And you just proved
@Isaac Newton 's point. Serious hair loss earlier is way worse because you miss out on your youth and no amount of hair after or time makes up for it, the mindset and experience is just different at 18-23 period. There are none of those memories that we have. Like what you described in the first post, that type of feel good vibes and innocence is only applicable <23, you grow up after and so do the people around you, environment totally changes. Not to say hair loss isn't painful at 26, it is because you can see how life could change looks wise and you're still in your prime yet will fade fast. I know because I had my fun and romance at uni and at 26 it was all about to change, until I solved it (luckily not too aggressive).
Adolescent hardcore balding is one of the saddest events - I can see how that would stump development in many ways and nothing compares if we look at hair loss objectively.