Hi DoctorThe question is how much do you value your hair? What are you willing to do to save it? Are you a risk taker or not? These are questions you need to ask yourself. For me, I value my hair and I was willing to take the risks and I still have alot of hair because of it. My penis is still intact but I still have watery semen and less ejaculate. That is about the only downside that I can leave with. If you live in fear, you will never accomplish anything in life.
I really appreciate your reply. so base on ur previous thread , you said you would have continue to use Regaine but due to it sides. would you mind explain what the sides you experience with Regaine?
PS im aware that Regaine work differently on each individual, so therefore the sides you experience may not be the case for some other people.
Also correct me if you wrong, your current usage is Propecia and 2% Minoxidil.? if so, where you get the 2% anyway? every Regaine products contain 5%.
PS im just come to accept my fate that i have an aggressive balding, the top of my head is so thin for a 20 year old. It really hard to accept such things. this shitty things is so bad it's even make me question myself whether or not to have kids cause it a really crappy gene to pass on.