once before)? People in that position get paid up to hallf a million per year and could buy an apartment in cash. Anyway, that's not the point... the point is that you seem to believe that hard work = success. But there are many people who work equally as hard or harder than you or I and have much less success. That's a universal truth and comparing your success to that of others on the impact section is a particular example. Guys on there are not doing anything different to you, but their results are different. Same as if I trained like the Jamaica sprint team, I wouldn't necessarily end up breaking 100m in under 10s. Guys on the impact section don't have the hair to be like you the same way that I don't have the genetic makeup and muscle insertions to be like Asafa Powell.

leadership as in a management role, I wish I was an exec. It’s all relative anyway, I’m in a better position than most and can easily rent by myself if I wanted too. Even if you are not at exec level just breaking into these firms is tough. That is why they are prestigious to work for.

I don’t buy what you are saying, no doubt it’s harder but there are so many bald guys who have partners after they’ve gone bald, that they have met whilst bald. My own brother divorced and has met someone new as a bald Indian

Also if it was all about hair why do you have people with hair that are incels going around shooting people like this guy

can’t help but think you like to make excuses to justify your shortcomings
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