Raccooner Thank you for the invitation.I hope the others you invited will catch up soon.In 2019, I contacted many
people, including Alexey Terskikh.Then I was ready to just share information, gift solution. And of course, I
thought about how to make money on it. But that was later.
I think I need to tell about myself and how I got into cell technology in general.(started to get interested for
them.) Those who communicated with me via e-mail may have noticed that I am not indifferent to science fiction.
This is a hobby of childhood and youth, without fanaticism of course.These were books, films and subsequently
computer games.This probably played a significant role later.
In the past, I worked in a production facility related to uranium enrichment.If you seen in the video I indicate
the city in which I live.Historically, it so happened that the largest complex associated with obtaining nuclear
weapons was located in this city.Previously, it city was secret and had no name at all.Of course, all the jobs in
the city were concentrated in these factories. After 2005, under the international program that was still signed in
1990, production was almost completely curtailed.Many people were left without work.And me too.
For example, at that time about 120,000 people lived in the city. And more than 30,000 were laid off, and this was only the first wave.
Years have passed in trying to arrange my life.During this time, I tried to engage in various kinds of business.But
the economy, both in the my country and in the city, did not contribute to development.The economic situation in
recent years has generally begin to resemble the late USSR.
By nature, I am a techie.And then one day an idea come me. To create something cool, something that people need,
something that is not there. And of course make some money on it.No, it wasn't hair.But after the birth of
daughters (twins), they began to fall out from me.I slept very little and worked very hard.It was a very difficult
time then.
That idea was to create a bionic prosthetic hand for people after amputation.
A cybernetic brush like in science fiction, it inspired me then.
My study video. From the archive.
But I wanted to make my cybernetic arm better than the ones on the market at the time.The fact is that even the
most expensive and sophisticated prostheses have a lot of disadvantages.The sensor that picks up nerve impulses
constantly loses contact with the skin. And makes it impossible to use such a prosthesis.Of course, many have tried
to solve this issue. And I set myself this goal too.
Further the logic of reflection led under the skin, to the nerves.And for this it was necessary to master new
knowledge for me.In my thoughts, I saw it like a certain device implanted in the dendrites of the nerves. A bridge
between machine and man.And I became interested in cells technology.At the first stage, I chose for myself, as it
seemed to me, an “easy” goal.To study the skin at the cellular level, began with the hairs on it.By that time, I
had read and even printed on paper my favorite books on biotechnology.These were publications released back in the
seventies.I like the writing style of that time.I started experimenting with growth media and skin pieces that I
took from myself. And in a few years I realized that something happened , but not what I expected. Then I
comprehended what I saw and paid attention in more detail.
And yes, they were floating balls on the surface of Petri dishes.I analyzed and compared for a long time what it
is. Having understood what was happening, I changed the conditions and tactics. And in the end we have a technology
hairs embryos, that needs to be studied.
The question about the collection of donations that sounded.Pay attention to the political situation around Russia.
Several Russian large banks have already been disconnected from the international SWIFT system.And this is not the
Also pay attention to the internal Russian laws. For example, the law on " Foreign agents". Recently, it has been
extended to individuals (ordinary citizens). As a result of this law, if you regularly receive funds from abroad,
you may be held liable by law.
I also want to say about the form of conducting experiments in the format of a video log on YouTube.
Earlier, I planned to buy everything I needed as I used to(out of habit), at my own expense.But as a result of the
political crisis, the government depreciates the ruble against the dollar.Prices for nutrient media and growth
factors that are not produced in Russia are rising.
For example, the price of 10 ml of KGF (Keratinocyte growth facto) can reach up to $500. Multiply by 4 at the
current exchange rate. Plus shipping, which is also expensive.
And yet, if I decide to collect donations, it will look like this.My video log of experiments in this format will
be like an open source project.Also, anyone can participate on any basis.As needed, I will simply publish invoices
from supplier firms. In this need to work on the nuances.