Is 27 too old for


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Going out clubbing? i know its a stupid question but in a way i feel i've missed out on the whole "clubbing" scene, went out with some friend last week and felt like im the oldest guy in the club, im one of the older folks in my class (most around 22-24) and dedicated my whole life for getting proper education so i really didnt have much time, i just dont want to end up in my mid 30's wondering if i wasted my life working hard only to work harder later on :p ( i hope this makes some sense to some :) )..

wtb some words of wisdom ;)


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I went through a similar thing, then I started going to different clubs :)


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Ori83, I hope not. I'm into my 30's and I'm still out every weekend.


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GeminiX said:
I went through a similar thing
GeminiX, please elaborate, i see my younger bro with his friends going out every day and im stuck with s***load of homework :dunno: this is not getting me anywhere, at least the enjoy their youth, im not depressed or anything, just have this feeling that im missing out on something big that i might regret later on...

eth0 said:
Ori83, I hope not. I'm into my 30's and I'm still out every weekend.
thats great! do you socialize with the younger women ? (like mid twenties?)

Cassin said:
Don't they have clubs for older people?

what do you mean Cassin?


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I don't think 27 is too old for clubs, but I would say that by that age most people are growing out of the club phase, so you typically find younger people there. I used to go clubbing on occasion in my early 20s and in my opinion you're not really missing much. It can be expensive to get in if your not a hot girl and the drinks are also expensive. It's a very superficial atmosphere and if your trying to pick up girls it's very hard. First of all you can't hardly hear anyone because the music is so loud so it's impossible to try to talk to girls. I think the only purpose for going to a club is if you enjoy dancing and the club plays the type of music you like dancing to. For example if you like to dance salsa and you go to a salsa club. The most fun I've ever had at clubs is when I went with male and female friends so I had guys to chat with and girls to dance with.

The Gardener

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In LA there are clubs that cater to older crowds. And frankly, I think they are BETTER than the superficial sh*t clubs I went to when I was younger.

Not sure if there are any Angelinos here that remember the infamous "SkyBar"? It was one of the highest profile and "trendiest" clubs, located on the roof of a office high rise in the Mid Wilshire area. It cost a fortune to get in, and when you got up there, you were served under-juiced cocktails in freaking PLASTIC cups that they were peddling for $10 each. And THIS was back in the 1990s! Same goes for Johnny Depp's trendy "Viper Room" in West Hollywood... it was THE place to be, and I remember walking into this shabby, flat black painted facade to enter a shabby black painted room with minimal furniture and a shabby bar pouring shabby drinks. I mean, WHAT was the draw here?... for EITHER of these places? I look back and laugh at the idiocy.

My old neighborhood in Long Beach had lots of places that cater to an older crowd. There used to be a great bar called Panama Joes that had a great mixed crowd, older beachy-type young professionals sprinkled in with some professional trust fund beach bums and a few Yacht Club Douchebags... but all in all it was a nice unpretentious crowd. A really long bar with fast responding bartenders, and good sized drinks. And there were plenty of young women there too, who were attracted to unpretentious older professional guys... or perhaps they just enjoyed being in a place where there were mature men who wouldn't continuously oogle them like the immature young guys do. You got to go find similar places in your hood... I'm sure they exist.


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I am 32 and still go out as much as I can! Not ready to give up also! I really don't care what people do or think.. I still have plenty of one night stands with the younger crowd.. I don't feel and look old I am taking full advantage of it.


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Ori83 said:
GeminiX said:
I went through a similar thing
GeminiX, please elaborate, i see my younger bro with his friends going out every day and im stuck with s***load of homework :dunno: this is not getting me anywhere, at least the enjoy their youth, im not depressed or anything, just have this feeling that im missing out on something big that i might regret later on...

What I mean was, while a lot of my friends would be true hedonists, I would not go with them every weekend, sometimes sacrificing nights out to finish some project or other, or something for the business.

As the years went by I started to feel out of place in some of the clubs, like I was too old for them. I was easily 10 years older than some of the people there, and everything seemed so superficial and shallow. As my friends had been regularly going every week they had simple adjusted and were not noticing it.

I then started going to clubs which cater for more mature clients and the balance was restored; kiddie bars seem like the be all and end all when you're in your late teens, early twenties but looking back, they were just crap :)

That being said, I'm off to a hen weekend in Las Vegas soon; I'm sure I'll magically forget I'm in my 40's and regress back a few decades.

edit: as for putting work first, you're not really missing much. As long as you can find *some* time to enjoy yourself, even if it's once a month or two, it will probably pay dividends in the long run.

Bald Dave

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Im 29 now and ive been in a similar situation. I use to go to these clubs that were full of 18 year olds and i deffinitely felt out of place. Recently Ive been going to this over 25's club in my local town centre and its alot better in there as not only are people of similar age but you don't have the superficialness that you do in the younger clubs. Like Gardener mentioned I look back on going to these younger clubs and wished that i never have bothered because they were just plain crap! They were freaking expensive - £10 for 2 pints of beer and it cost £12 on a Saturday night to get in for a man but for women it was free :whistle:

Ori try and find an over 25 club in your area as there is bound to be a least one. Do you live in the UK?


