Italian Hair Loss Lotion To Hit The Market In 2016


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Btw guys I think I should point out, since people were discussing it, that @IdealForehead equol is racemic ( both r-equol and s-equol) and thus has the capacity to reduce 5ar-enzyme. It's not a problem for him since he has a genetic variant that even dustateride can't touch.

I don't see why you would need DGLA to make S-equol effective. S-equol is shown to stop DHT without messing up the 5-AR enzyme.
The problem is, even though it's the only organic equol, it's super expensive.

I think we would see results if you just used s-equol and rogaine. I don't understand DGLA but I don't think it's expensive, and I don't know why you need liposomes for it to be effective.

TL;DR If we could source pure S-equol we would have a sideless Finasteride, that seems can be put in a simple ethanol vehicle.
these liposomes could be just a marketing gimmick, since racemic equol penetrates skinrather easy and stays there, creating a kind of reservoir effect.


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I have an idea!
Instead of insulting/spamming brotzu and each other on this thread, we should spam/insult/bully Fidia until we get a statement.
Think about it, no company can ignore hundreds of emails/phone calls.
They’ll be forced to give some kind of response. If not, they’ll have to deal with us spamming all of their emails with us venting.


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Alibaba has 10g s equal for like 100 dollars, how is that expensive?
I could be wrong but I thought that @IdealForehead looked into it and it wasn't purely S-equol, it was still racemic.
I will look into it further, but if it's not pure equol it might as well be finasteride


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I have an idea!
Instead of insulting/spamming brotzu and each other on this thread, we should spam/insult/bully Fidia until we get a statement.
Think about it, no company can ignore hundreds of emails/phone calls.
They’ll be forced to give some kind of response. If not, they’ll have to deal with us spamming all of their emails with us venting.
That may work. I looked into their site and they don't even offer a lot of products. It's unfortunate our treatment is in the hands of a company so small
these liposomes could be just a marketing gimmick, since racemic equol penetrates skinrather easy and stays there, creating a kind of reservoir effect.
According to Brotzu, it has more to do with DGLA. It converts into PGE1 in the skin, so I think the DLGA aspect it actually needs the liposomes. Anyways it was part of the original concoction.

I like what you said about the equol. I think if we bought S-equol and used rogaine we'd have something similar to Brotzu lotion.
Perhaps less effective, but I don't necessarily see why it wouldn't work like finasteride + min no finasteride sides


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People can doubt the "alternative Brotzus" but I don't.
It's annoying people are only making it in Italy, unfortunately I'm in the US and have no balding friends to co fund this or chemistry friends who could synthesize this for me.
I have a lot of free time right now, I might try to get someone local to make it


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Fairly sure the liposomes are for the DGLA due it being a larger molecule. And Brotzu did say the S-equol without DGLA was pretty useless.


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People can doubt the "alternative Brotzus" but I don't.
It's annoying people are only making it in Italy, unfortunately I'm in the US and have no balding friends to co fund this or chemistry friends who could synthesize this for me.
I have a lot of free time right now, I might try to get someone local to make it
yeah, I have more faith in @IdealForehead trying this out and reporting about the efficasy of his own custom lotion with minoxidil etc. than in Fidia releasing it in October, lol

I think, he asked them directly, and the answer was: it's racemic equol and not pure s-form


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Fairly sure the liposomes are for the DGLA due it being a larger molecule. And Brotzu did say the S-equol without DGLA was pretty useless.
I'm not sure why that would be the case it equol is readily absorbed by the skin, at least as others claim. Then again, it's a vasodilator so maybe it increases blood flow and the transportation of the equol where it needs to go.

I still think it's worth of shot. If people can get effects and sides from topical finasteride, I see no reason why equol applied topically would do the same without negative side effects.


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I'm not sure why that would be the case it equol is readily absorbed by the skin, at least as others claim. Then again, it's a vasodilator so maybe it increases blood flow and the transportation of the equol where it needs to go.

I still think it's worth of shot. If people can get effects and sides from topical finasteride, I see no reason why equol applied topically would do the same without negative side effects.

