You are not missing out by not going to bars. You are missing out by not having sex. But that might not be a result of you not going to bars, but rather of your baldness. I presume the people who complain of superficial people are getting rejected by hotties, whereas Squeegy is not having this problem.
Having sex is not hard. Either they like you or they don't. If they like you and you like them, go get them, and it only takes an hour or so from your studies. But if you are standing around the bar striking out for hours at a time, obviously that is a waste, and you'd be better off doing homework.
You can have both, but you need to be realistic about who you can get and if that is worth the time lost from homework.
If you don't want to miss out on many years, my advice is to start a regular workout program. Don't do any hardcore stuff that will injure you. Just progressively increase the intensity over the months, and when you are done with your degree, you will have a very fit body that the women will totally go for.
I don't regret not going to bars. But I do regret months of not working out, and hardcore attempts where I injured myself. If you just listen to your body, you will get there eventually.