I cannot believe that so many idiots still believe what the clown Brotzu and his fellow idiot clockwise tell you.
Did someone sh*t in your brains? Wait idiots I will post the sitri results. After it came out that The Brotzu clan are a bunch of italian losers and liars I instantly accepted that these Italian incapable bastards just lied.
Idiots, dont waste your money. Working like monkeys and paying these italian clowns for a product that keeps a mm of hair on your dick.
You idiots really want to make these
@beps63 rich?
A guy who tried to do illegal stuff like sending products from the canaries via Amazon? I mean wtf?
The same guy who posted some sh*t before the sitri conference like: today you will see what I have known for years. Just for this sentence I would smashed his ugly face on the wall. And then after the italian clown got worried that his plan did not work he used a random internet pic of a guy that doesnt to do anything with these father and son clowns to proof us wrong.
Idiots wake up and wait before making this fkcing italians idiots millionaires.
The only thing that will grow is your fkcing dumbass experience. Same idiots who are here since 2016.
I dont have any faith that these idiots will learn but maybe 1 or 2 smart guys understand my message and will not fall for this old italian trick.
Dont trust hair loss industry and the golden rule never trust italians related to hair loss research.