
Italian Hair Loss Lotion To Hit The Market In 2016


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It’s not about that at all. This time, I can’t say everything I know. If I did, then I wouldn’t get more info. Later, I WILL tell you guys - but I hope that Fidia comes with an officiall statement before that.

And for the record, br1 are cool. elijahwould are not.
Youve proven yourself in the past, i dont doubt you have info and i dont blame you for not damaging your connections.
But do you have any reason to believe that this lotion, if released, will work better than what was shown at sitri?


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Damn if these guys knew what we know.
There's more going on than we realise. Very little cross talk amongst commercial biotech companies, particularly when discoveries and releases are on the horizon. It would be nice if we had some type of international patient advocacy group which could help us better connect with the researchers. Literature reviews may be better than what we usually produce, but there are still possibilities the researchers don't consider.


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There's more going on than we realise. Very little cross talk amongst commercial biotech companies, particularly when discoveries and releases are on the horizon. It would be nice if we had some type of international patient advocacy group which could help us better connect with the researchers. Literature reviews may be better than what we usually produce, but there are still possibilities the researchers don't consider.



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There's more going on than we realise. Very little cross talk amongst commercial biotech companies, particularly when discoveries and releases are on the horizon. It would be nice if we had some type of international patient advocacy group which could help us better connect with the researchers. Literature reviews may be better than what we usually produce, but there are still possibilities the researchers don't consider.
TheBaldTruth SHOULD be doing this, but instead Spencer Kobran keeps saying "Guys... if there is a cure on the Horizon, I'm the first person you will hear it from". When asked about Brotzu, he said something along the lines of "Don't get your hopes up".


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TheBaldTruth SHOULD be doing this, but instead Spencer Kobran keeps saying "Guys... if there is a cure on the Horizon, I'm the first person you will hear it from". When asked about Brotzu, he said something along the lines of "Don't get your hopes up".

Who? A radio show host? Yeah all-roight. Not that there's anything wrong with him, I guess it's just a cultural thing. Basically I read about how GlaxoSmithKline funded patient advocacy groups to help pathologise depression in Japan. With Avodart I wouldn't be surprised if they tried it again. Particularly since there is a bit of literature in the academic work against pathologising hair loss, you'd imagine they'd be in need of some help turning public opinion - especially with all the snake oil muddying the waters.

Then again GSK had a solution ready to go, while what's out there is still fighting for approval.


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Merck paid fidia to not release the lotion yet because too many people will crash once they come off finasteride. They are simply waitting for a pfs cure first :D


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TheBaldTruth SHOULD be doing this, but instead Spencer Kobran keeps saying "Guys... if there is a cure on the Horizon, I'm the first person you will hear it from". When asked about Brotzu, he said something along the lines of "Don't get your hopes up".
Kobran is an idiot. Prior to the Sitri conference he explained how the Brotzu lotion worked and literally nothing he said about it was correct.


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ive been listening to his show for a few weeks now

slimeball moron

looks like a sunburnt rodent
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So predictable. Hahah

and this:

we received rather a rude answer from secretary

Not only they don't focking communicate with customers, but they are even saying "hey fock off ya all out there".

Even Ebola, the admin of one of the biggest Italian hairloss forums can't get info, then how someone from Discord group can know much more? If @Clockwise and the others are getting info from Brotzu, then they must be extremely retarded to believe anything he says


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if someone asked brotzu (or his son) on fb: "will it be possible to pay for the lotion with a simple piece of paper with 100E written on it?", his answer would be something like: "yes, no problem".

honestly, that is what all his fb convos with our precious "info traders" looked like to me.

tldr, again: just ban the idiots.
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What I can tell you, is that Fidia are still testing the lotion. They want it to last for three years (shelf-life), the recipe they got for two years wasen’t good enough for them - therefore this long term delay.

With that said, they are at the same time in the release-process because the testingtime are/or very soon over. So beside this last step, they organize for the produktion, packeting, marketing etc aswell.


Established Member
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So predictable. Hahah

and this:

we received rather a rude answer from secretary

Not only they don't focking communicate with customers, but they are even saying "hey fock off ya all out there".

Even Ebola, the admin of one of the biggest Italian hairloss forums can't get info, then how someone from Discord group can know much more? If @Clockwise and the others are getting info from Brotzu, then they must be extremely retarded to believe anything he says

for me it sounds like they wanted to create a scam, but they didnt realize how strong and how versed the online hair loss community is. it makes absolutely no sense not to give information out. i think they will not move on with this scam. imagine: you have made a trial, with brilliant outcomes, the lotion is stable and you will bring it to market in october, nobody would sit there and be aware of publishing the outcomes. if we are honest, we know that this is sh*t, like so many other things before.