Itchy/Tingly scalp


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Hey I've asked this before but I never got a good answer. I've been using proscar for about 6 months, with mediocre results (ie. my hair has gotten slightly worse, but only slightly). However i still seem to get that tingly/itchy feeling on my scalp every one and awhile (maybe once every couple hours). Nothing crazy, and i dont have any dandruff, and most of the time its so minor i dont have to scratch, but its still there. I'm wondering if anyone who is responded well to finasteride still gets the itches ever? I'm worried that its a sign that DHT is still reaking havoc on my follicles


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Thanks, but this isn't really what I was asking for, im really curious as to whether or not i should have any itching if proscar is working, i use nizoral and folligen as well. Im not looking for recommendations to stop the itching


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long lost thread...but i too have this tingly feeling when my hair are shedding and weak in the scares me even to touch my scalp thinkng that just touching the follicles would bring my hair out....more often than not it does get hair out whenever this tingly feeling exists...

do u guys feel this follicle feeling thing on your scalp when you run ur hands thru?...Do all male pattern baldness hairs falling give this kind of tingly feeling (slight pain even) when touched?...bcoz of this i dread having a massage and havent really had one for years .. :sobbing:

uncomfortable man

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Does that mean it's working or it's hurting?


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maybe you have a fungus or demodex mites.
does the itching occur anywhere else?
like on your face.

there's a whole topic about it over on regrowth.

who knows if it's baloney - worth reading just to explore a not so mainstream idea.

ecalyptus oil (left on for 3mins before shampooing) works well for me to control itching.


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thanx billythekid...what dyu mean "there's a whole topic about it over on regrowth." Is "regrowth" a forum??

...however its not itching per say...i dunno what to call it...a better description would be 'sensitive follicles' i think....there is ever so slight pain at the follicles when i touch the scalp...when i touch the scalp on the top of my head, its not like the normal feeling that i get when i touch my scalp at the back/sides of my head....i really avoid touching my top scalp bcoz of this "sensitive scalp" thing...(dunno what else to call it)..!! does anyone else has the same feeling in the area of scalp where the hair are coming out easily??...


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regrowth is another forum.

i get the tingly feeling in my hair as well and then notice thinning in that area.

have you tried nizoral?


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I'm in the exact same situation as you. Been on fincar for about 6 months. Still losing it and getting the itchy/tingly scalp. I don't really remember having it before I started fincar though...


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This is called inflammation guys. And it is a result of DHT attacking your hair follicles. You need to do what you can do to stop this feeling whether it be changing diet or stopping smoking, using some anti-inflammatory topicals, whatever.

What works for someone else may not work for you.
You have to experiment to see what works for yourself.


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Is inflammation in any way related to DHT in scalp??..I never knew that until i googled it up and found this article on this very site... the many found on the net, this is yet another piece of medical "info" that ends inconclusively and in an "I am not sure of anything...I am just saying what wat i heard" tone!!


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billythekid said:
maybe you have a fungus or demodex mites.
does the itching occur anywhere else?
like on your face.

there's a whole topic about it over on regrowth.

who knows if it's baloney - worth reading just to explore a not so mainstream idea.

ecalyptus oil (left on for 3mins before shampooing) works well for me to control itching.

billythekid, can you post the link to that thread here? if its not allowed by admin, PM me the link. Thanks!