Italian Hair Loss Lotion To Hit The Market In 2016


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I don't really know yet what i will do. My preference for estrogenic stimulation is still estriol. But I've been having hives with my usual estriol cream and don't know if it's estriol related or another ingredient. I will be working to figure that out but right now i'm taking a break so it can resolve.

I will definitely get the equol tested. I think a local decrease in 5-ar expression is likely a good thing by r-equol, and r-equol has a lot of very good anti-aging skin properties.

Long term i will be using one of these two in my topical. I will just have to figure out which will be best for me and that is going to take some time.

Either way i will get the equol tested. Need to get some estriol powder ordered asap so i can test them at the same time.. Gonna try to do that tonight.
I’m sorry that you’ve had adverse reactions to the estriol. It is not uncommon. Mind it could always just be whatever else was in the cream.

I’m on the fence about whether or not it’s helpIng my cause at all, so as a tester, just to see how receptive my body is to it, I’m goIng to try rubbing it into my boobs each day for a while, given that there are a great deal more E receptors there, and it’s a good way to see if my receptors are well.. receptive. They should soften and grow a little (certain estriol creams are actually sold for this very purpose).

Thanks for all your research and willingness to guinea pig equol. I do hope it’s a winner for you (and for others).


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I’m sorry that you’ve had adverse reactions to the estriol. It is not uncommon. Mind it could always just be whatever else was in the cream.

I’m on the fence about whether or not it’s helpIng my cause at all, so as a tester, just to see how receptive my body is to it, I’m goIng to try rubbing it into my boobs each day for a while, given that there are a great deal more E receptors there, and it’s a good way to see if my receptors are well.. receptive. They should soften and grow a little (certain estriol creams are actually sold for this very purpose).

Thanks for all your research and willingness to guinea pig equol. I do hope it’s a winner for you (and for others).

Estriol has almost no breast tissue affinity:

I think you're unlikely to notice any major effect from applying to the breast, but it can't hurt to try.

If you really want to see what estriol does, do what I did and apply 1.5 mg or so 4x/day. Should get you up to roughly pregnancy levels. At a minimum it will certainly give the you the pregnancy "glow" very easily (facial flushing ie. vasodilation). It did for me.

I actually really enjoyed the estriol. It felt good. So I hope it's just something else in the cream that was bothering me. I won't be able to test another formulation for a few weeks though so I'll be off it until then.

I like pretty much everything I've read about estriol. I haven't really encountered anything negative about it at all. It even works for multiple sclerosis of all things:
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What are the ods that the lotion works as well as the pics of the homemade guys results. If it can make hairs like that full, there is a small chance I could actually make my hair line lower then before I started losing it, and a bunch of tiny hairs grew after I took vitamin d.
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I don’t understand why all the people who believe that Brotzu is scam continue to post on this site? For what purpose why don’t they start a new thread and talk about the release of Replicel or Tsuji or another up and coming stem cell treatment? And reserve this thread for people who want to continue to talk about Brotzu because it’s legit and we for real want to know the release date cause we’re still interested. Not interested go find another thread or start a new one.

The claim of legitimacy IS the continued discussion.


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What are the ods that the lotion works as well as the pics of the homemade guys results. If it can make hairs like that full, there is a small chance I could actually make my hair line lower then before I started losing it, and an inch of tiny hairs grew after I took vitamin d.

A question we cant answer unfortunately. Brotzu originally said the younger you are the better itll work - anything beyond 30 and especially 40 it becomes significantly less effective.

However, at the end of the day that dude regrew his temples with something. When he orginally showed it, it was over a year ago and he said he made the Brotzu lotion and so i guess we're inclined to believe him.

In reality we wont know until we try it ourselves...
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Estriol has almost no breast tissue affinity:

I think you're unlikely to notice any major effect from applying to the breast, but it can't hurt to try.

If you really want to see what estriol does, do what I did and apply 1.5 mg or so 4x/day. Should get you up to roughly pregnancy levels. At a minimum it will certainly give the you the pregnancy "glow" very easily (facial flushing ie. vasodilation). It did for me.

I actually really enjoyed the estriol. It felt good. So I hope it's just something else in the cream that was bothering me. I won't be able to test another formulation for a few weeks though so I'll be off it until then.

I like pretty much everything I've read about estriol. I haven't really encountered anything negative about it at all. It even works for multiple sclerosis of all things:
How does one find the time to apply it 4 x a day? Haha. I am intrigued by this however. Wouldn’t mind a bit of feminine glowiness.


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How does one find the time to apply it 4 x a day? Haha. I am intrigued by this however. Wouldn’t mind a bit of feminine glowiness.

The glow is insane. It's funny how so many things people consider almost "mystical" like the "pregnancy glow" can be deconstructed into such a simple thing as a simple hormonal blast. Ditto with the "pregnancy nausea".

Apply 3 mg 2-3 times a day and you'll experience both in full force. It's actually funny but I can now say I know at least part of what it's like to be pregnant.

When I was doing 4x/day I applied in the morning, brought my bottle with me to work and applied mid day, applied again when I got home, then applied at bedtime.

Estriol's half life is short so if you want a smooth effect instead of just getting hot flashes from when you pound it you need to apply regularly. That's another thing - now I know what women's hot flashes feel like too. How educational this has been. :)


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I don’t understand why all the people who believe that Brotzu is scam continue to post on this site? For what purpose why don’t they start a new thread and talk about the release of Replicel or Tsuji or another up and coming stem cell treatment? And reserve this thread for people who want to continue to talk about Brotzu because it’s legit and we for real want to know the release date cause we’re still interested. Not interested go find another thread or start a new one.

