Italian Hair Loss Lotion To Hit The Market In 2016


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Just like the results with minoxidil are variable. Some girls have had amazing results with minoxidil alone
So I wonder if topical treatments favour better results with females vs. males in general ?
It should work better for males. The S-Equol would reduce DHT in the follice, but also agonize the estrogen beta receptor. Estrogen is more effective in men for growing hair.


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Well had my first brotzu lotion dream . I dreamt I was applying it and my hair looked pretty fantastic . it was a pretty sweet dream until I woke up in the middle of the night with a hangover. Im still in bed with a headache, and reality is a little painful this morning .


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Well had my first brotzu lotion dream . I dreamt I was applying it and my hair looked pretty fantastic . it was a pretty sweet dream until I woke up in the middle of the night with a hangover. Im still in bed with a headache, and reality is a little painful this morning .

Don't feel bad. Your hair actually does look fantastic especially considering your age. It's when you dream you're back to being 18 again with your old thick NW1, but you wake up and you're almost 26 and look like sh*t with a diffused NW2.5. That's what sucks.


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With regard to how effective this is going to be....

Run a little survey. Approach people in your life, whether your parents, significant other, teacher, whoever. Simply tell them that you are eagerly awaiting to find out how effective an Italian hair loss lotion can be and that you think it might cure baldness. Note their reaction. Bubble burst. There’s your answer.

This is legit one of the most retarded posts i have read in this past week, but im not surprised that this came from you.


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This is legit one of the most retarded posts i have read in this past week, but im not surprised that this came from you.

The average IQ of this forum has cratered since 2015 or so. I remember when this place used to be reasonably intelligent. Now it's just retard after retard, and they all have sh*t figured out. The less you know, the more you think you know.


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The average IQ of this forum has cratered since 2015 or so. I remember when this place used to be reasonably intelligent. Now it's just retard after retard, and they all have sh*t figured out. The less you know, the more you think you know.

Funniest thing is that some people legit think they are funny, yet they have the iq of a mangoworm. Instead of waiting and updating when there is a proper update, you see posts of either ultra pessimists who don't make sense, or people who ask the same question 10 times over and over again.

Yet at the end of the day when this lotion comes out, everyone from this thread will order it


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Lol, the delusion. Yes, this place is NASA and Dr. Brotzu is President Kennedy allocating a billion dollar budget.

The moon landing was a concentrated, well-researched, and well-funded endeavor that captured the interest of the world. It wasn’t discovered by “accident” by an obscure Italian doctor tinkering in his laboratory.

In before “respected family” and “muh Nobel Prize (nomination).” Just lol.

Lol Arguably the greatest medical discovery ever was penicillin. It was discovered by Sir Alexander Fleming completely by accident when he left to go away on holiday, came back to the lab and observed his dirty Petri dishes. Some of the greatest discoverys were done by accident and like it or not one day people will look back and find it laughable there wasn't a topical to revers hairloss of all types .


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This is only the beginning. In the future there will be a plethora of options oral treatments, ointments, topical, shampoos etc. That actually work!! Brotzu is the innovator.


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Just like the results with minoxidil are variable. Some girls have had amazing results with minoxidil alone
So I wonder if topical treatments favour better results with females vs. males in general ?

thats easy to understand. female patterns have diffuse patterns for most and men have receiding pattern. Women seek hair thickening in general and men want to regrow slick bald area... That's a totally different challenge. I don't believe the "5 years regrowth" and "it's better if you are under 30" claims. this is misleading.
Don't worry for the guy who is over 40 and is barely starting a diffuse thinning; any Workin treatment will do wonders for him.
For the guy in early / mid 20s and is already high norwood that mean he has agressive receiding hairloss which is purely genetic: that's tough to regrowth even 1 year loss. because follicle are kinda dead.


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thats easy to understand. female patterns have diffuse patterns for most and men have receiding pattern. Women seek hair thickening in general and men want to regrow slick bald area... That's a totally different challenge. I don't believe the "5 years regrowth" and "it's better if you are under 30" claims. this is misleading.
Don't worry for the guy who is over 40 and is barely starting a diffuse thinning; any Workin treatment will do wonders for him.
For the guy in early / mid 20s and is already high norwood that mean he has agressive receiding hairloss which is purely genetic: that's tough to regrowth even 1 year loss. because follicle are kinda dead.
From what I understand it takes 1-3 years for the calcification and fibrosis to occur, so the hair follicles dont have a thick layer of skin over them. My temples have receded and I'm losing my widows peak; the thing is I have tiny blonde vellus hairs in the bald spots.
I think Dr.Brotzu means if you still have vellus and maybe even a little of caclfication it can regrow by nourishing those hair follicles and open up the vasodilation/blood channels.
Plus we must not forget that supposedly the Sequol will stop the DHT attack within a week, as the claim goes.

My guess is if you still have vellus hairs it will completely nourish those hairs back to life


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Hope brotzu help us all out of this nightmare but man do I miss those hilarious brotzu meme. Lets all be positive but please let those meme keep coming.

Or we could wait for few more days before the floodgates open.


