I agree that the consequences of that could be catastrophic.
When we have kids, my girlfriend will want to keep on working full time, and I will be working full time too.
The thing is, if I'm the one who chooses to work part-time, you can be sure that it will cause problems in our relationship.
You just can't reverse the sex roles, that's why stay-at-home moms are seen as acceptable and stay-at-home dads are seen as deadbeats.
It is so profoundly ingrained in our biology that there's no tweaking it.
Social engineering is taking care of that. There is an all out assault against white men in the media, at least here in the west, peaking in US, Canada, Australia, UK. White males are fair targets for hate and abuse, so you can be sure that the guys who aren't very socially astute and high status are receiving a constant low level of sh*t for no real reason other than media brainwashing and race baiting. Therefore as a white man you must put your head down and act a CUCK, lest you be labelled as a rapist dripping with 'toxic masculinity'. It may not even be explicitly stated, but there will be no mistaking the attitude you receive, especially from the younger generations. Maybe i'm not a high pitched, limp wristed, male feminist b**ch, why should i act that way? Just a normal dude, which isn't allowed anymore.
If you don't adhere to the newly emerging social 'norms', at the very least you will be labelled a hateful bigot . I don't want to get started on all of this as i havent even had my coffee yet, but i can make one point RE: equality. I don't like the word equality to begin with as people are clearly not equal in terms of many things, cognitive ability being one, and we shouldn't be trying to force everyone into 'equality' (which is actually just forcing advantaged people down to the level of the unwashed average). Equal RIGHTS is fair, Equality of OUTCOME is not -- asking for a raise at work would be anti-equality, wouldn't it? So would trying to further your eduction. Stupid.
I bolded an important point in your post, as its at odds with the current ideology-du-jour. In a previous post you stated you wanted a 50/50 equal relationship, however in your scenario, the fact that only the wife could be the stay at home parent is in direct conflict with current leftist dogma. The social constructionists currently believe that gender has NO BASIS IN BIOLOGY. This ideology is rapidly gaining steam, especially in Canada where i'm based out of, as they are already pushing several things into written law. These sentiments are floating around, your wife may start to question her role in the relationship as a stay at home mom, other women may even ridicule her. Resentment can build, leading to conflict, all because of some rapidly spreading pathological ideology which seeks to destroy all traditional values.
This will all get worse if people allow for it, as a matter of fact i think Toronto is a lost cause, simply too far gone. The universities here are churning out leftist radicals at an alarming rate (Mostly in the social sciences and humanities), there is almost no such thing as 'non brainwashed' students anymore in my opinion. They are being infected with this nonsense by half baked pseudo intellectuals from the 60's...because everyone feels they need to make "A DIFFERENCE" with wimminz studies (Yes, a real program) Not to mention compulsory 'sensitivity and anti racism'(really means anti white) training for staff members and HR -- f*****g scary sh*t. The STEM people aren't as affected, but lets be real its 90% autistic men in there, hardly our target demographic.
So statements like the one i bolded would actually inspire HATE from some of these brainwashed idiots (some of which are PROUDLY marxist, mind you), and they will shout you down. Now i know, "who gives a f*** what these people say", but its not that simple because who wants to live in a place where sentiment is slowly shifting towards being pathologically opposed to who you are, and your goals in life.
This was a pretty off topic political rant, but these gender dynamics issues being discussed here actually have their roots very deep in the political system, it really isn't as simple as ALPHA PHUX BETA BUX, it goes farther, and im simply too tired to flesh out my post any further
i hope things aren't so bad in Europe, i will need to take a long trip down there.