Exactly, it is YOUR choice if you wish to rely on product "monographs" as the end all be all information guide for synthetic drugs, especially hormone altering drugs, without doing your research.
DHT is the most androgenic male hormone in our body for .... sakes.
But YOU nor ANYBODY else can go around telling people that increased estrogenic fat gain, fatigue, bloat, ect, isnt a side effects of Finesteride and Dutasteride because the "product monograph" doesnt say so.
Thats the abolute stupidest thing ive heard, you should have done your research before making a stupid comment like that.
Just because YOU didnt experience that doesnt mean you have the right to tell others, judge them, and tell them its not possible because it wasnt in the "product monograph". Especially when you dont know a damned thing on the subject of hormones, at least regarding DHT and how it can affect other hormones,ect.
Now if somebody says they turned gay on Propecia, or Propecia gave them athlete's foot, then im less likely to beleive them, because those have nothing to do with hormones,ect, which Finesteride and Dutasteride alter. If your gay your gay, bottom line, your born that way, and its been linked to genetics.
Now to be fair i never gained bodyfat or bodyweight on Propecia, other then a tiny bit of estrogenic chest fat, which when i got on some anti-e's, went away. But ive always been muscular and lean my whole life, and even though Propecia increases total testosterone ( not free testosterone ), the androgen receptors are upregulated, thus you may actually gain a bit more muscle on Propecia, but its less likely to be lean solid muscle, and ou can still gain some estrogenic fat in a womans pattern, and the estrogenic side effects may creep up on you slowly like they did to me, before i started doing my research on how DHT, Estrogen,ect, work and how they effect other hormones.
On Dutasteride my forams looked like friggin popeye's, because at my job i grab heavy boxes all day, but it also made my face puffy, i got fatigue, and my facial skin was pretty dry and looked like crap. My muscles looked more swole, thats forsure. When i added AIMF, i looked really vascular and harder,ect. Ive had comments in the past about my natural physique, but i must say when i lifted heavy weights during this time period, i was looking jacked as hell, like i was on some juice or something. Was getting a LOT more comments. I made gains in only a few seriously heavy weight sessions.
But the bottom line is when you alter your hormones, things that you dont normally experience, you can experience.
Exess testosterone can cause fatigue, exess estrogen can cause fatigue, too little testosterone and estrogen can cause fatigue, same goes for DHT. Increased androgens alone can cause some bloat,ect. These hormones effects insulin, and many more things,ect.
SO the bottom line is you cant tell people that certain side effects,ect, that they are experiencing from Finesteride/Dutasteride, or ANY hormone altering drug, arent possible because they arent in the "product monograph", especially when you havent done your research, and because YOU didnt experience those sides.
They have certain guidlines for how much your testosterone,estradiol,ect, will increase, but those are just guidlines, and they were testing older men, which isnt a practical guidline for young men like us.
Ive seen people's estradiol shoot through the roof on Finesteride, and free testosterone being lowered on Dutasteride,ect.
Bottom line when you alter your hormones and take them out of their natural balance, you can experience some changes. Good, bad, whatever.