
Incredible recovery from NW5: the power of super aggressive regimens!


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I just wanted to give a slight update, no pictures at this time but regardless I wanted to share I have changed my regimen and my hair is improving yet again, at least for now. I currently take:

7mg estradiol valerate injected intramuscular every 5 days
0.5mg dutasteride every day
50mg Bicalutamide every day
100mg Progesterone orally every day (am planning on switching to rectal administration soon, no I am not joking)
1% ketoconazole shampoo 2-3x/week
OGX Biotin & Collagen shampoo/conditioner on days I don't use keto.
1% Sandalore/Vanicream mixture 2-3x/week
Microneedling @ 2mm 1x/week, using 10mg/mL Lithium Chloride immediately after

I am noticing more fine white hairs coming down the length of my forehead quite far actually, and the stubborn temples are getting darker. Too soon after restarting my regimen to tell if they're going to actually do anything more than this. In the past I have had trouble getting the entire frontal region to grow past 1-3" long (the 'island' in the middle of the hairline seems to grow til about 3-4" and then stop, whereas the temples are lucky to make it to 1" long)
I like that you're including LiCl in your topical regimen. Makes sense in theory but seems that so few are actually doing this. With your multifaceted regimen, it's probably hard to credit some of the regrowth to LiCl but still wanted to ask?


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I like that you're including LiCl in your topical regimen. Makes sense in theory but seems that so few are actually doing this. With your multifaceted regimen, it's probably hard to credit some of the regrowth to LiCl but still wanted to ask?

Yeah I honestly can't really credit any one thing in particular for my regrowth, but I've seen enough studies about WNT pathway signaling to convince me that it's a worthwhile thing to explore. I definitely think it's helping me, given that when I first started using it, it only took a couple weeks for a ton of white vellus hairs to pop up all along my hairline... I just can't really prove it lol


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This site sucks for image hosting so I will just link to an imgur album with my progress/story. Please read the descriptions.
  • Current regimen:
    • 0.5mg dutasteride - 1x/day
    • 200mg spironolactone - 1x100mg/morning, 1x100mg/night
    • 6mg estradiol valerate (oral/sublingual) - 1x2mg/morning, 1x2mg/midday, 1x2mg/night
    • 5mg medroxyprogesterone - 1x/day
    • 5% minoxidil liquid (2 to 3 mL from my crown to just behind my hairline) - 1x/day
    • 15% minoxidil liquid (1 mL on the hairline/temples/temple points) - 1x/day
  • Things I believe to have helped in the past that I plan on picking back up:
    • Dermarolling with a 1.5mm roller 1x/week (no topicals on this day & I only did my temples/hairline)
    • Lithium Chloride immediately after dermarolling

I just wanted to say thank you for sharing.

Two years ago I was a NW3. Hormone Replacement Therapy got me to a NW1. I am now 3 months post Facial Feminization Surgery (which included a hairline advancement) and am at a solid Norwood zero.

I was able to do this because of you and the others who have shared their stories. Without them I wouldn't have had the knowledge to nearly fully regrow my hair.

Again, from the bottom of my heart,

Thank you, <3



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I just wanted to say thank you for sharing.

Two years ago I was a NW3. Hormone Replacement Therapy got me to a NW1. I am now 3 months post Facial Feminization Surgery (which included a hairline advancement) and am at a solid Norwood zero.

I was able to do this because of you and the others who have shared their stories. Without them I wouldn't have had the knowledge to nearly fully regrow my hair.

Again, from the bottom of my heart,

Thank you, <3


I love hearing this stuff. I'm happy things have worked out for you & my story has served as an inspiration.


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What did your scalp feel like as hair grew back? Did your temples (skin) feel more plush or dense?


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I wonder if she was able to keep her hair gains, or improve on them over the last few years, as she doesn’t appear to be active anymore?

Currently, wondering what her hair regime is now and if it's changed again?


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Usually when those who achieve success cease to post on forums. I was guilty of this myself