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I'm currently trying to convince my doctor to prescribe me effective stuff to start a REAL regimen, but by the time I'm applying once a day an home made topical that reduced my itch to close to nothing. Just wanted to share as the ingredients are super common :

- Progestogel (weak anti androgen)
- Stemoxydine, L'Oreal Serioxil (supposedly promoting hair growth)
- Castor oil (supposedly promoting hair growth)
- Tea Tree Essential Oil, 8 drops (proven anti fungal and anti inflammatory effects, supposed weak anti androgen)
- Aloe Vera gel (to hydrate the scalp, as both Progestogel and Serioxyl contains alcohol)

I've been using this for a week and my scalp feels somehow fresher and more comfortable. Hope that helps :xmas:


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I'm currently trying to convince my doctor to prescribe me effective stuff to start a REAL regimen, but by the time I'm applying once a day an home made topical that reduced my itch to close to nothing. Just wanted to share as the ingredients are super common :

- Progestogel (weak anti androgen)
- Stemoxydine, L'Oreal Serioxil (supposedly promoting hair growth)
- Castor oil (supposedly promoting hair growth)
- Tea Tree Essential Oil, 8 drops (proven anti fungal and anti inflammatory effects, supposed weak anti androgen)
- Aloe Vera gel (to hydrate the scalp, as both Progestogel and Serioxyl contains alcohol)

I've been using this for a week and my scalp feels somehow fresher and more comfortable. Hope that helps :xmas:

YES!! I am happy for you.


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Thanks :D how is your RU experiment going ?

eh.. we will see in a couple more months. I am still losing hair, but most of the itch, burn, and that awesome feeling of red ants slowly crawling under my scalp has diminished greatly. I said a prayer the night I quit finasteride - "Just let me go bald already, I don't care... just PLEASE, PLEASE take away this horrible feeling". So, I suppose if I do go bald, I was asking for it.


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eh.. we will see in a couple more months. I am still losing hair, but most of the itch, burn, and that awesome feeling of red ants slowly crawling under my scalp has diminished greatly. I said a prayer the night I quit finasteride - "Just let me go bald already, I don't care... just PLEASE, PLEASE take away this horrible feeling". So, I suppose if I do go bald, I was asking for it.

Wow that sounds horrible. Happy it's gone. The sensations coming with loosing hair are IMO almost harder to bear than the shedding as it really makes the problem impossible to forget during the day.
That sounds like a good sign, hang on you'll get there !
I'm also considering RU as CPA is not stable enough to make a topical out of it and as I am having a hard time convincing my doctor to let me try men's drugs.
They don't even want to hear about little carrierist me not wanting kids for the next 15 years.


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Wow that sounds horrible. Happy it's gone. The sensations coming with loosing hair are IMO almost harder to bear than the shedding as it really makes the problem impossible to forget during the day.
That sounds like a good sign, hang on you'll get there !
I'm also considering RU as CPA is not stable enough to make a topical out of it and as I am having a hard time convincing my doctor to let me try men's drugs.
They don't even want to hear about little carrierist me not wanting kids for the next 15 years.

Yeah, well you know, liability.. I think RU should be a part of everyone's regimen. We are battling androgens. It makes sense to attack both the androgen levels and the AR's. I still believe that despite DHT, high test in itself can cause balding. This isn't a problem for you, but since finasteride just drastically increased my hair loss, I think my best method of attack is not in the blood stream, but at the AR's.


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I think so too. You might look at your test / oestrogen balance. Maybe finasteride messed up with it and aggravated your hair loss.
From what I remember you have an aggressive diffuse pattern and low dht. I recently saw a log here by someone in that case who completely stopped the balding process by getting on dutasteride. His levels of serum DHT were so low they were hardly noticeable.
Have you considered dutasteride, knowing that it inhibits almost all of the 5ar type 2 ?


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Hello Parisienne ( i'm french too).
Think aloe vera help you a lot, it's know to have an anti-inflammatory action. Very good for skin. ( And your scalp).