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Ori83 said:
GeminiX, please elaborate, i see my younger bro with his friends going out every day and im stuck with s***load of homework :dunno: this is not getting me anywhere, at least the enjoy their youth, im not depressed or anything, just have this feeling that im missing out on something big that i might regret later on...
While I'm only 22, I can somewhat relate.
Growing up as a teenager, I'd often see/hear people a few years older than me (and hence be able to get into a night club) rave on about the clubs they went to, drinking, having 'fun' blah blah. My parents would always tell me to enjoy my younger years, yet to also focus on my studies. But everyone has their own view of enjoying their 'younger years'. I incorrectly equated that with going to such night clubs and other similar that I'm at this age, and having experienced the whole 'night club' thing, I can safely say that I was misguided, by others, by myself, into thinking that enjoying my younger years meant going out to 'night clubs', ie, where all the other young people were going. I don't like the pretentious atmosphere many seem to have, which is why I'd rather go to a pub, and I've found that a lot of pubs cater to an older cliental too.

I know the feeling that you might be missing out on something 'big', that you'll regret it later etc..but I've come to realise that enjoying my younger years means working/studying hard now, so I can enjoy the rest of my life. So whilst some of your friends may be going out every day and what not, they're not really doing anything with their life(?). Think about it 10 years from now, looking back you'll just have memories that you've attached a sentimental value to (and will you still associate with the same people?), whilst someone who studied and worked hard during those younger years will very likely have a good job and great income.

Ask yourself whether going to night clubs and similar places is what you really think means living your younger years, or whether it's something else completely different.

Bald Dave

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In this economic troubled time a great way to save money on a night out is to buy your cans of beer from your local off licence/supermarket. Then you can chill out at home drinking whilst watching the tv and then order a taxi for 11pm and get to the club for 11.30pm just before they stop letting people in. That way you're already drunk when you get into the club and you don't need to pay the extortiante prices they charge for a drink in there :)

These clubs are so over-hyped and you are never missing out on anything! I tend to only go out clubbing about once a month now and if I do then its only the over 25's clubs. I would never go back to those crappy younger clubs!


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I think going clubbing when you're 25+ is totally fine if you live in a big city, London etc.. but if you're in a crappy small town like me it's a choice between pubs for 40+ year olds or clubs for 18-21year olds with very little for those in between.

Seriously, I'm only 24 but in most clubs in my local town I feel hopelessly old, literally girls as young as 16 will get into clubs if they wear short enough skirts...

It's always a great relief to go to somewhere like London, Leeds or Dublin where plenty of 25-40s go out, as I'm not a total sad case after all...

Also given the economic climate, I've refuse to buy drinks in nightclubs (unless I'm buying a round for friends obviously) I like drinking my whiskey, but at 4 or 5 quid a shot it's not worth it... so I ALWAYS carry a hip flask! Seriously guys I recommend it, very useful when you need a lift in the night but can't afford a 10quid cocktail.


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Its 2010, plenty of 30+ yr olds still want to go out clubbing rather than sit at home infront of the tv on a saturday night like their parents generation.
These days people are getting divorced at 30 so they want to go back out on the pull!
In my town there are plenty of bar/clubs aimed at the 25+ market.
These places are just like clubs they stay open until 3am have music,dancefloor lights ect but theres no admission fee and if you drink bottled drinks rather than pints/shorts its ridiculously cheap. The only difference is its usually smaller venues and they dont spend a fortune on the decor.
You get all ages from 20 - 50 in there and they do a much better trade than the trendy clubs.


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I just don't like clubbing. What am I missing?
A hot, sweaty place with music up so loud it ruins even good songs and you can't hear anyone talk, expensive drinks with big bar queues, little else to do but to prance about to music and try to find some silly, inane, uninteresting tart to take advantage of.

What am I missing that makes this great? drugs?


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cuebald said:
I just don't like clubbing. What am I missing?
A hot, sweaty place with music up so loud it ruins even good songs and you can't hear anyone talk, expensive drinks with big bar queues, little else to do but to prance about to music and try to find some silly, inane, uninteresting tart to take advantage of.
What am I missing that makes this great? drugs?

I think you answered your own question! lol

But seriously I love being up town on a saturday night just observing the people. You never know what could happen / who you could meet. And you cant recreate the atmosphere of 1000's people all dressed up and looking for a good time.


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^^Actually that's a good point. Several months ago I was out in the clubbing district in my city with a friend, and i bumped into an old childhood friend that I hadn't seen in some ~10 years. It was so random.

Bald Dave

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I do like a night out clubbing as you can bump into some random who you just end up chatting to and you can even meet old school/college pals who you haven't seen for years! I once met my old business teacher on a night out and my mate even tried it on with her lol

Cuebald in a way i do see your point as I always look in my wallet after a night out and i usually only have about £10 left and I can remember withdrawing £100 from the ATM at the start of the evening :( It can be very expensive which is why i give praise to the off licences/supermarkets :punk:


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cuebald said:
I just don't like clubbing. What am I missing?
A hot, sweaty place with music up so loud it ruins even good songs and you can't hear anyone talk, expensive drinks with big bar queues, little else to do but to prance about to music and try to find some silly, inane, uninteresting tart to take advantage of.

What am I missing that makes this great? drugs?

I feel the same exact way cuebald. I would say it only makes sense if you like dancing. I'm not a big dancer so I just don't see the point. I tried to make myself go out a lot when I was younger and I finally realized it's a waste of time. Maybe if you're very good looking and you wanna pick up some sl*ts for a one night stand it's worth it. Otherwise it's a waste of time and money IMO.


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You're only as old as you feel.

Personally, I prefer dive-bars or hole in the wall's as some call them. They usually have top-shelf liquor at a fair price and more of it too. Besides, I treat those times as the times where I can talk to my bros.

Although to be honest if you want hot chicks or drugs, those clubs are the place to be.