
It Begins. I purchased all the items for the SwissTemple Prostaglandin Protocol. Wish


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What about saving for hair transplant surely after all that effort you wont stop and be defeated??


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Wow, it's really sad to read thaht !
You spent 16 month of treatments for nothing :( Really hard.
I think you got far better results with CB/dutasteride/minoxidil/WOUNDING.

Now i hope you will recover with Follica or other, but i'm sur yes ! Don't panic, in a few year you will get FULL HEAD OF HAIRS !


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Wow, it's really sad to read thaht !
You spent 16 month of treatments for nothing :( Really hard.
I think you got far better results with CB/dutasteride/minoxidil/WOUNDING.

Now i hope you will recover with Follica or other, but i'm sur yes ! Don't panic, in a few year you will get FULL HEAD OF HAIRS !
Seems like there's an increasing trend with minoxidil and Wounding nowadays. I'm convinced @westonci would get better results with a lot less spending this way.


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This looked promising, sad to see it end. Hopefully you'll be content with a shaved head until new treatments arrive in the not too distant future.


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he's doesn't want to fry his brain.

Update guys


So incase you missed by thread on ending my Seti prostaglandin protocol, one of the main reasons I quit was because of sides I started to get once i upped by dose to 1.4g/day. (namely dry eyes and skin, grey complexion and feeling like sh*t)

I initially attributed it to the Seti and the high dose, but I asked around on the private forum and 2 other guys that are doing 1g+ they had absolutely no sides.

For the past month I was using seti I bought off a guy on reddit that goes by the username /u/clearvision101

I had his seti tested by another reddit member name /u/gannex and he came back saying the seti had impurities in it.

I didnt care as long as it was seti and have been using his Seti because he ships quick since he ships from the US (he claims he has a lab in the US that makes the Seti which turned out to be a lie).

Anyways I decided to quit and basically went cold turkey for the last 4 days.

Just out of curiosity I have about 10g seti from the private forum that I was saving for topical. I took the seti orally at a super high dose for the last 3 days and I had absolutely no sides . Which makes sense since Kythera never mentioned the sides I got as an adverse reaction


Which leaves me to believe the impurtiies may have caused it.

I spoke with the admin on the private forum and he knows clearvision101 because he was banned and said that he got his seti from Wu Han which has a shady reputation and not the American lab that he claimed to have.

I also spoke with member @Nextjohns who got the same sides and he said he got his Seti from Ali Baba which is a bad sign.

Also on the chatbox the admin on the private forum said he returned the current GB seti to the lab because it came back 98.5% pure and he wants it >99.9% pure.

Most of the other guys in the indsutry wont go to that measure so be warned about impurities in your seti!!!
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I recall reading the Swiss Temple guy had concerns about impurities and your experience validates that. I would be curious to know what those contaminates were. Heavy metals, arsenic, mold? Such things as these will mess with you big time, even in small amounts. Wish there were a rogue chemist in the US that could pull that off, like Stanley Owsley back in the day. Although, I'm certain there lurks somewhere in the halls of Berkeley or Harvard science labs, some capable individual. And I agree, 99.9% pharma grade would be for me, otherwise you're playing with nuclear fire.


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it's funny how the universe gave me my internship at a Pharmacovigilance company.
after i noticed my hair thinning i researched it like a mad man. i understood very well the pharmaceutical industry, and then a Pharmacovigilance company called me for an interview out of nowhere, i nailed every sentence. it was IT and Database related but he was impressed by my knowledge on the field.

Anyway after working there for a couple of months i only have one thing to say i'm not sure if i'm violating my contract confidentiality clauses but it needs to be said :


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sorry to hear you're having to abandon this. for what it's worth, your last picture was still very impressive with the temporal regrowth. I know it wasn't dense regrowth, but regrowth nonetheless on a slick bald area is pretty cool.

i hope something comes out soon that will help out. thanks for going through this and for keeping us updated on the protocol. i'm glad we have a better idea on what it can/can't do.

Schitz Popinov

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Hey guys its been 16 months since i started the protocol.

But im calling it quits. I shaved my head last night and moving on with my life.

I dont like how i looked with a shaved head because I have a birthmark covered by my hair, but Im done with constantly worrying about my hair and the financial toll its taking on me.

Not on Seti, but just reading that really hit home.

Yesterday I almost had my "moment" from the buildup of 7-8 years worth of mental exhaustion caused by this affliction and the lengths I've gone to hide my thinning/recession. Like you, I also have a birthmark on the crown of my head. It's a very scary thought having to reinvent myself again.


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it's funny how the universe gave me my internship at a Pharmacovigilance company.
after i noticed my hair thinning i researched it like a mad man. i understood very well the pharmaceutical industry, and then a Pharmacovigilance company called me for an interview out of nowhere, i nailed every sentence. it was IT and Database related but he was impressed by my knowledge on the field.

Anyway after working there for a couple of months i only have one thing to say i'm not sure if i'm violating my contract confidentiality clauses but it needs to be said :



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so this is my right temples a week after i buzzed my head ( i used a 4mm guard). My cameras going to sh*t so sorry about the shitty contrast

Like i said a few months ago, its fills in from the outside edges where their is already terminal hair. So dont expect hairs to pop up in the slick bald hairline edge right away.





and the left temple

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Good news is im getting a shipment of 250g of pure private forum Seti in 3 weeks. Ill be doing 1.5-2g daily. And im absolutley convinced that this is the cure at high enough doses for those with beginner-moderate hairloss. Ive been doing 1g daily for 1 month now and im absolutlety noticing a cosmetic difference.

Bad news is today was my last day on the 10g of private forum seti. And now have to resort to the crappy seti i got off the guy on reddit which gave my dry skin because of the impurities i found in it :(
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Good news is im getting a shipment of 250g of pure private forum Seti in 3 weeks. Ill be doing 1.5-2g daily. And im absolutley convinced that this is the cure at high enough doses for those with beginner-moderate hairloss. Ive been doing 1g daily for 1 month now and im absolutlety noticing a cosmetic difference.

Bad news is today was my last day on the 10g of private forum seti. And now have to resort to the crappy seti i got of the guy on reddit which gave my dry skin and had impurities in it :(

you gonna get a hair transplant if seti can maintain long term?


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so what are your plans for your balding areas?

hair transplant? waiting for new tech?

PGE2 and wounding+Lithium Chloride

However high dose seti is the base so i.e pge2 and wounding wont work if seti dose is not high enough.

This is what im slowly discovering.