Is A Hair System For Me? Pics Attached

Lost Boy

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I have to agree with CB here. Get both. You can actually use both together anyway: Dermatch as the base layer and then Toppik to bulk out the hair some more.

Oh and whoever told you that Toppik/fibres can be made waterproof - that's just not right. They might just about be rain proof in a light shower, but certainly not in heavy rain or in a swimming pool etc.
Toppik rubs off too easy! Dermatch it is :)


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I actually did some research on toppik & it has a deal breaker for me & that’s if someone touches it it rubs off on their hands. Toppik is a no go for me.
That’s not true at all. Don’t forget, this post was originally about trying a hair system, talk about sensitivity to touch... Suit yourself, but I haven’t had an issue with toppik and I highly recommend it to everyone.


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You have too much hair for a hair system. Having that much hair under the system will in itself cause you issues.

Really, don't panic and go for a system already. Try the fibres... I managed to get a good few years out of concealers before I jumped into hair pieces.

There is a right time for everything.

With concealers, try Dermmatch and fibres. There is a waterproof one too, Aquamatch or something it's called.
Dermmatch is waterproof also (or so they claim):


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tbh i’d rather not. Especially with not being able to get wet, sweat too much, having to worry about it rubbing off, etc. it’s no actual freedom. It may work for a night out or a special event but i want something more consistent than that.
The hair system comes with its own set up problems and limitations. Do u think you can easily get it wet? Do u think u can go swimming with it and it would feel just like real hair? Speaking of self confidence, do you think you can go on a date and not worry the entire time if she's gonna put her hand through your hair and find out it's fake? Speaking of sweating, do you think you can sweat like it's real hair? Have you thought about the adhesives that come loose when you sweat? or even worse, have you thought about having half of your head covered in sweat (the real hair) and the other half completely clean and dry (the system)? There are sooooo many implications and limitations that should make you think twice. I myself have been using systems for a few years, but trust me, it's not half as easy and dandy as the commercials make it sound. Cope with what you have, it's not even that bad. Try concealing products, and cuts that will hide the thinning.

Lost Boy

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The hair system comes with its own set up problems and limitations. Do u think you can easily get it wet? Do u think u can go swimming with it and it would feel just like real hair? Speaking of self confidence, do you think you can go on a date and not worry the entire time if she's gonna put her hand through your hair and find out it's fake? Speaking of sweating, do you think you can sweat like it's real hair? Have you thought about the adhesives that come loose when you sweat? or even worse, have you thought about having half of your head covered in sweat (the real hair) and the other half completely clean and dry (the system)? There are sooooo many implications and limitations that should make you think twice. I myself have been using systems for a few years, but trust me, it's not half as easy and dandy as the commercials make it sound. Cope with what you have, it's not even that bad. Try concealing products, and cuts that will hide the thinning.
Lol dude if you scrolled further in the forum you’d find out that i’m trying out concealers. i actually ordered dermatch & it should be here tomorrow!


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"The hair system comes with its own set up problems and limitations. Do u think you can easily get it wet? Do u think u can go swimming with it and it would feel just like real hair? Speaking of self confidence, do you think you can go on a date and not worry the entire time if she's gonna put her hand through your hair and find out it's fake? Speaking of sweating, do you think you can sweat like it's real hair? Have you thought about the adhesives that come loose when you sweat? or even worse, have you thought about having half of your head covered in sweat (the real hair) and the other half completely clean and dry (the system)? There are sooooo many implications and limitations that should make you think twice. I myself have been using systems for a few years, but trust me, it's not half as easy and dandy as the commercials make it sound. Cope with what you have, it's not even that bad. Try concealing products, and cuts that will hide the thinning."

Hi HDMusic

I don't want to sugar-coat system-wearing. Certainly the paranoia aspect affects different people in different degrees and for different lengths of time. But some of those comments suggest to me that you are doing it wrong. Swimming should not be a problem. Sweating should not make the system come loose. And some things can be fixed really easily with a little trick, like the wet/dry issue when you work out. If you want to discuss off-line PM me, and I might be able to suggest some solutions to get the best out of your system.


