Hey Pondle, i see what your saying, but do you see what im saying?
This is all i really have to say. These are the facts about DHT. Im not making this stuff up im stating facts. You dont seem to be acknowledging them.
Now its funny that you say treatment with T versus treatment with T and finasteride has the same positive effects on physical performance, strength, and body composition. Please post this study.
Secondly, what the hell is it with you and older men for god sakes!
And HYPOGONDAL given TESTOSTERONE??? We are starting to slip off topic. But i'll say a few words anyways.
DHT isnt ANABOLIC like T is, but that just means that T can help you build more muscle tissue than DHT itself. When you build more muscle tissue your bodyfat will drop because muscle tissue burns more calories. DHT is very mildly anabolic, and plays a role in muscle hardness, when you are already at a low bodyfat percentage, so unless this the case for these men, especially for OLDER men who were HYPOGONDAL, i HIGHLY doubt it. These men probabbly had more estrogen in them than a woman their same age. SO my point is they are a lot less likely to notice the hardening effects that DHT has on your muscles. Plus the fact that these men were given Testosterone for god sakes, that probabbly helped with the side effects of DHT reduction. If i was given T with Propecia or mabye even Dutasteride, i'll bet that i would have less sides too. And i actually said i had some reduction in fatigue,ect, when i used AIMF with Propecia. AIMF lowers estradiol and increases T. But i had no luck with this on Dutasteride.
There are guys on the steroid forums that have used Propecia and Dutasteride, and on cycle they notice some reduction in aggresiveness, but for the most part side effect free. But when off cycle they have more side effects. Its obvious that the extra T they are getting from the steroids are helping with the side effects.
But we are slipping away from the main thing we are talking about, which is the effects of DHT reduction alone, WITHOUT giving somebody Testosterone via steroids or T cream, WITHOUT giving somebody an anti-estrogen,ect. These things would obviuosly help deal with the side effects while on Propecia. Dutasteride is a different story altogether.
Old men CANT be compared to young guys in their 20's. Also finasteride incresed total T yes, but not free T that really matters. And IMO the increase in estrogen is enough in a lot of people, especially younger guys, to offset the effects of the increase in T, and even LOWER total and free T eventually. But for some people T actually Lowers estrogen, but this isnt the case in many people when DHT i being inhibited.
Yes 5ar inhibitors can prevent possible prostate problems from happening, but they can also cause you to have the most aggresive type of prostate cancer IF you still get it. Thats a risk.
And yes i agree about the placebo effect, but all the side effects that these guys are having are all known FACTS about what can happen when you inhibit DHT.
Ive never had a placebo effect in my life. I didnt even know about the side effects that inhibiting DHT could cause, untill i started experiencing things that i have never experienced before as soon as i started taking Propecia. As i said i was a healthy as a horse fit, ripped, 21 year old with an incredible sex drive.
As i said before i saw my Doctor and nothing was wrong with me from a non hormonal stand point.
As i said before i quit and 2-3 weeks later all the sides were gone.
THEN i started doing a TON of research on the topic, DHT,ect, and everything i found out correlated with the sides i was having. I also read AFTER that it will take 2-3 weeks for DHT levels to come back to normal after your last dose of Propecia, as said by Bryan.
So Pondle, how is it that even though i knew NOTHING about these facts at the time i was using and quit Propecia, that EVERY side effects i had, and the time it took for all the sides to go away, EXACTLY correlated with the side effects DHT inhibiting can cause, and the time it took DHT levels to go back to normal fter quitting Propecia?
Now thats one big coinceance aint it?
Now there are crazy people on the net yes, but there are a lot of normal guys like myself, that i can tell arent crazy but having conversations with them,ect, and reading their posts, so i tend to beleive them.
And by crazies i mean these guys that say Propecia made them gay ect, when we all know that guy people are born this way, and can infact be genetic aswell. Propecia and Dutasteride never took away my sex drive at all, but it did greatly reduce my ejaculation power, oddly Propecia did this more than Dutasteride, and my sperm was watery and the loads were smaller. I know, i know, too much info lol.
And semi castration is not harsh at all, since Finesteride IS an anti-androgen, and an ANTI male homone, Dr.Proctor said it himself. You are reducing the most potent androgen in your body by 85-95% when you use Propecia or Dutasteride. DHT is more of a potent and stronger androgen than T, DHT binds to the androgen receptor 5 times as much. This to me is semi castration, especially when your dick doesnt work as good as a result.
Testosterone takes a lot of the credit for DHT, as we can clearly see when things start going south when Finesteride and Dutasterid is taken. Why is it that we dont lose hair when on Finesteride, although it increases T, and causes androgen receptor upregulation?
Just as you said? Exactly because DHT is a more potent and stronger androgen.
A quote from Bryan:
" I read in a medical journal article that even under normal conditions, most DHT molecules end up binding to androgen receptors anyway, so that argument by your dermatologist doesn't make much sense to me. In other words, having more androgen receptors shouldn't make that much of a difference.
The sharp reduction in the availability of DHT molecules is a more significant factor than additional numbers of androgen receptors.
Here is another post from the same thread i quoted Bryan in, by a finasteride and dutasteride user:
" everybody seems to be different. I dont believe DHT is the cause for some people. I do have male pattern baldness.. i'm thinning diffusely. Testosterone is what is responsable for pubic hair growth,
but since i started propecia and the entire time i've been on dutasteride i lost pubic hair as well. I feel tired, my libido is way down when according to how finasteride SHOULD work, my libido should be sky high now.. an increase in testosterone is not supposed to make me feel as tired as i do everyday, and is not supposed to DECREASE my ejeculate volume by 75% !! and it HAS elevated my estradiol because i've lost all traces of any muscle i had, my biceps are incredibly soft! like friggin marshmallows my tummy is soft! my chest has fatty deposits. All these sides are symptoms of LOW testosterone! i also believe an excess of estrogen can cause hairloss which does make me believe that the hair that i've lost from my nape of the neck (the safe zone! the donor area) was brought on by the medication"
I can find more for you, from older guys on fitness and anti-aging forums, and also things they told me that their Doctor has seen in their patents that took finasteride and dutasteride, mostly fatigue, loss of lidido, bloat,ect.