Where do you get three weeks from? Just a guess based on on October release?
Yeah, just my guess. Can't imagine that everything will happen in the last days of October. Because they will need a sizable portion of time in order to set up the website, provide shipping services and maybe do at least small marketing plus I hope that at the end of the day Fidia will publish trial results and anyone who is interested in lotion will be able to study them and decide whether to buy this product or not.
So something should happen either between 1-16 of October or the lotion will be postponed to the better times. There won't be much sense to visit this thread if nothing will happen, better just buy homemade lotion. I would even say it looks like a game, some bad game with an unhealthy sense of humor, maybe someone just having fun by trolling us. Just think about these facts:
- A bunch of mistakes in presentation (wrong pics, unclear information about miniaturized hair)
- Lord Brotzu has registered in this forum. Lol, seriously, why would he need this and why HairLossTalk.com and not the Italian one. Why not just make some public statement?
-All guys who had a success with a homemade lotion have dissapeared mysteriously. Really, what the hell? For me, it would be some sort of mission to share that godsend with brothers who suffer so much from the hairloss demon.
- New photos were showed by Clockwise exactly 5 months after Sitri conference. Maybe coincidence, maybe not.
- Fidia doesn't respond to emails. I'm 99% sure that they have someone whose job is processing of emails. They could just reply back: "Sorry we don't work on any hair loss lotion" or "We can't disclosure any info regarding our products", that's what people expect. Maybe it's just shitty and unprofessional company, who knows.
On the paper, everything looks unclear and questionable, but what makes me believe is that this lotion really can become a game changer on the market if it really does what Clockwise showed us. If it truly works and doesn't give sides, people will buy it and be happy. Brotzu has a pretty tight window on releasing the lotion because in year or two we will have something new, so he risks to lose big money.