Italian Hair Loss Lotion To Hit The Market In 2016


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He also told me he doesn´t have tracking numbers, so we just have to be patient.

I think it just takes time i dont know where everyone is located....Its best to forget about it for a week or so.


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Okay now some interesting things for the gb guys (like me). A chemist from the german forum (well respected member) said that it makes no difference if you store the lotion in a fridge or not it will not improve the stability. He says the stability comes from the recipe and he also said that the patent is far away from the recipe. He says that if the loton is made like in the patent you can throw it away soon and he hopes for us that the laboratory did something that the lotion will be stable. I hope so too. :D


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Okay now some interesting things for the gb guys (like me). A chemist from the german forum (well respected member) said that it makes no difference if you store the lotion in a fridge or not it will not improve the stability. He says the stability comes from the recipe and he also said that the patent is far away from the recipe. He says that if the loton is made like in the patent you can throw it away soon and he hopes for us that the laboratory did something that the lotion will be stable. I hope so too. :D
I'm not sure why he would say that when the patent states that they tested the lotion for stability and it did very well.

Personally, I'm going to side with the official patent over a forum member no matter how well respected they are.


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I don't know if this has been asked before, but can an admin contact Fidia for an interview? Would be nice to get some info out of them before were completely shiny.

I don't think they'd talk to anybody till after they actually finish trials and have a release date but u should @Admin if u want him to see this.


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No disrespect but why wouldn't you guys just wait for the real results? The results should be published within the next two months. Why waste money on something that isn't the real thing?


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No disrespect but why wouldn't you guys just wait for the real results? The results should be published within the next two months. Why waste money on something that isn't the real thing?

In their defense, i dont think any official source actually gave a date. Ppl just assume 2017. Fidia never gave that date however. If Im wrong, id apreciate it if someone gave me an official source or statement made by Fidia.


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No disrespect but why wouldn't you guys just wait for the real results? The results should be published within the next two months. Why waste money on something that isn't the real thing?

I'm in my 40s, I'm not going to miss $100. Was worth the 'gamble' to me.


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In their defense, i dont think any official source actually gave a date. Ppl just assume 2017. Fidia never gave that date however. If Im wrong, id apreciate it if someone gave me an official source or statement made by Fidia.

Is that confirmed officially? Pipeline assume 2017?
Where did you get info?


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If you just read his reply... 'People just assume 2017'. Fidia has not given any timeline, there are only rumors from people who were in the
trials and that rumor is that it is to be released somewhere in 2017. The only statement they have given is by email (to multiple people) telling that they are currently conducting trials.


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Go in one ear and out the other

Until official announcement will be released.

Its only way to feel easy.


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I don't mean to be rude, but I think it's very sad that there are SO MANY people believing in this product while it has not even been released yet. People think this will be the cure, how funny. You think some random Italian docter has a potion to cure male pattern baldness? Ofcourse not, it's nearly impossible. All they want is your money.


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I don't mean to be rude, but I think it's very sad that there are SO MANY people believing in this product while it has not even been released yet. People think this will be the cure, how funny. You think some random Italian docter has a potion to cure male pattern baldness? Ofcourse not, it's nearly impossible. All they want is your money.

Who said its a cure? i don't think anyone thinks this.
At best it might be a better option to minoxidil or oral meds that have side effects.
At worse it does nothing.

If someone cannot afford to throw away $100 don't buy it.
$100 is brunch and drinks where I live.
Rather get the cream that may/may not work
No emotional investment don't be 'sad' for us.


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I don't mean to be rude, but I think it's very sad that there are SO MANY people believing in this product while it has not even been released yet. People think this will be the cure, how funny. You think some random Italian docter has a potion to cure male pattern baldness? Ofcourse not, it's nearly impossible. All they want is your money.

There's been a lot of anti-italian bigotry among the skeptics. It's bizarre.


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The majority of the people here dont think this is a 'cure'. People are beeing optimistic about a potential treatment that could replace anti-androgens
and or minoxidil, which are effective in most cases but also have some negative side effects.. The science behind it seems legit (although I'm no scientist) and the fact that this is discovered by coincidence by a well known doctor and not some new unknown company makes it seem some what more legit. I think it's said you are being this pessimistic, but it's an attitude a lot of guys on these forums have I noticed. I can understand, if you just tell yourself there won't be a cure or better alternatives (which is statistically unlikely with all the research being done) you'l never get disappointed.

That Guy

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The majority of the people here dont think this is a 'cure'. People are beeing optimistic about a potential treatment that could replace anti-androgens
and or minoxidil, which are effective in most cases but also have some negative side effects.. The science behind it seems legit (although I'm no scientist) and the fact that this is discovered by coincidence by a well known doctor and not some new unknown company makes it seem some what more legit. I think it's said you are being this pessimistic, but it's an attitude a lot of guys on these forums have I noticed. I can understand, if you just tell yourself there won't be a cure or better alternatives (which is statistically unlikely with all the research being done) you'l never get disappointed.

It's bizarre to me that these forums have so many naysayers regarding forthcoming treatments. Not that I didn't expect at least a few, but I was sort of under the impression that most people joining a forum like this would be..."realistic optimists". Nope, it seems like pessimistic rhetoric that flies in the face of logic and in many cases, facts, is a norm.


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It's bizarre to me that these forums have so many naysayers regarding forthcoming treatments. Not that I didn't expect at least a few, but I was sort of under the impression that most people joining a forum like this would be..."realistic optimists". Nope, it seems like pessimistic rhetoric that flies in the face of logic and in many cases, facts, is a norm.
I guess they are people that went through many "hyped treatments" before and they just lost all of their hope. But I don't think this is a good motive to bring others down, it may fail it may not, but atleast let others have hope. Anyways, only time will tell if we will ever defeat this god damn shitty disease and from the looks of it, we have a good chance to do so.


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I love how he starts the sentence "i dont mean to be rude.'
yet he's rude enough to assume we are all blind idiots.