Italian Hair Loss Lotion To Hit The Market In 2016


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Can an italian speaker please help with the translation of the video from the moment 19:23, when the pictures are shown by Brotzu?

Also, I think there is some useful info that we never heard before on slide 12 of the presentation, where the lotion's specificities are presented, the translated version posted by a member is not very clear.


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Brotzu running that Michael Jackson game...


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It's me Royaume.
Ok guys I have to admit that I was wrong. I believed in the loser Brotzu clan. All the nahsayers were right. Congratulation.. I mean you did not win anything but will continue to lose hair but as a man I have to admit it that I believed the Brotzu clan lies.

@beps63 I will pray every night that you and your old dad will get the worst diseases on this planet. I want you to suffer. Sometimes god is really great. I am not lucky with hair but believe it or not. Karma exists. You tricked almost all of us for the last 2 years.

When I saw the picture of your dad at sitri I already saw it on his face :" oh dear, I will f*** my reputation in a few minutes" .... The meme guys could create something on this pic. Our savior brotzu? Dont you dare again to compare even histogen shitty results to the even more purified sh*t results of the brotzus.
@beps63 this loser even dares to write a message a few hours before the meeting begins like NOW you will see what I know for the last years.

BY god, if I were at this conference I would hit the 100 year old man from the stage and if this beps guy was also there I would love to fkcing smash his bald head on the wall.

To the rest of you. It is really importsnt from now on to make everyone aware of these sammers.

And please stop this sh*t like I WiLL try it, maybe it works on younger patients. Its enough! Its over. Brotzus are fkcing liars.

I will post his pictures of brotzus bald head and all the other information that I have. I dont care. I just want to maie sure thst they will not earn a single euro by scamming other young guys.

To be honest I have seen really impressing before and afters from users of the Alternative lotion. I got the pics from a reliable source from this forum. I will not share them because I promise I will not do it but right now it does not matter. Maybe he will post them because right now its over.

DO NOT SUPPORT the brotzu clan. I will spread furthe Information on all other important hair loss sites.

@beps63 its over you lying b*tch.

Credit to Br1, INT and all the other pessimistic users here. As a man I apologize but right now my bets are on aclaris, follica, Shiseido. I am frustrated but thats life.

Dont protect the BROTZUS. Hunt them and expose them.

Wow man, being disappointed with results is one thing, but being this hostile and attacking people is a completely different thing. You should be ashamed.


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Well, I can't believe I fell for that.

Why would anyone, with the level of respect Brotzu has, make such unsubstantiated claims? Why would @beps63 come in here and make claims that simply can't be backed up with no explanation. We are ignorant so if you no anything more, tell us? Works great on young guys? Show us.

If this had been framed as an addition to the big three that can stabilise hairloss we would all be at least moderatley happy. But to hype it up @beps63 and then show pictures of 1 male from the 30 and no hair counts, what did you expect the reaction to be?

You have written a cryptic message on your Facebook which us sad people actually check.

If you have evidence show us, and if it can do what you say it can do, I'd pay £1000 per bottle.


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Wow the fact that Fidia or that team even swapped the photos shows their imcompetency. Maybe they accidentally used the wrong pics and the ones with best results werent shown? Just joking of course. I am not to trust anything further coming from this, we'll see what Beps has to say. Certainly never getting my hopes up for something unless clear proof is provided.


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I dont want to hijack this thread, but if anyone here wants maintenance without sexual sides you might want to give 2g/day seti a try.

Its expensive as hell let me warn you though.

Im getting a lot of vellus hairs in the temple region and solid maintenance in the vertex area..

Just took this pic right now. I used my front facing camera at work so sorry about the quality .

View attachment 85239

View attachment 85240
It's me Royaume.
Ok guys I have to admit that I was wrong. I believed in the loser Brotzu clan. All the nahsayers were right. Congratulation.. I mean you did not win anything but will continue to lose hair but as a man I have to admit it that I believed the Brotzu clan lies.

@beps63 I will pray every night that you and your old dad will get the worst diseases on this planet. I want you to suffer. Sometimes god is really great. I am not lucky with hair but believe it or not. Karma exists. You tricked almost all of us for the last 2 years.

When I saw the picture of your dad at sitri I already saw it on his face :" oh dear, I will f*** my reputation in a few minutes" .... The meme guys could create something on this pic. Our savior brotzu? Dont you dare again to compare even histogen shitty results to the even more purified sh*t results of the brotzus.
@beps63 this loser even dares to write a message a few hours before the meeting begins like NOW you will see what I know for the last years.