Lost Boy

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Okay guys i just got the Dermatch in the mail today. Who knows how to use this thing? Looks complicated. i was hoping to go for a Jake Gylenhaal look in “Southpaw”. Any tips or suggestions would be great! Thank you.


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Okay guys i just got the Dermatch in the mail today. Who knows how to use this thing? Looks complicated. i was hoping to go for a Jake Gylenhaal look in “Southpaw”. Any tips or suggestions would be great! Thank you.

LOL! If you think Dermatch is complicated then you'll be devastated with a hair system!

Seriously though it's easy. Wet the applicator, rub it on the Dermatch powder so that a fair amount of the powders goes onto the applicator, and then 'paint' it onto your scalp and hair (where you want it thickened).

I actually used to apply it right after a shower, when my hair/scalp was damp (towel dried).

Then brush it through. I even used to use my fingers to spread it on my bald scalp areas. When it dries you can brush it through again if you like. You'll eventually find what method suits you best, just try different things.

Lost Boy

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Okay guys i just got the Dermatch in the mail today. Who knows how to use this thing? Looks complicated. i was hoping to go for a Jake Gylannhal
LOL! If you think Dermatch is complicated then you'll be devastated with a hair system!

Seriously though it's easy. Wet the applicator, rub it on the Dermatch powder so that a fair amount of the powders goes onto the applicator, and then 'paint' it onto your scalp and hair (where you want it thickened).

I actually used to apply it right after a shower, when my hair/scalp was damp (towel dried).

Then brush it through. I even used to use my fingers to spread it on my bald scalp areas. When it dries you can brush it through again if you like. You'll eventually find what method suits you best, just try different things.
Hm, you seem pretty experienced in this so I hope you don’t mind me asking a few questions.
1. Does this work on a buzz cut? Similar to the main character in Southpaw? (Jake Gylanhaal)
2. Can it thicken bangs as well? Like if you were to lay your hair down on your forehead
3. How long does it take to dry? & how do you know if it’s dry?
4. What was your experience with it being waterproof & sweat proof?
5. Was it noticeable?
That’s all the questions i have from the top of my head. Thank you in advance!! :)


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Hi LB, have tried to answer, see below.

Okay guys i just got the Dermatch in the mail today. Who knows how to use this thing? Looks complicated. i was hoping to go for a Jake Gylannhal

Hm, you seem pretty experienced in this so I hope you don’t mind me asking a few questions.
1. Does this work on a buzz cut? Similar to the main character in Southpaw? (Jake Gylanhaal)
Dermatch can be applied to scalp and hair, so I would say yes. I haven't tried it myself in that way 'cos I never had a buzz cut. But I do use it on my sides which are thinning and have short hair. Take a look at this guy's post. He used Dermatch on a very thinly covered scalp. I personally wouldn't do this but it got him through a few years:

2. Can it thicken bangs as well? Like if you were to lay your hair down on your forehead
You can 'paint' the powder onto hair anywhere and it will thicken that hair. Again, I've never had bangs so didn't do this myself. Just paint it on, blow dry (or air dry) and brush it through. Try different methods, i.e. you have to find what works for you.

3. How long does it take to dry? & how do you know if it’s dry?
I never really checked... I mean, if the hair is dry then the Dermatch should be dry? It will dry on it's own within a short time anyway, maybe 20 minutes.

4. What was your experience with it being waterproof & sweat proof?
Sweat proof yet. I didn't test the waterproof-ness much but I do recall when I had quite a lot of hair and used Dermatch, and hairsprayed it to my head, then it was fine in gentle swimming etc.

5. Was it noticeable?
I hope not :D
I used it for 7 or 8 years and in the beginning it was awesome.... completely covered my crown and people were wondering how come I wasn't 'balding' any more! Towards the end I had very little hair left so the concealers didn't look good at all... but that was my fault for leaving it so late to move to a hair system.

That’s all the questions i have from the top of my head. Thank you in advance!! :)


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Lol dude if you scrolled further in the forum you’d find out that i’m trying out concealers. i actually ordered dermatch & it should be here tomorrow!
Hope it works out for you. But trust me, this ain't easy by no means

Lost Boy

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Hope it works out for you. But trust me, this ain't easy by no means
Well i have quite a bit of hair & it looks like a normal head of hair after i shampoo + dry so I don’t think it’ll be too complicated! Tonight i’ll be trying Dermatch for the first time & I’m actually looking forward to it. Nervous, but excited.


