Is 1200 grafts enough to fix this?


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Quoted 2600 grafts by Dr Erdogan, decided that was too much then went to Dr De Reyes in Belgium, was initially quoted 800 grafts but bumped it up to 1200 grafts. I just want to be a solid NW2, don't want to lower my hairline, just make it more even/less patchy and close the temple angles. Currently NW2.5 ish, fine hair texture, pretty high hair density. Used a marker to draw the area I hope to get filled in.



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Well I was told that 1200 grafts would be for my temples AND to make my frontal hairline more even/straight. I was told that they intend to use multi hair grafts for my temples and single hair grafts for my frontal hairline. I'm just concerned that if they try to correct my frontal hairline and temples eith too few grafts, that the results will be low density.

Obviously my hair transplant goals are quite conservative, but it is important for me to fix the density and even out my frontal hairline and fix my temples. Again my goal is NW2, but if that means low density then I'd rather throw extra grafts at it. I actually have a very wide forelock, but an even wider forehead, on a normal person, my forelock would stretch well down into the temple region The surgeon I picked does a maximum of 1500 grafts per day. Should I ask him to bump it up again to 1500?


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2000 IMO

forelock will also need to be reinforced for future loss. NW3 tends to put a zigzag line in the forelock.

your painted line is out of touch


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I don't think it will be possible to reinforce my forelock and fix my hairline. Dr De Reys does a maximum of 1500 grafts per day. I guess I'll have to ask him to to bump up the graft count to 1500 then. My right side is a bit better so won't need as many grafts but my left side is quite bad (wet hair pictures)IMG_2908.JPGIMG_2914.JPGIMG_2915.JPGIMG_2917.JPGIMG_2932.JPG

Crown never fully recovered on finasteride and minoxidil, still a bit thinner, but at least have full coverage when dry. I expect it won't get any worse in the next 5 years as long as I continue finasteride, fut and minoxidil.


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have good hair.


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Ehm..No need for hair transplant IMO. I had this kind of hair at 14 before my loss started. Are you sure about your Doctor pick? Afaik Dr. De reys does not exactly specialize in high density for low NWS. You ARE NW2.


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I was NW3V at 26, NW2.5 with a thin hairline at 30 after 3 years on finasteride, 2 years on 5% minoxidil and 1 year on 10-15% minoxidil. I'd hardly call that privileged. I'm not being greedy, I just want to be NW2 with decent density, having age appropriate hair density and hairline.

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I know Dr De Reys is not a dense packing hairline specialist, he does great work with higher NWs. I chose him because he gets the best grafts survival rates, and as someone with fine hair and NW6 genes, I need as many grafts as possible to survive, I've seen a couple of examples of his hairlines on lower Norwood cases that I would be satisfied with.


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Age appropriate Lol? You hair looks like you are 20 and the part of your face I can see too. Like srsly.) I though you are teenager from the pics. But I can understand it. If you are over 30 with this kind of hair you are so fine. Will keep all on finasteride and just little hair transplant and you are saved for eternity. Envy.

I would go to Feriduni for the work you want.


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I'm an NW2.5, teenagers usually don't have NW2.5 hairlines, and again, that's AFTER 3 years on finasteride and minoxidil and using 15% minoxidil for a year. Teenagers don't have NW2.5 hairlines. My hairloss doctor described me as an NW2/3 class patient, as did Dr De Reys. Hair loss is relative, and I get as pissed off as anyone when people with minimal hair loss, my case is obviously not as advanced as many people on here anymore (again, good finasteride response and 15% minoxidil on my hairline), but its significant enough to warrant a hair transplant. I know many on here are far less fortunate than I am, and many more are more fortunate, but on average, I have below average hair for my age and I'd like to rectify that. Its kind of besides the point, I just wanted to know if 1200 grafts could achieve my goal, a very modest hair transplant to fill in my hairline and close my temple angles.

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I've already paid my deposit for Dr De Reys, can't afford to blow it. His prices are a big factor for me too. August is my only chance for a hair transplant this year, too late to switch surgeon. I know he's not a hairline specialist, but I feel good about his approach, he does the extractions, nothing is left to techs, he does low grafts numbers per day to avoid fatigue. I wouldn't say I'm safe by any means. My maternal grandad was NW5 by 30 and I would be too if not for finasteride and minoxidil, I was well on the way at 26 and I don't expect them to maintain my hair forever. I'd love to throw thousands of grafts at it and get a Brad Pitt hairline, but I have to balance future risks with my goals. I don't think I could justify 2000 grafts for this, but I could bump it up to 1500 if that would get better results. What do you mean you know something about Dr De Reys graft survival rates?


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Relax man it was compliment. It depends more on the per cm density so its best to measure the area to cover.


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I'm an NW2.5, teenagers usually don't have NW2.5 hairlines, and again, that's AFTER 3 years on finasteride and minoxidil and using 15% minoxidil for a year. Teenagers don't have NW2.5 hairlines. My hairloss doctor described me as an NW2/3 class patient, as did Dr De Reys. Hair loss is relative, and I get as pissed off as anyone when people with minimal hair loss, my case is obviously not as advanced as many people on here anymore (again, good finasteride response and 15% minoxidil on my hairline), but its significant enough to warrant a hair transplant. I know many on here are far less fortunate than I am, and many more are more fortunate, but on average, I have below average hair for my age and I'd like to rectify that. Its kind of besides the point, I just wanted to know if 1200 grafts could achieve my goal, a very modest hair transplant to fill in my hairline and close my temple angles.

