Insulin Resistance Is Associated with Impaired Nitric Oxide


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So what I did is bought a wicked juicer...Hamilton Beach Big Mouth or something...anyways, the beauty thing about beets is that they are JUICY...One raw beet of good size will get you a full glass of juice..wicked...

Beet juice is pretty much the best thing to get your NO levels jumpin....and bigtime...So I add an apple and a couple of carrots and I have a tall glass with a beet juice forming most of it...fairly tasty...and obviously hugely healthy...

Beet juice baby...don't know if it will help with your hair, but it will get you zippin ... I really do feel a lot better after a few days on the beet beat :freak: :)


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Beet juice is potent...My pee is turning red even more with the juice!!

Either way, Nitric Oxide is brutally important to our health...I know that my NO levels spike hard when I take INFLANOx from Axiom Health (a Canadian company actually) and eat raw beets...I think drinking a full beet's worth of juice instead of eating a beet will be wayyyy more impactful....I expect my NO levels to go through the roof -- and hopefully to the roof of my head!! lmao

uncomfortable man

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Does nothing for male pattern baldness.



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Ever try something like Prevagen for ADHD?

wow cool! I did try a lot of ****.. pregnenolone, vinpocetine, acetyl l carnitine, omega 3 Apparently ADHD people are wired differently and are lacking of front stimulation in the front cortex of the brain...I am on a low dose of Ritalin right now which works perfectly.. just feel like a zombie sometimes lol ..


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I have been working on solving my NitricOxide issues for a long time. I take an anti-depressant, and SSRI's are infamous for causing sexual dysfunction via NitricOxide reduction. Anybody thats looked in NO probably knows there a lot of benefits from increasing NO, but what most people don't know is that directly increasing plasma levels of NO is virtually impossible, and when its not done by the body itself, its practically useless. Supplements that claim to be NO boosters are 100% useless and only sell because people do not take the time to understand the pathways in which true NO increases can be made and yes Insulin is one of the biggest factors.

The single most effective way to increase NO levels is to workout. Exercising causes arteries to expand to accommodate more blood/oxygen, and when an artery expands, it release NO which in turn relaxes that artery in response. Supplementing with L-arginine and L-citrulline will be beneficial but it is well documented that even though these amino acids are NO precursors, they are not rate limiting which is to say, the amount you take will never correlate accurately with NO increase. In fact, because NO's half life is only seconds long, there are no real studies that can quantify any change in NO increase. If you are going to supplement to increase nitric oxide, there are 5 supplements that help. (in order of effectiveness)

1. GPLC - (this is the only form or carnitine that influences NO increase)(This is the most effective supplement available with regards to NO increase)
2. Arginine - this will only ensure you body had the amino acids available to synthesize when ready
3. Citrulline - will support the arginine loop for recycling and remodeling NO
4. Niacin - vasodilator that causes arteries to release NO
5. Ginko - will increase blood flow and blood oxygen causing arteries to release NO

- in my opinion, the pathways in which NO effects hair growth and hair loss, is equally as important as DHT. Nitric Oxide is a very overlooked part of hair loss


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I have been working on solving my NitricOxide issues for a long time. I take an anti-depressant, and SSRI's are infamous for causing sexual dysfunction via NitricOxide reduction. Anybody thats looked in NO probably knows there a lot of benefits from increasing NO, but what most people don't know is that directly increasing plasma levels of NO is virtually impossible, and when its not done by the body itself, its practically useless. Supplements that claim to be NO boosters are 100% useless and only sell because people do not take the time to understand the pathways in which true NO increases can be made and yes Insulin is one of the biggest factors.

The single most effective way to increase NO levels is to workout. Exercising causes arteries to expand to accommodate more blood/oxygen, and when an artery expands, it release NO which in turn relaxes that artery in response. Supplementing with L-arginine and L-citrulline will be beneficial but it is well documented that even though these amino acids are NO precursors, they are not rate limiting which is to say, the amount you take will never correlate accurately with NO increase. In fact, because NO's half life is only seconds long, there are no real studies that can quantify any change in NO increase. If you are going to supplement to increase nitric oxide, there are 5 supplements that help. (in order of effectiveness)

1. GPLC - (this is the only form or carnitine that influences NO increase)(This is the most effective supplement available with regards to NO increase)
2. Arginine - this will only ensure you body had the amino acids available to synthesize when ready
3. Citrulline - will support the arginine loop for recycling and remodeling NO
4. Niacin - vasodilator that causes arteries to release NO
5. Ginko - will increase blood flow and blood oxygen causing arteries to release NO

- in my opinion, the pathways in which NO effects hair growth and hair loss, is equally as important as DHT. Nitric Oxide is a very overlooked part of hair loss

The BEST way to increase NO levels is to drink beet juice..period...done...forget all the stuff you mentioned - except for exercise, that is huge...taking supplements is never as effective as getting results from nutrition

I've monitored my NO levels using NEO40's test strips, and beets ALWAYS get's levels up...beet juice even more potent....spiking it with crushed niacin a good idea...could also had the ginko if you want...forget the other stuff


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You are right about beet juice helping, but you are wrong about the rest. I've have several discussions about NO depletion due to my medication with my specialist, and I have learned a great deal about its availability in the body. NO's half life is seconds, and the problem with the way Nitric Oxide work in the body is that it is released and virtually gone at the same time. This is why Arginine, Ornithine, and citrulline are important. Most people with a western diet do not have enough NO precursors free floating in there system to support a NO loop. When you supplement with the 3 things I have listed, every time you spike NO with stuff like beet juice, you allow for the spike to occur stronger and maintain an effective loop for longer periods of time which in turns leads to longer levels or increased NO. Drinking beet juice will spike your NO levels but not for any length of time that will be noticeable. Thats why body builders don't chug beet juice before they lift.


