
Is Finasteride (Propecia) Thinning My Hair?


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I am 26 years old and over the last year I have noticed that the hair on my temples has started receding. Otherwise my hair has always been thick and I have no problems at my crown.

Three weeks ago I started taking finasteride (proscar divided in 4) as an attempt to stop further hair loss. My goal is to keep what I have, any regrowth would be a bonus.

The last days I have noticed that the hair on my hairline is thinner now than it was before I started. As I said I have always had thick hair. This has gotten me really concerned. I have read about the initial shedding that sometimes occurs when starting finasteride, but the thing is I dont really see any substantial shedding. I just notice that my hair is thinning.

So to my questions: Is it normal to see the hair on the hairline thinning after just three weeks on finasteride? And will I get the thick hair I had before starting finasteride back? Now I am wondering if I should stop taking it or continue. Just feels very frustrating to see my hair thinning like this when I have never had a problem with thinning hair. The problem was just the hair on my temples receding.

I have heard about initial shedding, and have read that it is a sign that the finasteride is working. But in my case, when I am not noticing shedding, just thinning hair, what does that mean?

And one more thing: I have recently ordered nizoral shampoo and rogaine foam that I had planned to use in combination with finasteride. Now however I am scared to start using it. Could this mean even more thinning hair?

I would be so happy to get the thick hair I had before starting finasteride three weeks ago back.

I would greatly appreciate a response.


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finasteride shows its peak results at the two year mark apparantly. A shed is a sign that the medication is working. If you're going to start Rogaine, prepare yourself for an even bigger thinning! Good luck. PS I have heard reports of hair line receeding on both finasteride and rogaine foam. The problem is, without using any treatment, say good bye to your hair!


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I'm in the same boat as you my friend. I noticed major thinning in April while on finasteride, and am waiting for it to re-thicken. It's pretty scary to take a hair loss prevention drug only to realize that is has actually made you lose more hair than before, but hopefully we will both see it return.


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Exactly how I am feeling Benjamin36. But am I to understand that the thinning has stopped for you? If thats the case, at least that offers some comfort. Because if the thinning will continue at the same rate it has these three weeks taking finasteride I dont even dare think about how I will look in a few months.

I am just hoping someone can give me some reassurance I am doing the right thing taking finasteride and that my hair will regrow as thick as it was three weeks ago. Because right now I am considering quitting the medication. But then again, maybe the thinning is just the finasteride working. I am so confused, and full of doubts about this right now.

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And considering my current situation, would you add nizoral shampoo and rogain foam to your regimen at this point?


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Wow, this just made me even more depressed. I just wish somebody could say "hey, dont worry, same thing happened to me, but everything grew back so dont worry." I dont understand how so many seem to be experiencing this when 90% of finasteride users should at least keep the hair they have starting taking it. And hair loss is not even listed as an uncommon side effect of finasteride.

Another thing I forgot to mention. Over the last few days I have noticed small white hairs along the front of my hairline. They could of course have been there all along as I have never examined my hairline as closely as after it started thinning, but i dont think so. Most of these hairs also seem to have a tapered end. Could this be a sign of regrowth or is it the infamous minaturising process going on? Have any of you guys experienced this?


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my hair came back thicker after the thinning/shedding phase. but i had repeated shed cycles over a period of a year, possibly every 3months. it really scares the **** outta me! Im going through one now. i told my self to wait it out till the 2year mark and then make an overall judgement about finasteride. i read somewhere that if your the unlucky one who just keeps shedding even after a year then maybe finasteride is not going to work. hope that's helpful.


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Exactly how I am feeling Benjamin36. But am I to understand that the thinning has stopped for you? If thats the case, at least that offers some comfort. Because if the thinning will continue at the same rate it has these three weeks taking finasteride I dont even dare think about how I will look in a few months.

I am just hoping someone can give me some reassurance I am doing the right thing taking finasteride and that my hair will regrow as thick as it was three weeks ago. Because right now I am considering quitting the medication. But then again, maybe the thinning is just the finasteride working. I am so confused, and full of doubts about this right now.

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And considering my current situation, would you add nizoral shampoo and rogain foam to your regimen at this point?

As far as I can tell my hair hasn't thinned anymore since April. If you search there are a lot stories about guys going through a shed and regrowing it.

