Jm0311 said:
depress there are alot of people that use this with no u think. honestly you were just the 3 percent? just asking......on i only see a couple hundred people on there if that. there are thousands and thousands of people who use finasteride
That very well could be the case. I can tell you this, i noticed the side effects very early into my treatment, and if i quit when i first noticed them, i doubt that they would be persistent (i noticed them within maybe 3 days to a week) I stayed on finasteride for maybe 8-9 months. and my testosterone really did settle on a lower level. I would say if you want to try it, make damn sure you quit if you get sides early. and have blood work done, don't self perscribe. test estrogen, testosterone(serum,free) DHT....etc. I swear im not trying to freak you out, I am really having persistent sides.