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The more I think about it, the more the october release date seems real.
I find it a little unethical though if Fidia could release it sooner... I mean the earlier you get your hands on it, the more effective it will prove! DAMN U FIDIA


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From what I understand it takes 1-3 years for the calcification and fibrosis to occur, so the hair follicles dont have a thick layer of skin over them. My temples have receded and I'm losing my widows peak; the thing is I have tiny blonde vellus hairs in the bald spots.
False, there was one particular presentation on the subject of Fibrosis that was posted in hellousers
Japan Hair Congress 2017 section, the conclusion was that complete follicle death occurs only in elderly people (; I guess this also raises the question whether wounding creates new hair or revives already existing ones.

1-3 years claim is also false. I still have vellus in all areas where I used to have hair, this is what we call bald spots even if there are tiny vellus that are invisible unless you get close to the mirrior. It's been 5 years since my first hair turned into a bald spot and a tiny vellus is still there.

My guess is if you still have vellus hairs it will completely nourish those hairs back to life
It's hard, unless this has the strenght of topical estrogen. Don't raise your hopes too high.
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False, there was one particular presentation on the subject of Fibrosis that was posted in hellousers
Japan Hair Congress 2017 section, the conclusion was that complete follicle death occurs only in elderly people ( I guess this also raises the question whether wounding creates new hair or revives already existing ones.

1-3 years claim is also false. I still have vellus in all areas where I used to have hair, this is what we call bald spots even if there are tiny vellus that are invisible unless you get close to the mirrior. It's been 5 years since my first hair turned into a bald spot and a tiny vellus is still there.

It's hard, unless this has the strenght of topical estrogen. Don't raise your hopes too high.
Thanks for more information, I hadn't seen a lot in regards calcification and why it occurs. Though I don't get what 5 years regrowth means if calcification isn't done after 5 years? Maybe it's a loss of progenitor cells nourishing the hair follicle, or lack of blood flow and nutrient channels...

Thanks friend, you give me hope that waiting another 6 months won't be the end


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It's hard, unless this has the strength of topical estrogen. Don't raise your hopes too high.
It has been shown that S-equol, which is a biosynthesized estrogren, stops DHT. I posted it a little earlier in the thread.
It also happens to exert affect on the Estrogen beta receptor, which is responsible for hair growth!
So if anything, S-equol is the best estrogen to apply topically, certainly better than estradiol which activates the negative estrogen alpha receptor.


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Thanks for more information, I hadn't seen a lot in regards calcification and why it occurs. Though I don't get what 5 years regrowth means if calcification isn't done after 5 years?
It will all depend on your personal response, didn't Brotzu say he tested this on someone who was bald for 20 years and it still revived some hairs?

Study summary from Advanced age (aka senile age) negatively impacts hfDSC number and function (both self renewal and differentiation capacity) and may contribute to the diminished regenerative capacity of aged hair follicles.

This new study challenges our view that hairs permanetly die after there is a bald spot. You have to be a man in his 60s or 70s to have permanently dead follicles according to its logic.

Another interesting take: The development of this lotion didn't even last a decade. Therefore, I doubt there was someone who tested this lotion for a period that is longer than 2-5 years. Plus, issues of stability and constantly changing formulas did not allow to show its full potential and it only may be shown after we get or don't get the results. What if the results increase over time? What if what was supressed with DHT, gets slowly revived, taking into account the damage and the duration of baldness. Then, after 5-10 years of using this lotion people could turn into fullheads. However, as I said I'm quiete skeptical even if that Alopecia Totalis woman regrew some peach fuzz in 2 years (or something) suffering 40 years of baldness.
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It will all depend on your personal response, didn't Brotzu say he tested this on someone who was bald for 20 years and it still revived some hairs?

Study summary from Advanced age (aka senile age) negatively impacts hfDSC number and function (both self renewal and differentiation capacity) and may contribute to the diminished regenerative capacity of aged hair follicles.

This new study challenges our view that hairs permanetly die after there is a bald spot. You have to be a man in his 60s or 70s to have permanently dead follicles according to its logic.

Another interesting take: The development of this lotion didn't even last a decade. Therefore, I doubt there was someone who tested this lotion for a period that is longer than 2-5 years. Plus, issues of stability and constantly changing formulas did not allow to show its full potential and it only may be shown after we get or don't get the results. What if the results increase over time? What if what was supressed with DHT, gets slowly revived, taking into account the damage and the duration of baldness. Then, after 5-10 years of using this lotion people could turn into fullheads. However, as I said I'm quiete skeptical even if that Alopecia Totalis woman regrew some peach fuzz in 2 years (or something) suffering 40 years of baldness.
I'm wondering if the regenerative capacity is alluding to the progenitor cells that help the hair grow, and seem to be lost. When I looked into shisheido, from what I understood it didn't offer perfect regrowth of the scalp even with stem cell cultivation of the DHT resistant stem cells being injected. This was somewhat briefly alluded to a loss of progenitor cells, an extra aspect hair growth responsible for the anagen phase being completed.
Anyways this is very good news and would explain why @beps63 was still able to reclaim Norwoods.