So then if there's a name or some kind of un-official name like 'CB-03-01'.... then why is everyone calling by the ridiculous snake oil sounding name? Brotzu Lotion? Seriously?
And where are the scientific studies? Where are the clinical trials and before/after pics? Where is any official statement from the doctor? Where's the website with info? I haven't seen sh*t but somehow this thread has gotten up to 187 pages. It's like that Trx2 garbage that got like 400+ pages on BTT and turned out to be, you guessed it; BULLSHIT.
Man, I usually love your posts, but you're seriously dropping the ball here.
You're committing fallacy by stating that because something is called X by the public or has a snappy marketing name that it must be invalid. You're hyped about Follica, but don't have any issue with the "RAIN" name? So people are going to get "RAIN'd" on (and you know they're banking on people saying exactly that), but somehow, Follica is exempt? Tsuji's method is called "The Primordium Method" and that sound badass as f***. Who knows what they will actually call the treatment when it is available. I guarantee you it will be something that sells.
You know, like "Rogaine" or "Propecia". Just because something doesn't have a bunch of 0s, 1s and letters in the name doesn't mean anything
Second, in that interview with Brotzu that keeps circulating, he very specifically says the article numbers, the dates, page and journals in which the findings are published. As was shared a few pages back, I think it was the patent itself that had clinical data.
Third, did you bother to watch that video from the conference the doctor recently held containing your precious before and after pictures? Have you taken the time to bother reading anywhere that the FIDIA trials
are still ongoing? Yeah, the conference pictures were for AA, but it shows that the lotion is working — as stated — for at least one of the conditions. Let me guess though, he was honest about AA, but lying to everyone about Androgenetic Alopecia?
This isn't like all of the other "treatments" you can find where the only ingredients are amino acid and vitamins.