Is Male Pattern Baldness Rare @ The Population


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Today I experienced the complete opposite of The White Polar Bear. Some total stranger (woman) I met today blurts out of the blue to me, and says "you got thick hair". I said it looks that way but its getting thinner. I am humble and usually don't like to take credit for something that is not really true. She says well it looks really thick to me. I said thanks. And was thinking to myself why did the subject of hair come up when it had nothing to do with anything that was happening at the moment. She then out of the blue tells me all her male friends in their 30's are all losing their hair and going bald. I should have asked her if that bothered her. So it appears that many men are balding in their 30's according to this woman. I didn't even have on my "I love Hairlosstalk" T-shirt and yet this still happened.

You are indeed much more humble than I. I don't think I would have acknowledge my thinning had I been in that situation, but would have just taken the complement and said a prayer of thanks that I'd been recognized as a fullhead. While I've avoided the balding stigma since moving back to my home town and getting on meds, I don't care to ever be known as the thinning guy again, back when my forelock had visible diffusion and I was getting public call outs from my "friends"

There definitely are a significant number of men in their 30's and even 20's(usually more so mid-late) that I see all the time at NW3-4ish territory. The thing is, it's kind of a transitionary stage, where some are really starting to advance, and others are still rocking solid NW1-2's, so the balding guys are more likely to be recognized for their balding in this age group. Once you start getting deeper into the 30's, and 40's, generally many more men are hitting recognizable stages of hairloss, so the balding guys aren't at such a "disadvantage"

I know you've said before, but I don't quite remember. Aren't you in your 40's @DoctorHouse ? It's no surprise that you stand out among your peers, and some younger than you for your appearance of a full head of hair

One thing with myself, is that I have a young face. It's nice, but I feel it has the potential to make hair loss a bit more embarrassing, as advanced stages of norwooding would have people looking at me and seeing a young guy who is balding. Yet another reason it is paramount for me to maintain


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Sorry :D I did not want to make the thread depressing (let's kill ourselves!).
Back to Steve Jobs : do you think he made the world better @David_MPN ?
I think smartphones are making us miserable.
I was listening to a conference about the art of the waiting among the surrealists, and the guy said the waiting as an existential disposition was less and less possible because of smartphones (among oher things). Apparently, we check our smartphones approximately 90 times a day...

Teens are morons who can't even read a book because of it !
You're over generalising too much.
Plus, anything to make the great wait go by faster is fine by me.


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You're lucky it's been slow. It seems like you have a good attitude about it. Much better outlook than me, and I am a few years older than you.

As far as balding in your twenties goes, one of my friends went from NW1 to NW4-5 from the ages of 18 to 22. He took it really hard at the time (understandably) but he seemed to make peace with it by the age of 25 or so. Oddly enough he never had any luck whatsoever with girls before the hair loss, but as a NW4-5 in his mid twenties he started getting out more and had a few relationships with attractive women. He's married now and is doing very well in his career and personal life.

His early twenties were utter sh*t though, and he was very depressed. People would occasionally give him sh*t for being bald, crack jokes, etc. He mostly tried to laugh that sort of stuff off, but there were a few times when I saw him loaded and he got really upset over the ribbing from some of his friends. What I think must have really hurt though (and never occurred to me until now, as a NW3, looking back at my youth), is that when he was rapidly balding in his early twenties and at the lowest point of his life he would still go to clubs and bars and so on with his friends and watch us meet women, take random girls home, etc.

I would think most young guys in that situation would probably feel like their only reason for being alive is to witness other people actually living their lives. I can't imagine how much that must suck, and really feel for anyone that has to live through such a nightmare.
You know, I don't think losing three norwoods in ten years is slow. I actually think its a normal rate to lose your hair, and that the case you've used is more of a case of rapid hair loss. A few of the men in their forties who are around nw4s all told me they had hair loss in their twenties so I've always thought that losing two or maybe three norwoods in a space of ten years is very normal.

As for your friend, nobody should have to go through such significant loss of hair so young. Its just not right. So i'm glad to hear he is doing well.

From what I can tell, the majority of the posters on this forum are In their twenties and that is very indicative of many of the uncertainties that twenty somethings face. As their identities formed in their adolescence they are now forced to reform because of their drastic change in appearance. It hits their confidence and self esteem very hard, and this becomes their place where they can make sense of it all and rebuild some form of new identity.

For an older man it is different. They already have a strong identity - they know who they are, they have their friends, their wife, their kids, their career, and all other areas of their life are more secure. When they go through hair loss it just that one thing - albeit still painful. Whereas when a younger man goes through hair loss they do not have the stabilising factors that the older men have.

And beyond these theories, and beyond all these words, the most concerning and the most saddening is that the twenties is the time of your life for fun and self discovery - not a time for introversion and self hate. Its just not right that some people become nw4s at 21, in fact, its a little sickening.

The Wolf of Bald Street

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I have a friend that just turned 21 last week and he is already Norwood 6 with maybe 20 hairs on top. Walks around my college campus with full horseshoe as well. At first I thought he was an older guy going back for a degree but then learned from Facebook that he is a few months younger than me. Very rapid diffuse thinning in 3-4 years time starting when he was 17. Poor guy. He seems mostly happy though and doesn't even bother to shave it or wear a hat to hide it. I wonder why he didn't try treatments though. I'm headed there too (diffuse Norwood 3.5), hoping finasteride and minoxidil stave it off for a little bit though.


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well according to an ad thats on tv every day, %78 of Australian men notice balding under the age of 30


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well according to an ad thats on tv every day, %78 of Australian men notice balding under the age of 30

struth mate!

time to see your buddy Shano