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Salut !
Yes I already know aloe vera as I've been using it on my skin for ages as part of an organic skin care regimen :)


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I never had an itch like most experience but in the shower under hot water I wanted to rip my scalp off because of the itch. Sense adding 10 drops of tea tree oil and 10 drops of peppermint oil into my lipogaine minoxdil bottle my itch under the shower has gone. I feel it maybe once every 3 weeks.


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I think so too. You might look at your test / oestrogen balance. Maybe finasteride messed up with it and aggravated your hair loss.
From what I remember you have an aggressive diffuse pattern and low dht. I recently saw a log here by someone in that case who completely stopped the balding process by getting on dutasteride. His levels of serum DHT were so low they were hardly noticeable.
Have you considered dutasteride, knowing that it inhibits almost all of the 5ar type 2 ?

Yes, I am on dutasteride now for almost two months... perhaps that is helping with the scalp inflammation as well. I just hope it's legit, because it's from an online pharmacy. No dermatologist would prescribe it to me.


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I never had an itch like most experience but in the shower under hot water I wanted to rip my scalp off because of the itch. Sense adding 10 drops of tea tree oil and 10 drops of peppermint oil into my lipogaine minoxdil bottle my itch under the shower has gone. I feel it maybe once every 3 weeks.

Concerning the itch it's doing an amazing work. Have you tried lavender ? Also anti-inflammatory.

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Yes, I am on dutasteride now for almost two months... perhaps that is helping with the scalp inflammation as well. I just hope it's legit, because it's from an online pharmacy. No dermatologist would prescribe it to me.

Where did you get it from ?
Haha, damn dermatologists, never willing to help. My first one even told me "no young women never get Androgenetic Alopecia, it's all in your head, take minoxidil for one month and you'll get better, and get some sebiprox for the itch" (y) thanks b**ch, you've lost a client.


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Concerning the itch it's doing an amazing work. Have you tried lavender ? Also anti-inflammatory.

- - - Updated - - -

Where did you get it from ?
Haha, damn dermatologists, never willing to help. My first one even told me "no young women never get Androgenetic Alopecia, it's all in your head, take minoxidil for one month and you'll get better, and get some sebiprox for the itch" (y) thanks b**ch, you've lost a client.

What a jack ***... Why is it that dermatologists seem to know nothing about hair? I forget what it's called, I will look into my e-mails. maybe?? Who knows if it's legit, I should get it tested. It's impossible to find an online pharmacy with 100% reputable credentials. I know you can trust medical wellness center, so I may just start ordering it from there. I think they ship internationally, but am not sure.


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What a jack ***... Why is it that dermatologists seem to know nothing about hair? I forget what it's called, I will look into my e-mails. maybe?? Who knows if it's legit, I should get it tested. It's impossible to find an online pharmacy with 100% reputable credentials. I know you can trust medical wellness center, so I may just start ordering it from there. I think they ship internationally, but am not sure.

Because 15 years ago when they were in derm school they just heard "okay so regardless of the cause, give minoxidil 2% to women, maybe 5% if they are desperate, everybody understood ? ok fine class is finished" that's why.

The guy I previously mentionned got his from Don't know about the other one, I'll definitely check thank you, I had no answer from my Doctor :(


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Parisienne, that's wonderful. I never had the itch, but I've had a terrible burning and sore sensation, and even being in the sun for a couple of minutes, my scalp felt like someone was holding a magnifying glass over my head. I have Androgenetic Alopecia and experience bouts of high Telogen Effluvium sheds, and that's when I feel that discomfort. I think it's because so many hairs are falling out all at once, it takes a toll on my scalp. I've tried tea tree oil, castor oil and aloe vera gel, which didn't help. I don't recall if you mentioned if you've been diagnosed with Androgenetic Alopecia. I think you're young, and I'm sorry that you're going through this so soon. I hope things turn around for you. Thanks for sharing your treatments.


