@pikemason have you even seen the homemade lotion photos ?
@Ollie please enlighten me with homemade lotion photos. I want to see what the hype is about.
@Ollie I'm still not convinced. The pictures that came from them directly don't look good. Do you have any updates pics with the guy that did the homemade solution? That was over a year ago, I would like to see his progress to see how the hairs matured.
You're right brotion is the GOATsmells like goat dong
Should finally be able to make my own ethosome version of the lotion next week!
Ethosomes are a stronger more stable form of liposome. I'll be getting 50 mg s eqoul, 10 mg dgla, and 50 mg l carnitine
i have not even seen pictures and i am amazed !
Of course! I've been hammering this lotion since March, I was the biggest supporter on this forum. Back when em and good ol @br1 were debating.
I'm hoping for cosmetic improvement in 1-2 months.
At least any semi official announcemen/date when we get an update?
2016At least any semi official announcemen/date when we get an update?