
Is Dicaprio losing his hair ?


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When shall people stop obsessing about other people losing hair and post meaningless posts on a hairlosshelp forum...

yes, stars can lose hair too, get over it and move on without posts about every single one who got signs of it! :shakehead:


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He no longer has a 12 year old's hairline but I don't think he has anything to worry about. The majority of men aren't going to have the same hairline at 35 as they did at 18.


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Like Beaner said, it is just a mature hairline.

I think Joseph Gordon Levitt might be losing it though.


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MrBastard said:
When shall people stop obsessing about other people losing hair and post meaningless posts on a hairlosshelp forum...

yes, stars can lose hair too, get over it and move on without posts about every single one who got signs of it! :shakehead:

Wow thanks for informing us on this. This is the General Forum, anything regarding hair loss can be posted here. The people who come here have hair loss on their minds and when they see a popular figure go through the same thing they like to talk about it. You are not an admin so don't act like one, Mr.F**kingKnowItAll!...


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I see no loss. And he'd probably jump on the meds if anything close to resembling hair loss were to happen, or he'd wear some sort of piece to cover it up, so we wouldn't notice either way.

Big fan of his though, an extraordinary actor, and plus he seems like a nice and intelligent guy. I have big admiration for how he's handled the massive success he's had ever since he was very young.


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decro435 said:
MrBastard said:
When shall people stop obsessing about other people losing hair and post meaningless posts on a hairlosshelp forum...

yes, stars can lose hair too, get over it and move on without posts about every single one who got signs of it! :shakehead:

Wow thanks for informing us on this. This is the General Forum, anything regarding hair loss can be posted here. The people who come here have hair loss on their minds and when they see a popular figure go through the same thing they like to talk about it. You are not an admin so don't act like one, Mr.F**kingKnowItAll!...

I agree, but no need to curse him out. This is general hair loss discussion, this is a site about hair loss, we talk about it in our lives, how to treat it, the progression of it etc etc I don't see why we can't talk about public figures and stars with hair loss.


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He's 35 and has a full head of hair btw. I'd be VERY happy to have that hair at 35.


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Nene said:
He's 35 and has a full head of hair btw. I'd be VERY happy to have that hair at 35.
same here. im 18 and hes got a better hairline than me. if i spent my whole life like that id be happy. but then, id be pretty ok if i could spend my whole life with my hairline as long as i knew it wouldnt develop any further. and i could get rid of the miniaturization.

i think hes fine in terms of hairloss.


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A lot of people that have good hair, their hairline VERY slowly recedes through the years. he'll have some general age thinning and slight recession but never really lose a lot.