he's doesn't want to fry his brain.
Update guys
So incase you missed by thread on ending my Seti prostaglandin protocol, one of the main reasons I quit was because of sides I started to get once i upped by dose to 1.4g/day. (namely dry eyes and skin, grey complexion and feeling like sh*t)
I initially attributed it to the Seti and the high dose, but I asked around on the private forum and 2 other guys that are doing 1g+ they had absolutely no sides.
For the past month I was using seti I bought off a guy on reddit that goes by the username /u/clearvision101
I had his seti tested by another reddit member name /u/gannex and he came back saying the seti had impurities in it.
I didnt care as long as it was seti and have been using his Seti because he ships quick since he ships from the US (he claims he has a lab in the US that makes the Seti which turned out to be a lie).
Anyways I decided to quit and basically went cold turkey for the last 4 days.
Just out of curiosity I have about 10g seti from the private forum that I was saving for topical. I took the seti orally at a super high dose for the last 3 days and I had absolutely no sides . Which makes sense since Kythera never mentioned the sides I got as an adverse reaction
Which leaves me to believe the impurtiies may have caused it.
I spoke with the admin on the private forum and he knows clearvision101 because he was banned and said that he got his seti from Wu Han which has a shady reputation and not the American lab that he claimed to have.
I also spoke with HairLossTalk.com member
@Nextjohns who got the same sides and he said he got his Seti from Ali Baba which is a bad sign.
Also on the chatbox the admin on the private forum said he returned the current GB seti to the lab because it came back 98.5% pure and he wants it >99.9% pure.
Most of the other guys in the indsutry wont go to that measure so be warned about impurities in your seti!!!