Is shaving your head or growing out your balding hair the way of "owning" your hair loss the most?

Is shaving your head or growing out your balding hair the way of "owning" your hair loss the most?

  • Shaving your head

  • Growing out your balding hair

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It's often said that you are owning your hair loss by shaving your head, but some other people say that growing it out is more "owning" it since you show that it doesn't bother you enough to change your appearance like that. Thoughts?


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Growing it out is much more badass. Nothing screams insecurity more then waking up two hours before work to shave your bald head with a razor..
Just grow it out and stop giving a f***, you won't get laid either way so why waste time


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It's often said that you are owning your hair loss by shaving your head, but some other people say that growing it out is more "owning" it since you show that it doesn't bother you enough to change your appearance like that. Thoughts?
What do YOU think? When you pass by a man clinging to scraps combing it over with a horseshoe vs a man that shaves all that sh*t off? In my experience men that have very thin hair that grow it out seem to look more insecure / pathetic. But who the f*** knows.


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It's often said that you are owning your hair loss by shaving your head, but some other people say that growing it out is more "owning" it since you show that it doesn't bother you enough to change your appearance like that. Thoughts?
Also, who has ever said that growing it out is more owning?


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What do YOU think? When you pass by a man clinging to scraps combing it over with a horseshoe vs a man that shaves all that sh*t off? In my experience men that have very thin hair that grow it out seem to look more insecure / pathetic. But who the f*** knows.
Idk don't really think about it much, I think some people look better with at least some hair even if it's badly balding (not necessarily Krusty the Clown levels of grown out lol), whereas slick shaved it can look more unnatural and harsh and mutant-like. And I guess it depends on how you view it, one could argue just growing out whatever you got and trimming it every once in a while "owns" it more since they just continue as normal, as opposed to someone who starts razor shaving their head all the time where one can argue it does bother them enough since they have to minimize the balding pattern as much as possible, which you wouldn't need to if you were "owning it". Though on the other hand one can say the shaver "owns" it by "finishing" the job whereas the one growing it out is still "clinging on".

But idk, neither option looks great on most.