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Do you get any inflammation? You still have hair to be saved I think. If finasteride slowed it down but minoxidil didn’t help why not try some Morr-F or just plain topical finasteride along with oral finasteride? You have time to wait for results while using hair fibers and then in the next 4-5 years maybe switch to dutasteride if you feel comfortable with it. I think if there’s inflammation treatment might not work to well.

Lost Boy

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Do you get any inflammation? You still have hair to be saved I think. If finasteride slowed it down but minoxidil didn’t help why not try some Morr-F or just plain topical finasteride along with oral finasteride? You have time to wait for results while using hair fibers and then in the next 4-5 years maybe switch to dutasteride if you feel comfortable with it. I think if there’s inflammation treatment might not work to well.
Hold up there’s such thing as topical finasteride? I thought they were in the process of making it & it wasn’t ready for the public but it’s for sale? I’m about to do my research now, thank you for this info!

Lost Boy

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Also guys, I tried Dermmatch the other night & wanted to tell you guys about my experience because a few people requested it. All I have to say is HOLY CRAP! This stuff works wonders!!!! It legit looked like I had a full head of hair again. I was on top of the world. I think i used waaaaay too much tho because my hair was stiff as a rock! When i tried to brush it, it did pull some hairs due to my hair being practically frozen in place. Maybe if I use less it wouldn’t feel that way? Idk. Another thing was every time i touched my hair the stuff came onto my hands. Again, this could be because I was using too much but I’m not sure. Lastly i went into the shower to wash it off. I don’t think I’ve ever washed my hair like I did that night. When the water came onto my head, the water ran clear & it wasn’t coming off. Literally the moment i put shampoo on my head the water turned completely black I got scared for a moment haha. It is very hard to scrub out as I had to shampoo twice in order for it to get completely out & it took quite a while. The Dermmatch did leave some kind of residue in the shower though. I applied some shampoo on it & washed it & it went away believe it or not. But again, all of the cons could’ve just been a result of me applying too much. The only way to find out is to try again. Thank you guys for suggesting this to me & if you have any questions please let me know! :)


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Good to hear that LB!

When I used Dermatch I wouldn't wash my hair every day. But it can come off on to your pillow a bit overnight. I found it was easier to only wash my hair twice a week and just top up the Dermatch in the mornings if needed.

Worth noting that I also found that it would cause me to 'pull' at my hairs when brushing it through.

I used to apply the powder onto my wet hair/scalp (like right after a shower) and then style it i.e. use Gel if needed and then finally hairspray to hold the Dermatch in place. Try different methods -- you will eventually find what works best for you.

So hopefully Dermatch will last you a while as a concealer. Maybe a couple of years. Then you can move on to fibres, which might last you another couple of years or more. And then you can upgrade to a hair system :D .... well that was my journey any way :)

Lost Boy

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Good to hear that LB!

When I used Dermatch I wouldn't wash my hair every day. But it can come off on to your pillow a bit overnight. I found it was easier to only wash my hair twice a week and just top up the Dermatch in the mornings if needed.

Worth noting that I also found that it would cause me to 'pull' at my hairs when brushing it through.

I used to apply the powder onto my wet hair/scalp (like right after a shower) and then style it i.e. use Gel if needed and then finally hairspray to hold the Dermatch in place. Try different methods -- you will eventually find what works best for you.

So hopefully Dermatch will last you a while as a concealer. Maybe a couple of years. Then you can move on to fibres, which might last you another couple of years or more. And then you can upgrade to a hair system :D .... well that was my journey any way :)
Wow only twice a week? It lasted through your day to day life like that? Do you think it could do that without hairspray or products? Also did you find it to rub off on your hands if you touched your hair? or was that just me putting in too much? The pulling hairs thing was kinda concerning, i might go with the buzz cut to prevent that from happening. Just put it in & go. I’m just afraid of it looking like straight paint on my head if i go for the buzz. I’ve heard good things with Dermatch + a buzz cut but i’m still hesitant! Hope i can make a decision soon