Interesting Video Of Guys Trying The Bald Look


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It's a good point, also the cap has a weird rippled skin affect when they move their head.

However let's face it, from 6 feet back or so that's basically the look that is perceived, and pretty much the idea when you walk into a room (and first impressions are hard to shake).

So yes indeed their heads look big and stupid, so the basic desired affect is pretty accurate.

I just think that most of those guys have got a fair bit of hair under that cap so it's making their heads look disproprtionately bigger and not an accurate representation of what they would look like. Should have got them to actually shave it or found 4 guys who would. Too many men haven't got the guts to do that. Also, what's with the unflattering long hair left around the sides on two of them? I think when you get to NW6 then if you're young you buzz it all very max grade 2 or 3 on the sides and if you're older then it's not bad to have it a few grades higher but longer starts to look untidy. it me or did they deliberately choose some of the geekiest guys going for this video (aside from the asian guy). Definitely no 'gymcelling' there.


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Man, all that fake positivity towards the end of the video was actually cringe worthy.

As each dude was putting on his "brave face" you could see his mind ticking over with the realization of how his life will change because of hair loss.

The house of cards was only a breath of wind away from crumbling down.


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They didn't even go bald! They just put on same fake bald skin and called it a day! Wanna go bald? SHAVE IT ALL OFF.

f*****g pussies got all scared of a fake bald head. TRY BEING BALD FOR LIFE!
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My Regimen
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Did you see the body language of the wife?
He asks "would you still love me if I lost my hair?"
She says yes. But her head tilts from one side to the other to suggest a big, subconscious NO.


My Regimen
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They didn't even go bald! They just put on same fake bald skin and called it a day! Wanna go bald? SHAVE IT ALL OFF.

f*****g pussies got all scared of a fake bald head. TRY BEING BALD FOR LIFE!
Exactly :D what experiment is that? They did not even have the balls to shave FOR WORK :rolleyes:


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Did you see the body language of the wife?
He asks "would you still love me if I lost my hair?"
She says yes. But her head tilts from one side to the other to suggest a big, subconscious NO.

Which says a LOT more than her spoken answer. Can't wait for some idiot to remind us that its all about 'confidence'...

That Guy

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A couple weeks back, I saw someone shared this terrible video on social media of a dog with its face missing.

That video was easier to watch.


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Did you see the body language of the wife?
He asks "would you still love me if I lost my hair?"
She says yes. But her head tilts from one side to the other to suggest a big, subconscious NO.
Although that can be a signal of dishonesty, I think you're reading too much into it in this case.


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Did you see the body language of the wife?
He asks "would you still love me if I lost my hair?"
She says yes. But her head tilts from one side to the other to suggest a big, subconscious NO.
I love how she threw the question straight back at him. A sure sign that her husband's new "look" was quite confronting.
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I really hate how they always have to inject some sort of comedy when talking about hair loss. I think we can all attest that there is nothing funny about hair loss, especially how it's negatively affected all of us. There are some kernels of truth though in between all of the layers of bullsh*t. It's unbelievable how functionally retarded some of the co-workers are, acting like everything needs to be some kind of joke.

But at least those guys had the balls to shave their heads. I don't know anyone with hair who actually had the balls to shave their head clean. Especially the people who preach how baldness is not that bad.

I was actually out at a club in NYC over the weekend for an 80s-styled party. And I was actually talking to a tough guy who had his head shaved, had a hot woman, carried himself very well, and didn't appear to be the least bit ashamed. This guy probably had no idea how much I admired him, and my life would be sooooo much easier if I could be more like him. The reason why I probably couldn't be more like him is that his situation is not the norm. I don't see bald guys all over the place with hot women, and I surely do not see ugly guys all over the place with hot women. And I fear that I will look ugly as a bald man, a fear not uncommon to many people, including the people in the video.

That Guy

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I really hate how they always have to inject some sort of comedy when talking about hair loss. I think we can all attest that there is nothing funny about hair loss, especially how it's negatively affected all of us. There are some kernels of truth though in between all of the layers of bullsh*t. It's unbelievable how functionally retarded some of the co-workers are, acting like everything needs to be some kind of joke.

But at least those guys had the balls to shave their heads. I don't know anyone with hair who actually had the balls to shave their head clean. Especially the people who preach how baldness is not that bad.

I was actually out at a club in NYC over the weekend for an 80s-styled party. And I was actually talking to a tough guy who had his head shaved, had a hot woman, carried himself very well, and didn't appear to be the least bit ashamed. This guy probably had no idea how much I admired him, and my life would be sooooo much easier if I could be more like him. The reason why I probably couldn't be more like him is that his situation is not the norm. I don't see bald guys all over the place with hot women, and I surely do not see ugly guys all over the place with hot women. And I fear that I will look ugly as a bald man, a fear not uncommon to many people, including the people in the video.

If women did this instead, they'd be met with "Omg are you okay?" and encouraged to do something about their hairloss instead of being met with disgust, jokes, and literal screams.

Señor AIDidaS

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I tried this for myself a week ago. Normally I shave with a 5 because I've still got quite a bit of hair left, so I used a 1 see how it looks. Didn't look terrible, but it's an experiment I should have saved for next summer. I can feel every draft in the house now, so hats are a necessity.