I understand your frustration entirely, hairloss is a worrying thing and for those of us on here evidently even more so but if we take them at face value then from different places they are getting similar information which is a positive. Even more positively it reaffirmed something we heard in March from Bellicapelli, that an Ocober release is most likely. Now of course it could be wrong (and of course it may not even work), but october is about 11-15 weeks away which really is not that long.
However the fact is Fidia has released no information about a potential release date for over a year (when they simply said 2018), everything we have heard is leaks and people who leak don't tend to be too popular with their employers and therefore won't want their names released. So if they release their sources then they will get no more information. So it leaves us with a choice between potentially unreliable information or none at all until/ unless Fidia release official information.