Is having even a menial job better than no job?


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aussieavodart said:
[...] 'Any job is better than no job' is what keeps us enslaved and permanently welded to the corporate teet.[...]

Wise, wise words Aussieavodart.

I agree with you but not entirely. Yes, work is degrading and yes, people shouldn't be obsessed with getting a job but nobody likes a lazy bastard either.

I believe that a compromise is possible. When I finished college, I got the shittiest job in the world - call center operator - but it was only a part-time job (4 hours/day) and I had time to do the things I really enjoyed. Meanwhile I found a good job and for the last 3 years my professional situation has been stable (which is quite a luxury these days, especially in Europe).


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My brother is an architect and he is currently unemployed. He is constantly depressed but does nothing to improve his situation.

I find this attitude of his very irritating:

a) He has no financial difficulties because we have a rich daddy.

b) Unemployment doesn't have to be a tragedy. In fact, it could be quite the opposite: he could use his spare time to do something creative and useful.

c) The reason why he doesn't look for a job is simply because he's too proud. What an idiot!


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And another one:

d) In these days of rapid change, you have to be flexible. It's no longer possible to keep the same job for long periods of time.


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What is better? Driving a moped, or riding a bicycle? I was told women respect the bike rider more because at least it looks temporary and does not say anything bad about his tastes.

The important thing is not to bum off of friends. I have zero respect for people who ask their friends for money instead of working at McDonalds. Now if your parents have lots and don't mind giving some to you as long as you are searching, that is different.