True, but doesn't propecia (finasteride) lose its effectiveness after a certain time? I thought I read on this forum that after about 5 years, it starts to lose its effect. Or at least MBP starts "winning" the battle a little. I mean, I think after 5 years it will still help some... it just loses hold of those hairs that would have been the first to go after 5 years.
Anyway, I am hoping that they tweak HM to the point where you want to just go ahead and inject it everywhere on the scalp, in between hairs and everything, even on areas that aren't yet balding. And hopefully you can go in for "fillers" throughout the years, too. That way we can all stop taking propecia. Wishfull thinking, perhaps.
First thing's first - Get HM working on everybody. None of this 13 percent bs. And with terminal hairs, just as thick as the thickest hair untouched by male pattern baldness.