
Italian Hair Loss Lotion To Hit The Market In 2016


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@Clockwise , I wanted to ask you that since you keep in contact with Professor Brotzu, could you ask him if in his presentation of Sitri they will show before / after photos? You could also ask how many testers got good results but I doubt he want to answer it. But at least you could ask if they will show photographic evidence. I am afraid your presentation will simply repeat what you have been saying in all your interviews. We need data, photos, tests. I'm sorry but I'm desperate.


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30 minutes is nothing. Probably will repeat the same bla bla bla from 2016.


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@Clockwise , I wanted to ask you that since you keep in contact with Professor Brotzu, could you ask him if in his presentation of Sitri they will show before / after photos? You could also ask how many testers got good results but I doubt he want to answer it. But at least you could ask if they will show photographic evidence. I am afraid your presentation will simply repeat what you have been saying in all your interviews. We need data, photos, tests. I'm sorry but I'm desperate.

I have asked him that already. He just told me how the presentation gonna look like and didn’t mention before and after pictures.

But it would be kind of wierd if it wasen’t any pictures at all, I think it will be close-up pictures like the last presentation


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If he is still alive and evem posted on forum this is a good sign. If I did not tell the truth I would be the last person who come back to the forum. He seems to be confident. And also his father. Do you think he will show fkcing shitty before and after pics and embarass himself in front of many people?! He knows exactly that many people for his speech next month.

He will Hopefully NoT disappoint us. All we want is that the brotzus told us the truth. Nothing more! Is that too much to expect?....


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I have asked him that already. He just told me how the presentation gonna look like and didn’t mention before and after pictures.

But it would be kind of wierd if it wasen’t any pictures at all, I think it will be close-up pictures like the last presentation

@Clockwise , thank you very much for your answer. I am desesperate. I need to take any drug for my hairloss but I dont to take finasteride. Maybe the brotzu lotion is my last chance, if It doesn’t work, I will need to do the smp.

@Clockwise , please, if you find out about something new, please tell us about it. I wish Dr. Broztu would tell you something about the effectiveness and the success rate in the number of testers.

It is very sad. I am 38 years old, without family, and here I am on a Sunday afternoon waiting to know something new. This is not life.

Thank you


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@Clockwise , thank you very much for your answer. I am desesperate. I need to take any drug for my hairloss but I dont to take finasteride. Maybe the brotzu lotion is my last chance, if It doesn’t work, I will need to do the smp.

@Clockwise , please, if you find out about something new, please tell us about it. I wish Dr. Broztu would tell you something about the effectiveness and the success rate in the number of testers.

It is very sad. I am 38 years old, without family, and here I am on a Sunday afternoon waiting to know something new. This is not life.

Thank you

Hang on, bro.

Like others I also think the 5 year claim might be a little too much. But if this can maintain with just a tad regrowth, it will be very good for alot of ppl.
Teh Overlord Brotzu will soon spew forth a glorious gospel of his holy lozione;-)


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Like others I also think the 5 year claim might be a little too much
I believe it's the best case scenario. You know, some people get incredible regrowth with Minoxidil, so it's OK to have good Brotzu lotion responders.


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I still think it could provide maintenance though. Unfortunately it means we're going to need to wait another 6+ months after it's even released in order for people to actually test whether or not it gives maintenance, which conveniently isn't even easy to prove because there's no way to know how much hair you would have lost had you not been on it. Especially with the crazies on here who are on like rhino tranquilizers and freak out with excitement over how much 'regrowth' they see when they show pictures of their scalp that looks exactly as bad as it did before.
he said release on or before summer so 2-4 months


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Guys i have a question. I can't take in due to Side but could minoxidil atleast slow down my hair loss till this comes out? Obviously it would mean that the lotion will atleast mantain hair, which i will bet on. Already ordered Rogaine foam, but not sure if i should use it.


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If it does come out and works, I truly hope it comes without sides like they say and doesn't cause insomnia or some sh*t like that. Feel like min is definitely giving me that and a bunch of other sides.


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never bet on a future treatment, its a sh*t deal, you never know if it will work out. you should make your decisions based on what's currently available.
minoxidil has helped me regain a lot of thickness although i dont think it has changed my receding. if you have already ordered it then you should obviously use it, its so tame and the sides are almost nonexistent.

Thanks for the insight. I have very thick hair but some recession so your situations seems similar to mine. Will do


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First of all, I very much want this cream to work.
Unfortunately, I suspect that this is not the case ... In the modern era, the global and the new media that all the information is exposed and easy to publish, I think that if this cream works we would already see pictures of before-after people who were in the studies.
I wish I was wrong. I'm a sparse 6 Norwood who dreams of returning to Norwood 2-3 with a serious regime I've already started. I would be very happy to add the cream if it turns out that he works.
sorry about my english


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First of all, I very much want this cream to work.
Unfortunately, I suspect that this is not the case ... In the modern era, the global and the new media that all the information is exposed and easy to publish, I think that if this cream works we would already see pictures of before-after people who were in the studies.
I wish I was wrong. I'm a sparse 6 Norwood who dreams of returning to Norwood 2-3 with a serious regime I've already started. I would be very happy to add the cream if it turns out that he works.
sorry about my english
You never saw clinical trials pic from patients, because every single patient sign confidentiality agreement with the company, unless the company decide to share with the media, we can't never know the results..


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Would have no problem paying $50 a month to stop the damn itch. Nizoral does nothing.