Thanks for your thoughts, mate. I hope finasteride will work for me next 5 years. Taking into account that my uncle was completely bald at 25 and my cousin at 31, I'm concerned that my Androgenetic Alopecia will be too agressive for 1mg finasteride to work - maintain what I have at the moment. Hopefully it will be enough. I'm really happy and relieved with my hair now, they're not as good as they were a year ago, but still similar, noone would actually notice they're worse or that I'm balding. Actually got so relaxed about it, I stopped thinking and concerning about my hair, that I started to forget to take a pill in these last 7 days. Think I missed 3 times, lol. If only this hair could last as long as possible. May I ask, when you say family history, those particular relatives are completely bald? At what age?
You're not any more positive that there will be something out in shorter time frame? I'm positive I could last with pills up to 10 years, but then it would be just too much to go further. I'm not concerned now as I'm biologically in my prime and am physically active almost every day and am naturally a testosterone animal as I like to name myself, lol. But since there's such a race going on to find solution in hairloss, I think this would come sooner than 10 years. I'm positive on one side, but on the other I think there's a damn billion race out there. I think solution would come, but not cheap when the only first one comes out. When competitors will join the market, the price will go down. I'm positive that in 10 years we're set for a better solution.
As regards to minoxidil and all that topical crap..I mean, even if there is topical finasteride or topical anti-androgens and new solutions applied topically..I mean, to do that daily? C'mon, man. That's no easy management! You lose so much time, and psychologically if you have the concern to rub something on your head daily, there's psychological negative consequences and you absolutely lose focus on life - its important things. Its meaning. To take a pill it takes a second and forget about it. You go on a holiday and you need to think how you will have to rub something on your head. You go to your GF, sleep there, and you will have to think you have to put smth on your head, and by a chance an anti-androgen, and then you can't go in bed with her, because she must not absorb it. Simply, it's crap. Psychologically it's too negative. Only in case a shampoo would do that, but not a chance in our life time.
May I ask, you have an intimate relationship? Because, they're saying everywhere how woman should not touch finasteride / absorb it in any ways. Meaning that women should not "absorb" sperm which contains finasteride? And that would mean you need a condom or what, even if on birth control pills? Because all warnings I read on Propecia's packages is that a pregnant woman should not absorb that, or if you want to make children. So I don't see any warnings having sex with a woman on birth control pills and therefore without condom usage. Your thoughts on that?