Italian Hair Loss Lotion To Hit The Market In 2016


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I cant wait to find out :D

Me too, at least one demon out of my mind, it will be easier to deal with the others

moral of the story: you have to be way above average facially to even get compared to ugly guys with hair?

I would say, Moral of the story : This is a disease, no matter what


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I think most people here are going to realise when a cure comes out that the hair wasn’t the real issue in their lives
Penis size....penis size matters lol....

Everyone has his own problems, but some of them are the common diseases of mankind


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I think most people here are going to realise when a cure comes out that the hair wasn’t the real issue in their lives

Kind of douchy comment suggesting that people are too stupid to figure out their own problems, but you don't, because you have a superior mind.
But, why the f*** do i care anyway, struggling with daily comments, looks and jokes about hair and scalp at work is much worse


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There are people who can look very good without hair. But I think hair is one of the most important thing for the first impression.

I have some friends who are not balding, but who shaved their hair. I look at them and think, oh they look good. But when I see pictures of them with longer hair I think they looked way better with more hair.

If you want to compare hair/no hair. You can’t compare a good looking guy with a bad looking. Just compare John travolta with hair and without. Or Christian bale in the film fighter (the make up artist made a Norwood 3 out of him) with his real hair. Or Justin Timberlake or Bieber (they sometimes shaved their hair).

For me no one of them looks better without hair and I think nearly no one does.


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How sad it would be if our remaining hair follicles completely die because fidia is delaying the fkcing release date.

But don't worry, they have something big behind the curtain. I would compare this with Jak inhibitors. Aclaris is silent as f*** but they have a big gun. One patent filing after another. This cancer like diesease will be over soon. Be lucky to belong to this generation. If I were in this situation 10 years ago then many things would not be as if they are right now. Fkck hair loss.

I hope that we get something that is similar to steroids but only for hair.
The only side effect is that your hair grows 2 cm a week xD.


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How sad it would be if our remaining hair follicles completely die because fidia is delaying the fkcing release date.

But don't worry, they have something big behind the curtain. I would compare this with Jak inhibitors. Aclaris is silent as f*** but they have a big gun. One patent filing after another. This cancer like diesease will be over soon. Be lucky to belong to this generation. If I were in this situation 10 years ago then many things would not be as if they are right now. Fkck hair loss.

I hope that we get something that is similar to steroids but only for hair.
The only side effect is that your hair grows 2 cm a week xD.
Delaying the release date? The release date is 2018 and that's the only release date that they've ever given. Even if they released it in december of 2018 they wouldn't have delayed the release date.


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How sad it would be if our remaining hair follicles completely die because fidia is delaying the fkcing release date.

But don't worry, they have something big behind the curtain. I would compare this with Jak inhibitors. Aclaris is silent as f*** but they have a big gun. One patent filing after another. This cancer like diesease will be over soon. Be lucky to belong to this generation. If I were in this situation 10 years ago then many things would not be as if they are right now. Fkck hair loss.

I hope that we get something that is similar to steroids but only for hair.
The only side effect is that your hair grows 2 cm a week xD.

Please Royaume... Stop framing your hopes as the truth to be. You simply cannot know these things yet, we can only hope.
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How sad it would be if our remaining hair follicles completely die because fidia is delaying the fkcing release date.

But don't worry, they have something big behind the curtain. I would compare this with Jak inhibitors. Aclaris is silent as f*** but they have a big gun. One patent filing after another. This cancer like diesease will be over soon. Be lucky to belong to this generation. If I were in this situation 10 years ago then many things would not be as if they are right now. Fkck hair loss.

I hope that we get something that is similar to steroids but only for hair.
The only side effect is that your hair grows 2 cm a week xD.
Man if I had to inject something to my body and have all sorts of sh*t wrong to with me to get my hair back INJECT THE f*** OUT OF ME.


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Delaying the release date? The release date is 2018 and that's the only release date that they've ever given. Even if they released it in december of 2018 they wouldn't have delayed the release date.
They never said it would be released, in the first place.

2018, will be when the "studies" would be over.

My guess is that phidia will never talk about this "lotion" (makes me laugh every time) again ..


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Fast forward 20 years and we still will be on this thread hoping for brotzu lotion to be released.


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This is absurd. If we don't get a SOLID announcement - meaning efficacy details and a release date/timetable - by the end of Q1 2018, I'll probably have to start taking finasteride (which I really wanted to avoid if possible) and exploring my transplant options. The latter will likely be very limited since I'm a diffuse thinner with retrograde alopecia.