it is sad bro


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Our only chance is stopping dht with finasteride , dutasteride ... it is sh*t man . We risk everything , our libido , man-boobs , gain weight ................ There is no other drug to stop hairloss ... so i think i will accept my fate sadly


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Life is full of risks. You have to weigh the values of certain things against other things. Evaluate the opportunity costs of doing certain things against what you are going to pass up doing. The risk of the things you listed are comparatively small, and the cost of not taking the drug is the loss of your hair. Is the loss of your hair going to close the door on other things that would have other wise been open to you? Will taking the drug, and having to reveal that to a woman, in the interest of disclosing to her any potential complications with pregnancy (Merck claims this risk is small, certain doctors disagree), affect that potential relationship?

Having thought it out, I just couldn't deal with any further hair loss, and so the risk was worth it. It does suck to fork over $30 USD/mo and pop a pill every day, however, I still have hair. If I were further along in hair loss, or didn't have the money, or any other number of things changed maybe it would be a different conclusion.


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Friend , for me Money is not problem ( for propecia and proscar ) . but man-boobs :S it is very sad bro , it is the shamest thing for me ... Yeah i know hair is really nice but sometimes risk is not very beautiful


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It is indeed sad. Maybe give RU a try.


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What about hair transplant? you're from Turkey. You have good hair transplant surgeons there.,, and pretty cheap.

That's risky considering his balding will likely progress and then multiple surgeries will be needed.

It's just a big mess to be honest, he'll either run out of money or donor hair.. or both.


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If you are not comfortable taking finasteride then you definitely should not. Another thing we all need to remember is every drug will have its' potential for side effects. We could have a better drug than finasteride come out tomorrow and it would also have a list bad side effects. When it comes to blocking/reducing DHT, I highly doubt there is a way to do this with out the treatment having an effect on hormones. Even some of the cellular based treatments will have their risks.

stop dht

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Kardeşim bak dünde dedim ağlamayı kes ve 2 günde bir 0.5 mg proscar kullan sana önerim odur bence memelerin filan büyümedi ya kilo aldın ya spor yapmadın zaten büyüseydi geçmezdi kalıcı bişey o ben ciddi manada başarılı oldum ama yan etkide gördüm o yüzden 2 günde bir kullanıyorum . Seçim senin

Bro like i said yesterday stop crying and just take finasteride 0.5 mg eod , dats what i recommend . I think u didnt have gyno because if u had it would not get better dats permanent side . I think u got fat or little bit lazziness or just psycological . I am currently takin 0.5 mg eod , I got great results but sides either so i m taking eod . Your choice


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When it comes to blocking/reducing DHT, I highly doubt there is a way to do this with out the treatment having an effect on hormones.

That's why I'm really interested in a topical/oral pgd2 inhibitor.