Is There Any Scientific Evidence Of Minoxidil Aging Your Face?


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I just don't see how you apply something in your scalp and it ages your entire face, it makes no sense.

Minoxidil is simply required to battle this disease, baldness deteriorates scalp blood flow, anyone not using minoxidil is an idiot in my book.


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I don't understand it either, and as I said in my own topic, I can't let myself stop using it because it does miracles to my hair.
That's why I use other products on my face, things that should counter the minoxidil effects.
If I'm not mistaken it was you who said that you use it but you don't see any aging, and that's because it affects each individual differently.


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I don't know the entire science of it but the speculation is that minoxidil raises PGE1 which is good for hair but suppresses collagen synthesis which is essential for skin elasticity.


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I just don't see how you apply something in your scalp and it ages your entire face, it makes no sense.

Minoxidil is simply required to battle this disease, baldness deteriorates scalp blood flow, anyone not using minoxidil is an idiot in my book.

Yeah, a mirror. Pretty neat science involved in inventing the mirror.


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Yeah, a mirror. Pretty neat science involved in inventing the mirror.
Over what period of time did you experience this so called aging?

In any case, who cares about babysmooth skin when you are bald?



Damn, I wish I had Moby's baby skin.

Has minoxidil been proven to fight balding? Yes. Then take the f*****g thing. It's not like we have many other alternatives.


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I don't understand it either, and as I said in my own topic, I can't let myself stop using it because it does miracles to my hair.
That's why I use other products on my face, things that should counter the minoxidil effects.
If I'm not mistaken it was you who said that you use it but you don't see any aging, and that's because it affects each individual differently.
Well I started at age 24, im 27 now, I see some changes, but who is to say this is not simply natural aging? After 25 things start going south. But yeah, I look pretty young, if it was not because im lossing my f*****g hairline.


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The claim is that it sunken the eyes creating the so called dark circles.


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He asked about proof of Minoxidil causing issues in skins appearance. Sure, I was smart-alec-y about it, but that doesn't mean I think it doesn't work for some or isn't worth it to those that it does work for. Salty salterson.


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I would like to also learn about any scientific reason as to why Minoxidil gives rise to ageing if someone is able to provide info.
From my experience, if I keep accidentally allowing it to drip to the same area of forehead it seems to over time create tiny almost pimple-like lumps. They go away eventually if I am able to keep the area free from drips, but I did have to use glycolic acid skin care products to help.
As for wrinkling, I don't think the long term use of Minoxidil has done anything more than what the gravity did, and my appearance is very much in line with my age or slightly younger.
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I still have no negative aging or dark circles effect on 45 been on it for almost 6 saying it does not effect people this way but so far my skin still looks good...Did get some darkening of facial hair I am going to bleach or wax--sucks but hair loss sucks more.


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I just don't see how you apply something in your scalp and it ages your entire face, it makes no sense.

Minoxidil is simply required to battle this disease, baldness deteriorates scalp blood flow, anyone not using minoxidil is an idiot in my book.

How does it not make sense to you? You think just because you applying something to your skin it won't enter your body? The stuff can be dangerous if too much is applied to your head.

There is no scientific evidence that applying it topically can cause wrinkles. However, don't be a thick c*** like some people on here and assume that means something does not happen. Just watch your skin, if it causes problems, stop. If not, carry on.
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I've been using topical minoxidil for at least 10 years ... And I've taken oral minoxidil for more than a year ... And I still look like a 16-20 years old teenager ... except hair loss, but I manage to hide it. My skin is really soft, no beard at all, no wrinkle except some in the front, but I think its natural aging ...
I really don't think minoxidil can age our skin ... Maybe I'm wrong, but my personal experience with that drug tells me it's ok ... except for the heart :/
BTW I'm 32 now.
Your skin looks bad ... maybe you should drink more water and eat vitamin C (I take 1000mg a day since a few months).

Can you elaborate on your sleeping habits? Since you claim you could pass as a teenager...Do you get 8-9 hours a sleep every night. In my opinion the amount of quality sleep really does affect the signs of aging in adults. If you are person who hardly sleeps or gets 4-5 hours a night for prolonged periods of time, i feel it ages you as opposed to people who maintain 8-9 hours consistently...those people who do often look a lot younger due to the fact that so much happens while you are asleep. So much recovery takes place.


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minoxidil doesn't cause wrinkle . but what about the dark circle ,?

I don't think minoxidil causes dark circles, I believe it can cause fluid retention which could lead to bulging eyes.


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I know people don't believe it, but I got to the point on minoxidil

I don't get it. His skin doesn't look any better than Clooney's, it's just that his glasses are hiding his eye bags, and he's not smiling and squinting like Clooney. Besides, Moby would be an ugly guy even with hair, it's not the baldness that is hurting him.
You are delusional. Moby has baby skin and no forehead wrinkles, no nasolabial folds.

Clooney has forehead wrinkles, nasolabial folds and more, but HE HAS GREAT HAIR SO HE WINS.


Redpill: hair matters at ANY age.


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Creases on his forehead, lines under his eyes, splotchy skin. If I woke up tomorrow with that skin I'd probably kill myself. Nasolabial folds are less pronounced than Clooney's, but still present. Is it because he isn't smiling? Are Clooney's forehead lines more pronounced because his brow is furrowed? I didn't say hair isn't important, but Moby is not a good example of great skin. I suppose for his age it's, but he doesn't have a good face regardless. Also, I'd rather have Clooney's lines with a good complexion than Moby's comparatively smooth skin with that ugly blotchiness.
Okay f*** it, post any guy you want, with a NW9 but great skin, and lets compare a guy with a rugged face but great hair, let's f*****g see if hair isn't more important.


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It's a difficult comparison to make because bone structure is more important than good skin or hair. Give Moby absolutely perfect skin, and shave clooney's head, and Clooney will still be the more attractive one.

It's not difficult. Moby with rugged skin and top tier hair = more attractive than Moby with baby skin and a bald head.


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Disliking facts will not stop facts from being facts.
David Gandy is lusted over by all females ever, he has busted skin, but he has HAIR and BONE, which are everything.