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Parisienne, that's wonderful. I never had the itch, but I've had a terrible burning and sore sensation, and even being in the sun for a couple of minutes, my scalp felt like someone was holding a magnifying glass over my head. I have Androgenetic Alopecia and experience bouts of high Telogen Effluvium sheds, and that's when I feel that discomfort. I think it's because so many hairs are falling out all at once, it takes a toll on my scalp. I've tried tea tree oil, castor oil and aloe vera gel, which didn't help. I don't recall if you mentioned if you've been diagnosed with Androgenetic Alopecia. I think you're young, and I'm sorry that you're going through this so soon. I hope things turn around for you. Thanks for sharing your treatments.

Hi Joan thanks for support, I've been reading your posts here and also on heralopecia and I think you're very brave.
I'm indeed young, I'm 22 and I have just been diagnosed with Androgenetic Alopecia. All the men of my family (father's side) have been norwood 7 before 30.
My life is great so I'm holding on but I can't get on with my life if I know I am not sufficiently treated and when you have my genes, "sufficiently treated" is "go hard or go home"
I'm sorry your scalp feels so bad. Are you not wearing a wig now ? If nothing works I'm totally shaving and wearing every style I want like I'm Beyoncé but I'm trying everything first. If balding men can maintain I can maintain too. Thank you again for that kind message. I hope the pain/anxiety is gone for you along with time .

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Females can use stronger anti androgens than males.
spironolactone is more effective than Progesterone for females, and there's a US study on that.

Also, Minoxidil works for sixty percent of females, which is higher than for males (five percent).

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Also, Spriro is more effective than Progesterone. I only use Progesterone because
I am male. If I was female, I would use spironolactone.

Hi k9gatton thanks for advice!
Truth is I'm actually under Cyproterone Acetate as a birth control pill, and this because of acne. I highly doubt spironolactone would do anything to me. Next stop would be flutamide which I'm a bit afraid of. I could also get on a 5AR inhibitor, I KNOW women should not take it because of pregnancy risks but as mentionned before, I don't want kids for the next 15 years. And honestly how could I even get pregnant on cyproterone acetate.
If I can't be prescribed anything I'll get myself some RU.
Do you thing S5 cream is effective ? I thought it was too weak.

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Oh and I am not a fond of minoxidil since it's not treating the cause. Starting minoxidil and minoxidil only is a race against time.. I just want to maintain what I have.


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Hi Joan thanks for support, I've been reading your posts here and also on heralopecia and I think you're very brave.
I'm indeed young, I'm 22 and I have just been diagnosed with Androgenetic Alopecia. All the men of my family (father's side) have been norwood 7 before 30.
My life is great so I'm holding on but I can't get on with my life if I know I am not sufficiently treated and when you have my genes, "sufficiently treated" is "go hard or go home"
I'm sorry your scalp feels so bad. Are you not wearing a wig now ? If nothing works I'm totally shaving and wearing every style I want like I'm Beyoncé but I'm trying everything first. If balding men can maintain I can maintain too. Thank you again for that kind message. I hope the pain/anxiety is gone for you along with time .

- - - Updated - - -

Thank you, but I think your attitude sounds much better than mine. I haven't posted on HerAlopecia in ages; I rarely visit either. It's the same old thing there, and you're only allowed to be just so negative. There's much more information here and freedom to express yourself on any and everything. I'm glad you ended up here too. You're intelligent and an asset. Androgenetic Alopecia in men and women runs on both sides of my family, so that bullet just could not be dodged. I started 25 mgs. of spironolactone in September and increased to 50 mgs. about two months ago. In the last few weeks, I've noticed stomach bloat, and when I weighed myself last week, I had gained about five pounds. Unacceptable! For a week and a half, I've been eating very little, and I cannot lose the weight. I stopped the spironolactone last week because I read about a lot of women who experienced the same thing while taking it. I have never had a problem losing a few pounds here and there, until now. Fat is not an option for me, so we'll see if the spironolactone was the culprit. I'm not in a wig yet, but I know that day is coming soon.

