Is Dermarolling This Bloody? (warning Scary Pic)


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Has anyone here had any success?

Any neogenesis?
I thikn that's what the Dhurat study showed.. and it's what Follica is trying to do


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I've been using 1.0 mm every two weeks. Too soon to tell if any benefit. Hurts like a bastard on my crown area, maybe my scalp is thinner there. I gently roll several times in three directions then dump a little local anesthetic on there and roll to the full depth. Much more comfy.


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Hi I would like to chime in if it's OK?

I'm 47 and over the years I've experimented with different methods I used minoxidil and I think it may slowed down my hairloss at the time I think,I was 30 at the time I used it for a few months then stopped the reason I stopped is because I was using the legit regain from boots chemist but it was just too expensive and I didn't know about the cheaper altenatives at the time.

When I was around 40 I knew about the Kirkland brand and started using it and I don't know if it was working so I just stopped again I've tried onion juice as well lol I done that for maybe three months and I stinked lol don't know if it did anything but my hairloss never got any worse so who knows what I would say is I would not knock any natural remedies until you try them for yourself.

I knew about wounding the scalp and read about it but I never really committed to it until a few months ago I tried derma rolling with a 0.5 roller I done that a couple of times and during that time I decided to swat back up again on the procedure of derma rolling and I found a website called hairloss revolution they had a product there called the scalp elixir I bought it to try it it has all natural ingredients peppermint oil, magnesium oil, olive leaf extract, nettle root tincture, Rosemary oil,saw palmetto tincture, red reishi tincture,taurine, caffeine.

I know people will say that this is all crap but I wanted to keep it natural and I have my reasons I then got a derma pen from the same website it is adjustable all the way up to 3mm the reason for using the pen is I felt that the Derma roller snagged the hair a little bit again that was my reason for changing and my hair isn't thick it is fine and obviously thinning and balding lol.

So now I have some questions because derma rolling, stamping is quite contradicting and I don't mean the study I mean opinions on forums because some say it is wounding and you have to spot bleed a little and others say bleeding is damaging to the follicle example this thread is not against bleeding so what is the correct way bleed or not it is all quite confusing.

Anyway I finally plucked up the courage to use the stamp the other day that I bought months ago lol and my scalp bled I was pressing jabbing quite hard because I was going with the premise that bleeding spotting was better for the regenerative process to work Eg collagen production.

Some questions.

1)will you bleed anyway regardless of the pressure you use because the needles are 1mm and you are piercing the skin.

2) I also read somewhere I can't remember that using minoxidil afterwards is useless it doesn't work it should be applied 24hours after wounding I think it said that in the study but I could be wrong I'm not using minoxidil the now anyway but I thought I'd ask.


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Well there are two schools of dermarolling:

1) The one that says you must inflict massive damage (reach the follicle, so around 1.5mm balls deep) and this will generate certain growth factors, do this like once a month or bi weekly

2) The one that says you just must do it to improve absorption of topicals, so not pressing much, just to create superficial holes, then they apply the minoxidil or whatever. I still think this is insane, it must sting like a mofo to put topicals on open wounds even if superficial. Some even do this daily. User "Somebody" got massive regrowth but it just could be another awesome finasteride responder.

Good question


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i started dermastamp recently 0.5mm daily for minoxidil absorption stings a lot for about 10 min, and wounding weekly with 2.5mm hurts like a b**ch i can literally drop the stamp and its stand on my head, surprisingly i don't drop a lot of blood like 20 times less than in the first picture and im really going 2.5mm deep thats why i bought a stamp instead of a roller i was afraid of the pain that a roller wound induce especially a that depth because of the rolling motion . I wanted to try just wounding first but i ended doing both since needling is not wounding both should be complementary i guess i'll report if i have improvement .


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i started dermastamp recently 0.5mm daily for minoxidil absorption stings a lot for about 10 min, and wounding weekly with 2.5mm hurts like a b**ch i can literally drop the stamp and its stand on my head, surprisingly i don't drop a lot of blood like 20 times less than in the first picture and im really going 2.5mm deep thats why i bought a stamp instead of a roller i was afraid of the pain that a roller wound induce especially a that depth because of the rolling motion . I wanted to try just wounding first but i ended doing both since needling is not wounding both should be complementary i guess i'll report if i have improvement .
Good luck!
Please do update.

You're welcome to follow the new thread about needling, many people are trying it.


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So what’s the correct method? Like how large of an area do you cover with one roll? And how long should you spend on each spot?

And how do you use a derma stamp pen? Seems like it would take forever.


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It has been a while since some of the posters on this thread started on wounding....Does anyone have any updates?

I had to stop doing the stamping with Derminator for a while leading up to the transplant procedure that I had 2 months ago.I have not touched the grafted section with needles since the procedure, but started using 2mm with Derminator again only on the crown which was not worked on, and hoping to thicken up eventually, or maintain at the very least.

It has been more than a year since I began wounding now. I can't exactly confirm any improvement but the scalp definitely feels healthier without greasiness/itch, and less dandruff. I intend to continue wounding the crown weekly with 2mm needles.

I have no idea whether microneedling over the transplanted hair is a good thing to do....I would think light stamping should improve the blood flow, and since the grafts are now secure you would have to dig pretty hard to lose them. My only concern is wounding the scalp which already experienced trauma for the procedure 2 months ago... any thoughts?