Well thats the thing, we're talking about biochemistry here and for some reason when certain things are mixed they have a synergy like effect - which may have been what Brotzu was talking about.


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You're the man! Don't let them sneak in R-equol and let it rape our brains

Um, dude, they sell a mixture of R and S equol like everyone else. I can't get pure S equol, it would cost an insane amount of money. @IdealForehead already explained all to y'all.

I don't care in the short term. I have no more time to sit on my dick and wait. I just hope it's legit, I need to find out if this sh*t works or not.

Lance Vance Dance

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Um, dude, they sell a mixture of R and S equol like everyone else. I can't get pure S equol, it would cost an insane amount of money. @IdealForehead already explained all to y'all.

I don't care in the short term. I have no more time to sit on my dick and wait. I just hope it's legit, I need to find out if this sh*t works or not.
You are a very brave boy I shall salute you whilst raising a cheese sandwich


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People doubting the crown pic saying it's toppik, while at the same time disregarding the temple pics are delusional lol. WHY DIDN'T HE USE IT ON HIS TEMPLES THEN? It's clearly regrown hair and people are just not willing to believe it for some reason...


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is it 100 % s-equol or racemic mix ? On alibaba this is what a supplier replied me :

'' It is racemic mixture.
30g $145 including shipping '

holy shite,
with a standard dose of 30mg/day it's a massive supply for just 145 bucks


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No point discussing it further unless:

1. Someone posts proof of the homemade lotion along with method for creation

2. @beps63 clarifies with some form of evidence the lotion works

3. We get a release date

Guys I´m done with the topic, sorry but I think we must stop. I´m pretty sure you´ll keep writing, but here is what I think about the Brotion...

Sooner or later this year it will be released, I´m positive about it. By the way, I would also like to mention that I´m really happy it worked for the little kids. We´ve seen how powerful it was for them, it got their hair back and that was everything I needed to believe in that at the time. But now after what we saw last Saturday I don´t know, well, I guess that most of you will agree on this with me.

It would be pretty risky for someone like Brotzu (due to his age and of course reputation/professional accomplishments, he has proved to be a great doctor/scientist) to lie about the possible effects of the Brotion. But the Power Point presentation sucked and the photos were the worst part of it. Was that all they have? Forking amazing!

I remember Brotzu´s son (are you him "Beps"?) complaining about how Fidia was handling the Brotion, and then they (he and his father) showed us these horrible photos... And even worst, Italian guy´s photos from a forum!

It has been a few days and we haven´t been provided with more photos or explanations apart from a few Facebook comments and what @Clockwise (thanks man!) is telling us. So, I don´t know about you but if I screwed or do something wrong at work and my good name/business/personal life is put in jeopardy I would try to fix it as soon as possible. Unfortunately, it has not been the case... It´s horrible when you are in your 20s/30s and you worry so much about the way you look because of this crappy sickness (don´t know if I should label it as such, but I´m gonna do it anyway). So, when someone comes here and tells you this is going to blow your mind (cause it works), you are so tired and desperate to improve your life and move on that you end up believing him.

That´s our problem because after all these years we haven´t yet learnt that we can just believe in what we see/have seen. It wouldn´t be that difficult to prove that Brotion works if it really does. You post two, three, four or one thousand photos because, hey, you just have it and you are glad because you made it...

That´s it, I´m tired of this situation and I´m going to leave you (and the memes, ohhh! Gonna miss them!). From now on, I´ll just read you and I hope we will find a new product or treatment that will help us as soon as possible. Thanks for reading me, just a regular Spanish guy!


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People doubting the crown pic saying it's toppik, while at the same time disregarding the temple pics are delusional lol. WHY DIDN'T HE USE IT ON HIS TEMPLES THEN? It's clearly regrown hair and people are just not willing to believe it for some reason...

someone just told me that isnt the same person a couple of posts ago. lol at this chaos

btw its way harder to use toppik on temples and front, thats not how it works. on the crown there is hair everywhere around, so its pretty easy to make it look thicker than it is. temples are isolated