I do hope your treatments work for you, even if it's just maintaining what you have or slowing things down dramatically. :)


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Thank you, but I think your attitude sounds much better than mine. I haven't posted on HerAlopecia in ages; I rarely visit either. It's the same old thing there, and you're only allowed to be just so negative. There's much more information here and freedom to express yourself on any and everything. I'm glad you ended up here too. You're intelligent and an asset. Androgenetic Alopecia in men and women runs on both sides of my family, so that bullet just could not be dodged. I started 25 mgs. of spironolactone in September and increased to 50 mgs. about two months ago. In the last few weeks, I've noticed stomach bloat, and when I weighed myself last week, I had gained about five pounds. Unacceptable! For a week and a half, I've been eating very little, and I cannot lose the weight. I stopped the spironolactone last week because I read about a lot of women who experienced the same thing while taking it. I have never had a problem losing a few pounds here and there, until now. Fat is not an option for me, so we'll see if the spironolactone was the culprit. I'm not in a wig yet, but I know that day is coming soon.

I do hope your treatments work for you, even if it's just maintaining what you have or slowing things down dramatically. :)

Joan thank you <3
I've never written anything on heralopecia, I just went there after my diagnosis because I thought women Androgenetic Alopecia was really different than men's and that maybe I could get answers there. I understood that it would not be the case as I made research and I'm mainly here for the "new research" and "antiandrogen" sections. I barely visit "impact section" since I don't want to get depressed :p
Your side effect on spironolactone really sucks and I totally agree that's unacceptable x). Have you thought of a topical approach (namely RU) ?
And strangely I think that the time I will have to shave and get a wig will be less horrible than commonly expected. I mean, I've always wanted to try blonde hair, Khaleesi style. Also black long bob with bangs. Also pale pink. And this denim new hair trend ? Awesome. And shaved hair means more space for tattoos too. I love tattoos. Wishing you the best <3


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To be honest, I've avoided chemicals like the plague for years (hypochondriac, but that's a whole other issue). I never even thought I'd use Rogaine when all this started, and here I am, ingesting a medication my body doesn't need for a condition I don't even have, with the possibility of increasing my risk of cancer. I live every day for my kids, and I must be nuts to jeopardize my health for hair. It's selfish really. Anyway, I don't think I'd try RU, but maybe when my scalp becomes more visible, I'll change my tune again.

I think wigs would be fun too but only if they'd be my choosing. I do have two (hate them!), which I bought when I panicked a year into this nightmare. I've worn them around the house a few times. God, they're uncomfortable (itchy after a while). I wouldn't mind a wig to change things up (probably my husband would like it!) as long as I had a full head of hair underneath when I pulled it off. I do love your attitude, though!


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Being such a careful mom is the exact contrary of selfish.

I see what you mean. Good wigs are really expensive. I think I will get one, which looks like my Lana Del Rey style ex-hair, but a lot of fun ones, to wear occasionaly.
I feel that having a rather provocative attitude towards things helps me to get through challenging events like this. Life is a game hey.

To be honest, I've avoided chemicals like the plague for years (hypochondriac, but that's a whole other issue). I never even thought I'd use Rogaine when all this started, and here I am, ingesting a medication my body doesn't need for a condition I don't even have, with the possibility of increasing my risk of cancer. I live every day for my kids, and I must be nuts to jeopardize my health for hair. It's selfish really. Anyway, I don't think I'd try RU, but maybe when my scalp becomes more visible, I'll change my tune again.

I think wigs would be fun too but only if they'd be my choosing. I do have two (hate them!), which I bought when I panicked a year into this nightmare. I've worn them around the house a few times. God, they're uncomfortable (itchy after a while). I wouldn't mind a wig to change things up (probably my husband would like it!) as long as I had a full head of hair underneath when I pulled it off. I do love your attitude, though!