I do not think a lot of people say it is a scam. There are just a lot of people that always had a healthy sense of criticism regarding the lotion based on this history of male pattern baldness treatments that never made is till the end of the pipeline. The best way to go about this is to adjust your expectations to the reality of the situation. If more people here would have done that, there would not have been such a big disappointment.

I see there are still some users that still attack other people for being critical about the lotion... Even now... When the evidence in favor of the lotion is at one of its lowest points... I can only assume that they are very young and will learn... eventually.


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I do not think a lot of people say it is a scam. There are just a lot of people that always had a healthy sense of criticism regarding the lotion based on this history of male pattern baldness treatments that never made is till the end of the pipeline. The best way to go about this is to adjust your expectations to the reality of the situation. If more people here would have done that, there would not have been such a big disappointment.

I see there are still some users that still attack other people for being critical about the lotion... Even now... When the evidence in favor of the lotion is at one of its lowest points... I can only assume that they are very young and will learn... eventually.
First post that I agree 100% after the conference.
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Yall need to chill and stop calling each other baldie. We should just wait and see what Fidia have to say.


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Yall need to chill and stop calling each other baldie. We should just wait and see what Fidia have to say.

If they ever f*****g say something.

I've got this image where they all get in everyday and sit around a desk and share the ingredients to their ideal pasta sauce.


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Yes. I have thought about that too. I have no clue about patent law but I assume it's much more difficult to patent a "recipe" than a chemcial compound you came up with yourself. Hopefully some bald lawyer hangs out here and gives us his professional opinion.

Again? This could explain things. Maybe they don't have the financial capcity (anymore) to produce and market a new product at this point.
They do have financial capacity that's for sure they do.


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The glow is insane. It's funny how so many things people consider almost "mystical" like the "pregnancy glow" can be deconstructed into such a simple thing as a simple hormonal blast. Ditto with the "pregnancy nausea".

Apply 3 mg 2-3 times a day and you'll experience both in full force. It's actually funny but I can now say I know at least part of what it's like to be pregnant.

When I was doing 4x/day I applied in the morning, brought my bottle with me to work and applied mid day, applied again when I got home, then applied at bedtime.

Estriol's half life is short so if you want a smooth effect instead of just getting hot flashes from when you pound it you need to apply regularly. That's another thing - now I know what women's hot flashes feel like too. How educational this has been. :)
Regardless of the type, I still think I need to watch my estrogen consumption. Pregant women have elevated everything - prog, E1, 2 and 3. It’s only for 9 months and it’s not sustainable long term for a woman. I have to watch what I’m doing especially give that breast cancer and stroke runs in the family. I just don’t want to become overzealous and damage myself further.


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Regardless of the type, I still think I need to watch my estrogen consumption. Pregant women have elevated everything - prog, E1, 2 and 3. It’s only for 9 months and it’s not sustainable long term for a woman. I have to watch what I’m doing especially give that breast cancer and stroke runs in the family. I just don’t want to become overzealous and damage myself further.

Yeah I hear you. From everything I've read and now experienced, I think estriol is by far the most "unique" and special of the estrogens. I mean, obviously estradiol is the more important of the estrogens. But that one is easy to take for granted because it's so bland and obvious.

Estriol has some really interesting characteristics both good and bad. Eg. The nausea in high doses, the "glow" and warm feeling in high doses, and the immunomodulation.

The fact that it can be used to treat multiple sclerosis is fascinating. So is the fact that it gave me what I think is pregnancy associated eczema. It seems to have some unusual effects on the immune system. I will also note the first few days I was hammering it in high doses I felt like I almost had the flu, but I couldn't put my finger on it until now. I think these are the immune modulation effects.

If you have a family history of autoimmune conditions as you have said, high doses of estriol could conceivably have some unpredictable effects.

I'm still on the fence about whether I'll try to continue it but just with small amounts on my scalp, or let it go and give equol a whirl instead. I think I'll buy some estriol powder so I can at least try it. In small topical doses it shouldn't have these whole body megadose-level effects.


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What are the ods that the lotion works as well as the pics of the homemade guys results. If it can make hairs like that full, there is a small chance I could actually make my hair line lower then before I started losing it, and a bunch of tiny hairs grew after I took vitamin d.
I’m going to simply speculate here and say that results would vary from person to person as with any other treatment.


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How about this - trials didn't work out and Fidia decides not to market the product. They want to write off the

Exactly. Good analysis. Fidia has a reason they act like they did. Someone makes decision there and this someone is driven by financial gains.

The lotion not doing sh*t. I don't think that would stop them from marketing it as a cosmetic. Look at all the shitty products that don't do anything and I am not talking about the obvious snake oil products here but "respected" brands.

If they were driven purely by financial gain they would have marketed it now regardless of it effectiveness because they know the following the product now has. You wouldn't be taking this long if it was 100% snakeoil. As for the lotion not doing anything - the fact that someone made their own in a lab and had the results we've all been wanting points at it doing at least something positive.


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Isn't it that the symptoms of MS almost disappear during pregnancy as well? Don't quote me on that but I remember reading this some time ago.
It is very interesting indeed. I mean, estrogen has a myriad of growth and tissue “nourishment” properties. I guess if you think about how it promotes cell regeneration, it makes sense that it would be useful where you have a degenerative disease..?