Is it wise to reduce DHT levels?


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Thanks, I actually came across that article by myself when I was looking for more information on DHT.

I am an avid weightlifter and one of my concerns is that propecia will affect my gains. As that article says, DHT isn't used directly by the muscles but decreasing it can still affect strength.

hair mchair

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tynanW said:
helpmefindmyhair said:
I'm not quite as trustful of pharmaceutical companies as most people seem to be. The drug industry is a multi-billion dollar BUSINESS. That alone is enough cause to be more careful about any drug you take. Their main objective is money.


They need this drug to work or they don't make the big money.

They need it to be safe or they don't make the big money.

Ehhhhh...I agree with this to some extent. I think it would be more accurate to say they need it to be safe for MOST people, but not all. If there are a few people out there complaining of long-term complications (like me), they can just sweep us under the carpet. I know this from experience, because every time I call up Merck to ask if they know of any cases like mine, I'm told that they don't. And everyone else I talk to with long-term problems from Propecia is told the same thing. It's plausible deniability. They'll keep it up for as long as they can. They may or may not have known about this prior to the drug's release, but I'm certain they know about it by now, and they're just seeing how long they can get away with it for - in fact, they probably think they can do so indefinitely. That will change once I have enough people to organize a class action lawsuit.


hair mchair said:
tynanW said:
helpmefindmyhair said:
I'm not quite as trustful of pharmaceutical companies as most people seem to be. The drug industry is a multi-billion dollar BUSINESS. That alone is enough cause to be more careful about any drug you take. Their main objective is money.


They need this drug to work or they don't make the big money.

They need it to be safe or they don't make the big money.

Ehhhhh...I agree with this to some extent. I think it would be more accurate to say they need it to be safe for MOST people, but not all. If there are a few people out there complaining of long-term complications (like me), they can just sweep us under the carpet. I know this from experience, because every time I call up Merck to ask if they know of any cases like mine, I'm told that they don't. And everyone else I talk to with long-term problems from Propecia is told the same thing. It's plausible deniability. They'll keep it up for as long as they can. They may or may not have known about this prior to the drug's release, but I'm certain they know about it by now, and they're just seeing how long they can get away with it for - in fact, they probably think they can do so indefinitely. That will change once I have enough people to organize a class action lawsuit.

yep some truth there also!


Established Member
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guys, its truth?

"What I specifically mean here are the effects of DHT on the central nervous system that lead to increased neurological efficiency (strength), and increased resistance to psychological and physical stressâ€â€￾not to mention optimal sexual function and libido. "