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I've already paid my deposit for Dr De Reys, can't afford to blow it. His prices are a big factor for me too. August is my only chance for a hair transplant this year, too late to switch surgeon. I know he's not a hairline specialist, but I feel good about his approach, he does the extractions, nothing is left to techs, he does low grafts numbers per day to avoid fatigue. I wouldn't say I'm safe by any means. My maternal grandad was NW5 by 30 and I would be too if not for finasteride and minoxidil, I was well on the way at 26 and I don't expect them to maintain my hair forever. I'd love to throw thousands of grafts at it and get a Brad Pitt hairline, but I have to balance future risks with my goals. I don't think I could justify 2000 grafts for this, but I could bump it up to 1500 if that would get better results. What do you mean you know something about Dr De Reys graft survival rates?
my hairline is very similiar to yours, maybe a little worse, but my hair is definitely not as sthick as yours.. ****ing diffuse thinning FML
id say you are a nw2.5 like me


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I'm an NW2.5, teenagers usually don't have NW2.5 hairlines, and again, that's AFTER 3 years on finasteride and minoxidil and using 15% minoxidil for a year. Teenagers don't have NW2.5 hairlines. My hairloss doctor described me as an NW2/3 class patient, as did Dr De Reys. Hair loss is relative, and I get as pissed off as anyone when people with minimal hair loss, my case is obviously not as advanced as many people on here anymore (again, good finasteride response and 15% minoxidil on my hairline), but its significant enough to warrant a hair transplant. I know many on here are far less fortunate than I am, and many more are more fortunate, but on average, I have below average hair for my age and I'd like to rectify that. Its kind of besides the point, I just wanted to know if 1200 grafts could achieve my goal, a very modest hair transplant to fill in my hairline and close my temple angles.

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I've already paid my deposit for Dr De Reys, can't afford to blow it. His prices are a big factor for me too. August is my only chance for a hair transplant this year, too late to switch surgeon. I know he's not a hairline specialist, but I feel good about his approach, he does the extractions, nothing is left to techs, he does low grafts numbers per day to avoid fatigue. I wouldn't say I'm safe by any means. My maternal grandad was NW5 by 30 and I would be too if not for finasteride and minoxidil, I was well on the way at 26 and I don't expect them to maintain my hair forever. I'd love to throw thousands of grafts at it and get a Brad Pitt hairline, but I have to balance future risks with my goals. I don't think I could justify 2000 grafts for this, but I could bump it up to 1500 if that would get better results. What do you mean you know something about Dr De Reys graft survival rates?

Ok I understand. Sorry didnt want to confuse you. Go for 1500 if you want work on the sideburns too to close the temples.You need high density to match your hair. 1500 should give you absolute best you can get and not overthrow it.


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I appreciate the kind words, and I understand that if you have more aggressive hair loss, this may not seem so bad, again, hair loss is all relative. I have fine hair texture so I guess I'll need more grafts per cm2 than the average patient so perhaps 1200 grafts won't go as far as it would with someone with thick black hair. I have no idea how to go about measuring the area, most of the hairline area I want covered already has hair present in lower density too, though the temples areas I want to fill in are pretty much slick.

Cheers FWIW, that's what I thought, I'll message Dr De Reys again and see if I can bump it up to 1500.

@winnyblues, I'm a diffuse thinner too... I was significantly diffuse thinning 3 years ago, finasteride and minoxidil improved density a lot...


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Just out of curiosity,where do you get your 15% minoxidil?And do you contribute your regrowth to this concentration mainly?

Looking forward to your results,you may then finally leave this forum for good!


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Well, I'd say that a proper NW2 would be age appropriate for a 30 year old, NW2.5 is a little below average, though not crazy uncommon for my age. My goal is to be able to expose my hairline and not have people think that I'm going bald/receding. I was very fortunate that finasteride and minoxidil restored my hair density. It's not 100% restored, still a bit thinner than the back and sides but I have full coverage.

I really can't say how much the 15% minoxidil has contributed to my hairline. I don't use it on my crown. I have albums in my profile from one year ago, before or shortly after starting 15% minoxidil. I can't see much difference between then and now, but I think it may have thickened my hairline a little and grown a few stragglers below my hairline. It's very difficult to say exactly how effective it has been to be honest, but I think it has done something. I' like to quit because it's expensive though, I buy from, about €100 for 3 60 ml bottles. I think using 2-3 times as much 5% minoxidil per day should give similar results. AFAIK minoxidil has a half life of about 8 hours. I'm never going to leave this forum, hair loss is a lifelong battle, and I will need more hair transplants, experimental stuff in the future, and will be closely following new technologies in the pipeline.


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You already are a thick Norwood 2 IMO but I respect your choice for wanting to get a hair transplant.


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Cheers, but I'm more than a NW2, though less than a NW3. You can clearly see in the 5th photo that my temporal recession has gone beyond NW2 and that my hairline density is lacking. Elsewhere I have decent density given my fine hair characteristics so luckily no work needs to be done on my crown and my forelock probably couldn't be thickened without risk of shock loss to native hair, which is why I intend to have this minor hair transplant to improve my hairline density and close my temple angles without fully removing my temple recession.


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shock loss isn't a problem for strong terminal areas. it's more of an issue for highly diffused areas looking to get transplated.


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I don't understand what you mean when you imply that you are where you are thanks to min and finasteride, so a hair transplant is "justified".
What do you mean? I don't think you need a hair transplant. You have good hair (especially one of the two temples). What are you trying to achieve? Perfection? It doesn't exist.
I am not writing this to spite you: simply, I am unsure you are doing yourself a favor!