Italian Hair Loss Lotion To Hit The Market In 2016


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Well mass emailing them at least got a response a while back. Maybe we should try that again?
You will most likely just make some poor secretary's life miserable having to deal with a large number of people. Also the so called "forced" response they posted on their website doesn't reveal any information that wasn't already known. They will release the info when they are ready.


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I actually wrote to them not too long ago and haven't heard from them yet.
Half expected they wouldn't reply but had to try anyway. No regrets.

The 7TH Sense

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I agree. Super easy to send an email. I'm down. And I think we should all be down. Use a throwaway email if you would like but it would by very meaningful if we sent a few hundred emails. Remember that the latest Fidia announcement referenced the volume of calls and emails they got.

"Everything we do at Fidia Farmaceutici is focused on improving the quality of life of patients and with the same accuracy and dedication, we are addressing this unmet medical need, a condition that can occur at any age and affects men and women equally, in Italy and worldwide, as corroborated by hundreds of emails and phone calls received during 2016."

I think also it would be especially useful to ask for some goddamn proof that this sh*t works. They already have it patented. They should post some results, be it the professor's or their own. Or they should announce when we can expect results, data, etc.

People never learn...

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No they said they anticipate the completion of a product by 2018. But they can release data sooner if they wished. Also, what's to learn/lose? It's just sending emails which costs nothing. I'm all for putting some pressure on Fidia.

If anything, you know when people REALLY never learn? When they keep believing that a new product is just X years away and that we just need to wait. This isn't to say that current future prospects are bad or that the failures of the past predict failure in th future. Rather, if we are talking about recurring themes, waiting for salvation is at the top of the list, friendo :). I don't really believe Fidia's 2018 "anticipation" to mean anything other than "We don't have it right now. We might have it later" until I see some progress or milestones or literally any data.


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maybe they will hurry up if you send them the link to "New Hair Loss Treatments Pipeline"


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No they said they anticipate the completion of a product by 2018. But they can release data sooner if they wished. Also, what's to learn/lose? It's just sending emails which costs nothing. I'm all for putting some pressure on Fidia.

If anything, you know when people REALLY never learn? When they keep believing that a new product is just X years away and that we just need to wait. This isn't to say that current future prospects are bad or that the failures of the past predict failure in th future. Rather, if we are talking about recurring themes, waiting for salvation is at the top of the list, friendo :). I don't really believe Fidia's 2018 "anticipation" to mean anything other than "We don't have it right now. We might have it later" until I see some progress or milestones or literally any data.
You have to look at it from their point of view as well. They are a reputable company and need to gather data prior to releasing the product cause every time they release something it's their reputation that's on the line.

While I'd like to have the product as early as possible, their development and processing do give me much better hopes that this isn't your everyday scam.


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I said this before, and just to reinforce it: I would be glad to use one of these scams as / if they ever come out. ahaha

dark times


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So we still got some dumb fucks speculating how something will work, and some other dumb f*** nay sayers on this site, no cure or prevention for hairloss yet, am i correct?


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If anything, you know when people REALLY never learn? When they keep believing that a new product is just X years away and that we just need to wait.

if we are talking about recurring themes, waiting for salvation is at the top of the list

This cannot be stressed enough. We're doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results, which is the definition of insanity.

No one's saying our efforts (whatever they be) will definitely improve our chances of getting our hair back - but not doing anything sure as f*** won't. The way I see it, the only real question is whether hair means enough for me to try anything, no matter the odds. And the answer is a resounding 'f*** yes'.

And if all this does is make some miserable secretary realize how severely afflicted some of us are by the disorder it's still f*****g worth it because that's how social attitudes are changed. If they find me pathetic or annoying for doing it, who cares? I mean, what's there to lose? My dignity? I'm f*****g balding - What dignity?

Shaming and ridicule's exactly how we've been kept in check all these years. What's there to be ashamed of? Not wanting to look diseased and ugly? Wanting to be genuinely confident as opposed to delusional for the sake of survival? The need to be in control of my own life and the willingness to fight for it?

Nevermind inquiring about developing treatments and trials, that's just the tip of the iceberg. There is a fuckload of other more effective things (like spreading awareness) we could be doing and aren't simply because we've internalized the shame and bullshit notions of masculinity. What dominance and power is there really in waiting and letting yourself grow fugly af?

I'm done taking that sh*t. Every single baldie that ever lived died waiting for a cure. If there is even the slightest chance that doing things differently will spare me the same fate, I'd be mad not to take it. Otherwise I'll only have myself to blame.


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This cannot be stressed enough. We're doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results, which is the definition of insanity.

No one's saying our efforts (whatever they be) will definitely improve our chances of getting our hair back - but not doing anything sure as f*** won't. The way I see it, the only real question is whether hair means enough for me to try anything, no matter the odds. And the answer is a resounding 'f*** yes'.

And if all this does is make some miserable secretary realize how severely afflicted some of us are by the disorder it's still f*****g worth it because that's how social attitudes are changed. If they find me pathetic or annoying for doing it, who cares? I mean, what's there to lose? My dignity? I'm f*****g balding - What dignity?

Shaming and ridicule's exactly how we've been kept in check all these years. What's there to be ashamed of? Not wanting to look diseased and ugly? Wanting to be genuinely confident as opposed to delusional for the sake of survival? The need to be in control of my own life and the willingness to fight for it?

Nevermind inquiring about developing treatments and trials, that's just the tip of the iceberg. There is a fuckload of other more effective things (like spreading awareness) we could be doing and aren't simply because we've internalized the shame and bullshit notions of masculinity. What dominance and power is there really in waiting and letting yourself grow fugly af?

I'm done taking that sh*t. Every single baldie that ever lived died waiting for a cure. If there is even the slightest chance that doing things differently will spare me the same fate, I'd be mad not to take it. Otherwise I'll only have myself to blame.

well get a f*****g transplant then you overly dramatic b**ch