Italian Hair Loss Lotion To Hit The Market In 2016

Mr White

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I came across this YouTube comment recently:

We need Dr. Brotzu to launch his true and original lotion which actually blocks pgd2 clinically not as with TRINOV which uses a natural oil which is way way less potent. I think the medical/government didn't let him launch his original lotion due to mafi@. :(

Any thoughts on this? Is Brotzu a scam artist or did pharma companies sabotage his original formula? An effective hair loss treatment would put a lot of people out of business...


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I came across this YouTube comment recently:

We need Dr. Brotzu to launch his true and original lotion which actually blocks pgd2 clinically not as with TRINOV which uses a natural oil which is way way less potent. I think the medical/government didn't let him launch his original lotion due to mafi@. :(

Any thoughts on this? Is Brotzu a scam artist or did pharma companies sabotage his original formula? An effective hair loss treatment would put a lot of people out of business...

Let it go...


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I came across this YouTube comment recently:

We need Dr. Brotzu to launch his true and original lotion which actually blocks pgd2 clinically not as with TRINOV which uses a natural oil which is way way less potent. I think the medical/government didn't let him launch his original lotion due to mafi@. :(

Any thoughts on this? Is Brotzu a scam artist or did pharma companies sabotage his original formula? An effective hair loss treatment would put a lot of people out of business...

The best thing in his original formular was PGE1. Real PGE1 surely works, but they didnt want to go through the real approval process and went the cosmetic route. The closest on the market is probably alprostadil as pge1 analogue ppl inject into their dicks for ED.

Same happened to WAY316606, which got scrapped to look for an analogue that can be sold cosmetically...

Your link btw is solid growthfactor cocktail. Though I would rather go with agf39, as it fixes the issue of human skin having not enough gamma delta tcells to produce fgf9 for wound induced hair follice neogenesis.


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I know this thread is dead, and based on the comments the Trinov lotion lacked certain chemicals that could’ve made it effective; but whatever happened to that lotion made by that Orlando dude? Did anyone have results with that or did it flop too?

Mr White

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The best thing in his original formular was PGE1. Real PGE1 surely works, but they didnt want to go through the real approval process and went the cosmetic route. The closest on the market is probably alprostadil as pge1 analogue ppl inject into their dicks for ED.[...]

Very interesting piece of information, I had no idea.

Do you think that applying alprostadil cream to the scalp would work?

John Difool

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S-equol witht the dosage they manufactured it, absolutely not. You can buy s-equol pills that would probably give better results. The original formula has still merits but not the one they use in the final product.


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I used racemic equol and it was quite powerful, though it binds to estrogen receptor alpha and can cause gyno.

S Equol was safer, but very expensive. Brotzu doses were not meaningful enough to do anything. 10-15 mg of S-Equol per day would work very well I'm sure.


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Really sad it didn't work. In theory it should work, they could make a useful product, but decided to scam people. At least brotzus reputation is fucked up, he's no more a respectful surgion, but a old scammer.


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I used racemic equol and it was quite powerful, though it binds to estrogen receptor alpha and can cause gyno.

S Equol was safer, but very expensive. Brotzu doses were not meaningful enough to do anything. 10-15 mg of S-Equol per day would work very well I'm sure.
What is S equol? I’ve never heard of it before. Have you tried it?