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You are right about beet juice helping, but you are wrong about the rest. I've have several discussions about NO depletion due to my medication with my specialist, and I have learned a great deal about its availability in the body. NO's half life is seconds, and the problem with the way Nitric Oxide work in the body is that it is released and virtually gone at the same time. This is why Arginine, Ornithine, and citrulline are important. Most people with a western diet do not have enough NO precursors free floating in there system to support a NO loop. When you supplement with the 3 things I have listed, every time you spike NO with stuff like beet juice, you allow for the spike to occur stronger and maintain an effective loop for longer periods of time which in turns leads to longer levels or increased NO. Drinking beet juice will spike your NO levels but not for any length of time that will be noticeable. Thats why body builders don't chug beet juice before they lift.

OK..I can drink that kool-aid...

This sounds like an expensive cocktail...NEO40 supplement might be cheaper...The test strips that you get with NEO40 show your NO levels -- I've had them high over a 24 period, but if you're talking "spike" then I'm not sure


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Researchers have shown that when our skin is exposed to the sun's rays, a compound is released in our blood vessels that helps lower blood pressure. The findings suggest that exposure to sunlight improves health overall, because the benefits of reducing blood pressure far outweigh the risk of developing skin cancer.

Production of this pressure-reducing compound - called nitric oxide - is separate from the body's manufacture of vitamin D, which rises after exposure to sunshine. Until now it had been thought to solely explain the sun's benefit to human health. [Researchers] studied the blood pressure of 24 volunteers who sat beneath tanning lamps for two sessions of 20 minutes each. In one session, the volunteers were exposed to both the UV rays and the heat of the lamps. In the other, the UV rays were blocked so that only the heat of the lamps affected the skin. The results showed that blood pressure dropped significantly for one hour following exposure to UV rays, but not after the heat-only sessions. Scientists say that this shows that it is the sun's UV rays that lead to health benefits. The volunteers' vitamin D levels remained unaffected in both sessions.

"We suspect that the benefits to heart health of sunlight will outweigh the risk of skin cancer. The work we have done provides a mechanism that might account for this, and also explains why dietary vitamin D supplements alone will not be able to compensate for lack of sunlight. We now plan to look at the relative risks of heart disease and skin cancer in people who have received different amounts of sun exposure. If this confirms that sunlight reduces the death rate from all causes, we will need to reconsider our advice on sun exposure."


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OK...I am thinking that sucking back a big glass of beet juice will do what this GPLC is SUPPOSED to do -- although I know that a glass of beet juice is hugely effective and will get my NO levels up based on the NEO40 strips...

I am already spiking my juice with crushed it seems feasible to add the L-Arginine and Citrulline to the mix and that should pretty much do it as far as NO levels go -- and exercising more, which I need to do anyways...get some sun, but don't over do it...

...the sunlight thing just makes pure sense...Winter months kill me...I am toast...Come spring and summer, I sit out on my deck and soak up the rays -- I am like a different's truely amazing...And I swear my shed is worse during the winter...

will this save my hair??? Not alone, but it should help the fight -- along with being super healthy...A person should be living this way anyways, IMHO...just as Dr. Oz says ;-)

Now back to finding the right topical to attack that SOB'itchin PGD2...CET works to slow down my loss, but it does make me light-headed and loopy..just no doubt about it...


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Just a quick note on Prevagen- watch out on the prices out there..the stuff isn't cheap. I just noticed they have a 40mg one now, besides the 20 and 10mg ones. And if you believe in the "decalcify" benefit for hair loss, here's this again:

Prevagen represents a novel approach to fight the aging process.* Prevagen Professional™ is the first supplement from jellyfish and the first to address calcium imbalance through the restoration of calcium-binding proteins.*
Prevagen helps keep cells alive longer by protecting the body from an age-related decline in valuable calcium-binding proteins.
Replenish age-fighting proteins and reduce cell death with Prevagen Professional™!
Calcium-Binding Proteins

99% of the body's calcium is contained within bones and the other 1% is in blood and cells. The management of this 1% is critical for cell health. Any dysregulation or mismanagement can result in an unhealthy cell or even lead to cell death.
The healthy human body is able to manage calcium within the cell using calcium-binding proteins.

Calcium-binding proteins fight age by protecting the cell from an unhealthy amount of intracellular calcium. As you grow older, the body loses the ability to make calcium-binding proteins at the rate it did when you were young. This leads to potential cell death.