BY god, if I were at this conference I would hit the 100 year old man from the stage and if this beps guy was also there I would love to fkcing smash his bald head on the wall.

To the rest of you. It is really importsnt from now on to make everyone aware of these sammers.

And please stop this sh*t like I WiLL try it, maybe it works on younger patients. Its enough! Its over. Brotzus are fkcing liars.

I will post his pictures of brotzus bald head and all the other information that I have. I dont care. I just want to maie sure thst they will not earn a single euro by scamming other young guys.

To be honest I have seen really impressing before and afters from users of the Alternative lotion. I got the pics from a reliable source from this forum. I will not share them because I promise I will not do it but right now it does not matter. Maybe he will post them because right now its over.

DO NOT SUPPORT the brotzu clan. I will spread furthe Information on all other important hair loss sites.

@beps63 its over you lying b*tch.

Credit to Br1, INT and all the other pessimistic users here. As a man I apologize but right now my bets are on aclaris, follica, Shiseido. I am frustrated but thats life.

Dont protect the BROTZUS. Hunt them and expose them.

You don't need hair ... You NEED A f*****g PSYCHIATRIST.


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Why would @beps63 come in here and make claims that simply can't be backed up with no explanation
Because, like I have said 50 times already, beps63 of this forum is a troll. He's got nothing to do with Fidia or Brotzu. Again, he's a troll. It's your own fault that you believe in the significance of words written by an unknown troll on a forum. No one else to blame than your stupid self.


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I also expected different pictures with different results. Inside my head there are some negative thoughts like this will not work, Brotzu is a scammer etc. but there is still a side of me that is a mix of hope and looking for evidence that it is working. If I am looking at the pictures that we already know and the ones from yesterday especially the female one, which clearly shows an improvement, I come to the conclusion that Brotzu is not a scammer. His product certainly works. But how well, everyone of us has to find out for himself, if he decides to test it.
There have been also guys with the spato lotion and of course Wuwei, that have had some good results. I cannot believe that all the other stories are made up too.
Brotzu also claimed before that we should lower our expectations. I certainly will test it since Minoxidil and Finasteride are not working for me. If this is a treatment that at leat helps me to keep my hair and stops hairloss I am satisfied at first.


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Hahaha as if thid fkxing old italian liar has the balls to reappear on this thread.

"Has the balls the reappear in this thread". The fact that you think someone needs "balls" to comment on any thread just shows the useless, airhead thoughts that run through your mind mate. This 1000 page thread has ruined this forum, we used to have character, memes and a place to vent. Now it's just sub-human.

It's over

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Been lurking in this tread for a while and there is so many things that does not ad up.

Both Dr Brotzu and his son, or whoever that obscure Beps63 is, were very confident on several occasions that this lotion was functioning very well.

They claim that several years of hairloss could be regained with the lotion and that it worked particular well in younger people. The patent claims excellent results as well.

Dr Brotzu showed us results in the young girl 2016 and the showed complete regrowth. The guys in the Italian forum who claimed to have copied the lotion also showed good results.

Fida which is a well-respected company also believed in the lotion. All this example point towards that the lotion is legit.

But after this presentation I am absolutely baffled,

The power point looked amateurish not the works of a Doctor, and the weirdest part of all is that it showed only one picture of a male treated with the lotion even though the tested it on several patients, the picture is taken like many other said on an older man that probably lost his hairs decades ago.

Everything about this is completely weird

1. It’s a scientific conference if pictures are shown should they not be under a microscope showing regrowth, thickening or something like that? In the pictures I find it hard to see any improvement or difference at all.

2. If this lotion is a scam why the hell did they even attend to this conference and show unsatisfying results, this makes people not want to buy it.

3. I also find it weird with the amount of lies. Why would a respected doctor in his final years of life lie about this lotion? To make money is the easiest answer, but then the presentation pictures? Could just change the lighting, given the people finasteride+minoxidil

during the trials to fake results.

4. Also, the copied lotion? Was that a part of the lie?

5. Beps63 claimed the other day that good pictures would be shown? Why? Just to f*** with us less than a week before the conference?

6. The % polls do not ad up if you think about the amount of people in the trials.

7. In the presentation I Think he said that the hairs did not get any thickness, the complete opposite of the claims in the patent.

I don’t know what to believe about this. They say hope is the last thing that leaves man..

Could there be the case that FIDIA have good result but of some reason waits to realise them until they are ready? The conference was after all not for the public if I got that part right. Only a fool’s hope remains….

Sorry for long post and possible errors and incoherence’s, English is my second language.