I have a theory that you don't read about it as often as you would think (regrowth after shed) because the only reason people post on forums about it is because they are freaked out just like you and me, and are searching for some answers. Hopefully, after their hair returns to normal, they no longer participate on the forums anymore, since the shed was the only reason they did in the first place.


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Thank you Browser and Benjamin 36. I especially liked the comments "my hair came back thicker after the thinning/shedding phase" and "If you search there are a lot stories about guys going through a shed and regrowing it", made me a little more light spirited. Your theory about people not sharing their success stories is also a good one.

But soon another guy will probably say his hair has thinned out completely after one year on finasteride and crush my spirits once again;) I dont really understand how a drug that is supposed to stop hair loss can do the exact opposite. And I have yet to read one good explanation as to why, for some people, it obviously does. If anyone can provide one please do.

And are you guys only using finasteride? Or is rogaine and nizoral also part of your regimen? I have just received these products but havent decided if I want to touch them yet.


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I have been using Nizoral for as long as I've been using finasteride, my doctor recommended it when he prescribed finasteride. I may start using Rogaine soon, I've been surprised at the amount of positive posts I've read about it.


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Hehe. I have seen this site myself, but dont know if I believe the results. But i hope you, as well as I will see some new hairs soon. Considering starting rogaine myself but so afraid of additional thinning. I cant have any more thinning now.

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And have you noticed the small white hairs at the hairline I was describing? Most are white but some are also pigmented? Regrowth or minaturising hair? Anyone?


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Hmm, well I have definitely had some acne after starting finasteride, but then again I have always had acne. I think it may be a little worse after starting finasteride, but I am not sure about this, as I always have better and worse periods with acne.

But I know there has been research suggesting that finasteride should help with acne, and it has definitely not done that. So could there be any truth to this?

But then again, how could a drug that is supposed to stop DHT cause more of it? Are there any studies on this? Is more acne after starting finasteride a sign that your body reacts to the drug completely opposite of how it is supposed to?

Have you, Tom or Benjamin, considered this to be the case for you?


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Steve I was in your situation back in April. When I first noticed how thin my hair was I was probably on the Internet for the whole day searching for others in the same position. Everyone's situation will be different, and unfortunately (or fortunately) there really isn't anything you can do about it, you're going to have to ride it out. I have another two months left of my prescription, so if my situation hasn't improved by then I'm going to talk to my doctor about it.

You may want to go out and buy a concealer for you hair if it makes you feel better.


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My theory is that when propecia lowers DHT, the body tries to compensate by making even more DHT in return and boom more hairloss.

Sounds like a decent theory to me. But if that is the case its strange that no doctors seems to know about this effect. And that it is not listed as a possoble side effect. Is this a theory more of you hair loss sufferers share?

Benjamin: I am not quite at the point where i feel the need to use a concealer just yet, but if the thinning continues at it its current a rate one or two more weeks I probably will need one. Are you using it? If so, do you have one to reccomend?


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I am not quite at the point where i feel the need to use a concealer just yet, but if the thinning continues at it its current a rate one or two more weeks I probably will need one. Are you using it? If so, do you have one to reccomend?

I haven't tried any concealers yet either, I may in the future, but I'm not sure how good they look.

Tom, over the past few months I have read many posts about shedding, as well as seen pics of people who had sheds that re-grew. You can find more info. on the cause of the shed here:


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I even asked my dermatologist and family Gp and a bunch of other hair transplant docs over the internet, and all of them say finasteride does not make things worse. maybe we are the unlucky ones lol. or we need more time.

So they are saying the thinning while on finasteride will reverse and the hairline will thicken again? If not, finasteride has made it worse.

Great links, great results btw. They certainly provide hope.


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You and me both. It's pretty silly that were now at the level where we would be satisfied with the hair we had before starting treatment.

Maybe some day you'll need to change your username.


From all the stories I readed, the ones who responded best to finasteride are classic genetic male pattern baldness guys with early aggressive hairloss and not the slow type male pattern baldness guys, maybe because the first type has too much dht on thier body so finasteride balancing it, the first type also usually suffer from Saborea,acne, fungoses, that are also caused by high dht, the second type male pattern baldness is much slower maybe they need lower dose because of it.

I'm the first type,I can feel my hormones explode in my body, oily skin,Saborea,acne,drastic sex drive (could have jerk off like 7-10 a day 3 times within an hour, so for me finasteride is like blessing, lower sex drive will be good for me